Article Processing Charge
Articles that apply to the RMJ academic journal are taken in pre-review stage. Pre-review is done by the editorial board. Articles that do not have the necessary permissions, whose plagiarism report is negative and that are outside the coverage of the journal are rejected. Then, the Article Review Process starts, where there are at least two referees and blind. The decision to publish is taken for those who are successful in the referee process.
All articles published in RMJ are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an Article Processing Charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. This includes provision of online tools for editors and authors, reviewers, editors and reviewers progress payments, article copyediting, production and hosting, layout editing, liaison with abstracting and indexing services, and customer services.
As a matter of ethics, Article Processing Charge is paid when the article is uploaded to the journal management system by the author. No editorial evaluation and review process is initiated without payment. This payment does not indicate that the article uploaded by the author will certainly be published. This payment is only related to the article processing process.
As per the resolution passed by Turkish Higher Education Council at the General Assembly dated March 03, 2019, an article published in RMJ can be included in the applications (declaration) for associate professorship since the journal falls under the clause of "Journals that charge fees -regardless of acceptance/rejection condition- during application".
“Türkiye Yükseköğretim Kurulu’nun 07.03.2019 tarihli Genel Kurulunda aldığı karar gereği, RMJ'de de yayınlanan bir makale Makale başvuru sırasında -kabul/red kararına bağlı olmaksızın ücret alan dergiler, maddesini karşıladığından doçentlik başvurularında (beyannamede) kullanılabilir.”
Article Processing Charge 12500 TL for Turkey, 550 GBP other countries. .
Subscription for per year: 1500 TL for Turkey, 125 GBP other countries.
Note 1: RMJ, reserves the right to offer discounts or no Article Processing Fees for certain associations, foundations, universities, countries, institutions and authors.
Note 2: An additional layout fee of 25 GBP is charged for articles exceeding 30 pages.
Note 3: Rast Musicology Journal has decided to implement the following measures to promote productive music researchers: Researchers who have published at least 10 articles in WoS and Scopus indexed journals (only 1 article from the same journal will be accepted) and have a Scopus and WoS h-index of at least 5 will be exempt from APC.
Submission Fees: 0.10 TRY
Editorial Processing Charges (EPCs): 12,500.00 TRY
Article Processing Charges (APCs): 0.10 TRY
Genç Bilge Yayıncılık Ltd.
Our authors are required to respond to editorial emails within 3 days to avoid any disruption to the editorial process.