e-ISSN: 2791-6898
Founded: 2021
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    Rahva Journal of Technical and Social Studies (RAHVA) is an academic peer-reviewed research journal that aims to publish original research articles, case studies and technical reports, reviews in the fields of Science, Social and Health Sciences in Turkish and English, by supporting the open access principle. Research articles are expected to be based on theoretical and empirical results. In review articles, on the other hand, it is expected to convey the subject in a deep way by using a wide bibliography on a particular subject.

    The studies submitted to the journal should not have been previously published in any journal and should not have been submitted for evaluation to any journal for publication. The journal does not charge a publication fee and its period is two issues per year. The upper limit of acceptable similarity rate for the studies to be sent for publication is 20% for the field of Science and Health Sciences and 25% for the field of Social Sciences.

2024 - Volume: 4 Issue: 2