İdris Karagöz

City Yalova
Address Yalova Universitesi Merkez Kampüs, Çınarcık Yolu Üzeri 2 Km, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Polimer Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü 1. Kat Oda No:419 77200 Yalova/Türkiye
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ORCID 0000-0002-2644-8511
Editorships Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science
Description Idris Karagöz is a distinguished scientist currently pursuing academic research at the Polymer Materials Engineering Department of Yalova University. He has conducted valuable studies, particularly in the fields of polymer materials, polymer composites, biocomposites, the valorization of waste materials, and advanced material development.

In addition to his contributions to academia, Idris Karagöz actively develops industry-focused projects, offering practical engineering solutions. His work emphasizes sustainability and environmentally friendly approaches, contributing to the implementation of innovative engineering applications.

As the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of the Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science (JIENS), Karagöz is dedicated to promoting high-quality, original, and ethically compliant publications that advance the scientific community. Through his commitment to a rigorous double-blind peer review process and principles of transparency, he has taken significant steps to enhance the journal's scientific credibility and reputation.

As the publisher of JIENS, Karagöz strives to create a publication platform that meets the needs of the academic community. He is determined to ensure that scientific studies reach a broad audience and to inspire the next generation of researchers.
Total Journal Number 1
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5th Year
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