Journal Boards

Editor in Chief

Prof. Dr. Fatma Zehra ÇAKICI Atatürk University, Department of Architecture, Erzurum, Türkiye Türkiye Web
Built Environment and Design, Architecture, Architectural Design, Physical Environment Control, Building Science, Technologies and Systems, Protection, Restoration and Repair in Buildings, Environment, Habitation and Products, Structural Integrity and Damage

Associate Editors

Prof. Dr. Aslı ER AKAN Çankaya University, Department of Architecture, Ankara, Türkiye Türkiye
Building Science, Technologies and Systems, Structural Integrity and Damage
Asst. Prof. Dr. Defne DURSUN Atatürk University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Erzurum, Türkiye Türkiye
Urban Economics, Built Environment and Design, Urban Geography in Regional Planning, Participation and Governance, Urban Morphology, Urban History, Urban Planning and Health, Urban Design, City and Regional Planning, Regional Planning

Editorial Board Members

Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra SERT MEF ÜNİVERSİTESİ Türkiye Web
Ecology, Sustainability and Energy, Urban History, Architectural Design
Dr. Aleksa BİJELOVİC Curtin University, School of Design and the Built Environment, Perth, Australia Australia Web
Interior Architecture , Design Culture and Social Context , Design Practice and Methods
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bartosz CZARNECKİ Białystok University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Poland Poland
Architectural Design
Asst. Prof. Dr. Bilge ÇAKIR Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Hatay, Türkiye Türkiye Web
Climate Change-Impact and Adaptation, Human Geography, Environmental Impact Assessment, Ecology, Sustainability and Energy, Urban and Regional Planning Education, Migration, Climate and Water Policies, Risk Policy, Rural Development, Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism, Land Use and Environmental Planning, Urban Geography in Regional Planning, Urban Morphology, City and Regional Planning, Landscape Planning, Natural Hazards
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceren KATİPOĞLU ÖZMEN Çankaya University, Department of Architecture, Ankara, Türkiye Türkiye
Built Environment and Design, Architectural Heritage and Conservation, Architectural History, Theory and Criticism, History of Architecture, Art History
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gonca Zeynep TUNÇBİLEK DİNÇER University of Pennsylvania United States Web
Built Environment and Design, Architecture, Architectural History, Theory and Criticism, Architectural Design, Architecture (Other), Design, Design Culture and Social Context , Design History, Theory and Criticism, History of Architecture, Aesthetics in Architecture, Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies, Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other)
Prof. Ertu UNVER University of Huddersfield, Department of Design & The Built Environment, Huddersfield, United Kingdom United Kingdom Web
Industrial Product Design
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülçin TUNÇ Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Türkiye Web
Gender, Policy and Administration, Economic Development Policy, Urbanization Policies, Urban Policy, Urban Sociology and Community Studies
Urban Field Management, Urban Design, Architectural Design
Prof. Dr. Hilal Tuğba ÖRMECİOĞLU Akdeniz University, Department of Architecture, Antalya, Türkiye Türkiye Web
Architectural History, Theory and Criticism
Prof. Dr. Krystyna JANUSZKİEWİCZ West Pomeranian University of Technology, Department of Architectural Design, Szczecin, Poland Poland Web
Architectural Design
Prof. Dr. Manu P. SOBTİ University of Queensland, Design and Planning, Queensland, Australia Australia

Dr. Manu P. Sobti is a landscape historian and urban interlocutor of the Global South with research specialisations in South Asia, South East Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Within the gamut of the Global, the Islamic, and the Non-Western, his continuing work examines borderland transgressions and their intertwinement with human mobilities, indigeneities, and the narratives of passage across these liminal sites. From his perspective, ‘land-centered’ and ‘deep’ place histories replete with human actors serve as critical and de-colonizing processes that negate the top-down master-narratives wherein borders and boundaries simplistically delineate nation states and their scalar range of internal geographies. He was previously Associate Professor at the School of Architecture & Urban Planning (SARUP), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee USA (2006-16). He has a B.Dipl.Arch. from the School of Architecture-CEPT (Ahmedabad - INDIA), an SMarchS. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge - USA), and a Ph.D. from the College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta - USA).

As a recognized scholar and innovative educator, Sobti served as Director of SARUP-UWM’s India Winterim Program (2008-15). This foreign study program worked intensively with local architecture schools in Ahmedabad, Delhi and Chandigarh, allowing students and faculty to interact actively, often within the gamut of the same project. He also set up a similar, research-focused program in Uzbekistan, engaging advanced undergraduate and graduate students to undertake field research at sites, archives and cultural landscapes. In partnership with the Art History Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and SARUP colleagues, Sobti also co-coordinated the Building-Landscapes-Cultures (BLC) Concentration of SARUP-UWM’s Doctoral Program (2011-13), creating opportunities for student research in diverse areas of architectural and urban history and in multiple global settings. He served as the Chair of SARUP's PhD Committee between 2014-16, leading an area of BLC's research consortium titled Urban Histories and Contested Geographies.

Sobti's research has been supported by multiple funding bodies, including the Graham Foundation of the Arts (USA), the Architectural Association (UK), the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research (USA), the French Institute of Central Asian Studies (UZBEKISTAN), the US Department of State Fulbright Foundation (USA), the Aga Khan Foundation (SWITZERLAND), the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (USA), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), the Centre for 21st Century Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA), the Institute for Research in the Humanities University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), Stanford University (USA), in addition to collaborations with institutions in New Delhi/Chandigarh/Ahmedabad (INDIA), Samarqand/Bukhara (UZBEKISTAN), Erzurum (TURKEY) and New Orleans (USA). He has also served as a United States Department of State Fulbright Senior Specialist Scholar and received 7 Research Fellowships at important institutions worldwide. He is a nominated Expert Member of the ICOMOS-ICIP (Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites) International Committee, responsible for debate and stewardship on contentious cultural heritage issues globally.

History of Architecture
Dr. Roberta FERRİTTO Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Italy Web
Architectural Heritage and Conservation, Architectural History, Theory and Criticism, Architectural Design
Prof. Dr. Ruzica S BOGDANOVİC It is not affiliated with an institution Serbia
Urban Aesthetics, Architectural Design
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Susana ALVES Sapienza University of Rome Italy

Susana Alves is an Environmental Psychologist with a Ph.D. in Architecture (Environment-Behavior Studies). Her work examines how natural landscapes can promote health and psychological well-being. Her research has focused on diverse groups of people, including older adults, migrants, and urban residents under stress. Through the assessment of landscape perceptions and activities, her research has addressed quality-of-life issues in neighbourhood outdoor spaces and in institutional settings for older populations. Key elements of her work include a multi-method approach to research, an emphasis on policy-related social issues, and a commitment to promoting culturally relevant social and environmental interventions for diverse communities.

Research topics of interest involve examining nature-based interventions in school settings, risk behavior in contexts of natural disasters, tangible and intangible aspects of historic
landscapes, and atmospheres in architecture. Dr. Alves has engaged in research and teaching activities in Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and Italy.

Architecture and Environmental Psychology
Dr. Nur Maizura AHMAD NOORHANİ Universiti Teknologi MARA, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Department of Interior Architecture, Selangor, Malaysia Malaysia
Interior Architecture
Asst. Prof. Dr. Şeyma YİĞİT UZUNALİ Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Department of Landscape Architecture, Hatay, Türkiye Türkiye Web
Machine Learning Algorithms, Classification Algorithms, Built Environment and Design, Landscape Planning, Geographic Information Systems

Foreign Language Editor

Asst. Prof. Dr. Defne DURSUN Atatürk University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Erzurum, Türkiye Türkiye
Urban Economics, Built Environment and Design, Urban Geography in Regional Planning, Participation and Governance, Urban Morphology, Urban History, Urban Planning and Health, Urban Design, City and Regional Planning, Regional Planning

Layout Editor

Res. Assist. Cihad BİLGE Atatürk University, Department of Landscape Design, Erzurum, Türkiye Türkiye
Landscape Architecture
Res. Assist. Beyza Nur ÇALIŞKAN KELEŞ Atatürk University, Department of Architecture, Erzurum, Türkiye Türkiye Web
Interior Architecture , Architectural Design, Sustainable Architecture
Last Update Time: 3/24/25, 1:17:26 PM

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