Concessionaire | Prof. Dr. Erol YAŞAR (Rektör) |
Scientific Journals Coordinator | Doç. Dr. Osman ORHAN | | |
Phone | +90 324 361 00 01 |
Institution Web Site | |
City | Mersin |
Address | Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü 33343 Yenişehir / MERSİN |
Publishing House Website | |
ROR ID | |
Description |
Mersin University Scientific Journals Coordination Office Mersin University has established the Scientific Journals Coordination Office in order to ensure that scientific research and publication processes are carried out in accordance with national and international standards. The coordination office supports the management of academic journals within the university with an effective, transparent and high-quality publishing approach. |
Total Journal Number | 19 |