Eğitim ve Bilim Politikaları Araştırma Derneği

Scientific Journals Coordinator Ercan Apaydın
City Ankara
Address Hacı Bayram Mahallesi, Çankırı Caddesi, YIBA Çarşısı, 45, Altındağ-ANKARA
Institution Web Site https://egitimvebilimpolitikalariarastirmadernegi.org/
Phone +90 505 811 90 31
Description The Education and Science Policies Research Association is a non-governmental organization established to conduct research on education policies, education and science theories, philosophies, programs, technology applications and field education at national and international levels, to prepare reports, to support scientific activities carried out by other individuals, institutions and organizations in these fields, to contribute to the Turkish education system and the field of science by organizing scientific-academic and current printed and/or electronic publication activities at national and international levels, as well as scientific events such as courses, panels, conferences, workshops, symposiums, etc.; and to develop communication and cooperation between individuals, institutions and non-governmental organizations operating in all areas of education and science at home and abroad for these purposes.
Total Journal Number 2
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Synergy International Journal of Field Education Researches Cover image
6th Year
Turkuaz Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Dergisi Cover image
6th Year
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