İzmir Academy Association

Concessionaire Ömer Aydın
Scientific Journals Coordinator Ömer Aydın
E-Mail izmirakademidernegi@gmail.com
Phone +90 555 597 19 84
Institution Web Site https://www.izmirakademi.org
City İzmir
Address Büyükkale Mh. Kerimoğlu Sok. No:40-2 Tire/İZMİR
ROR ID https://ror.org/01mvc0z38
Description İzmir Academy is an association established in 2021. Its official name is "İZMİR AKADEMİ DERNEĞİ" (İZMİR ACADEMY ASSOCIATION).
The association aims to engage in academic publishing, organize scientific congresses, symposiums, workshops, and conferences, and conduct various scientific activities through projects and training programs.
Since its establishment, İzmir Academy has published several scientific journals, held conferences, and released numerous books.
Most of its members are academic staff actively working at various universities in Turkey.
Aware of its responsibilities as a non-governmental organization, the association continues its academic publishing while upholding ethical principles and ensuring free and open access. All processes are audited by internal audits and relevant institutions. Information about the association is shared transparently with its members and the public.
Total Journal Number 4
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Journal of AI Cover image
Journal of AI
e-ISSN: 3023-4018
9th Year
Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies Cover image
5th Year
Journal of Metaverse Cover image
Journal of Metaverse
e-ISSN: 2792-0232
5th Year
İzmir Journal of Social Sciences Cover image
7th Year
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