Article Evaluation Policy: Double-Blind Peer Review
To be accepted for evaluation by the Rize Theology Journal, manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under review else where publication, and must be approved by each author. The final decision for all submitted manuscripts rests with the Editor-in-Chief.
The article evaluation process consists of the following stages: Initial review and plagiarism check, editorial (internal) review, peer (external) review, revision process and post-revision check, and publication process (language editing, layout and final profreading). The average time from article submission to publication is approxiamtely 12 weeks.
Preliminary Review and Plagiarism Check:
The manuscript submitted to the journal is reviewed by the journal secretary in terms of compliance with the journal’s publication principles, academic writing rules and ISNAD Citation System. Additionally it undergoes a plagiarism check using the iThenticate software. A similarity rate of less than 20% is required. The main criterion for the similarity rate is the author's adherence to citation and quoting rules. Even if the similarity rate apperas to be 1%, plagiarism may still be present if citations and quotations are not properly made. The preliminary review is completed within a maximum of 30 days.
Editorial (Internal) Review: At this stage, two internal reviewers are assigned .
Thr internal reviewers are selected by the Editor(s) from the Editorial Board based on their fields of expertise. Theu evaluate the manuscript for originality, methodology, importance of the subject, compatibility with the scope of the journal, and method and result. They decide whether the article should undergo a detailed peer review process. This review is completed within a maximum of 20 days.
Peer Review (External Review) Process: At this stage, two external reviewers are assigned (Type of Review: Double-Blind Peer Review)
Submitted papers undergo a fair double-blind peer review process. A study that passe the editorial (internal) review is evaluated by at least two external reviewers who have expertise in the relevant subjec area. If reviewers with expertise in the specific topic of the article cannot be found, reviewrs are determined from researchers who hold a Ph.D. degree in that field of study. Reviwers evaluate the article in detail in terms of its subject, methodology and results and provide their opinions on whether the article should be published or not. They are required to either annotate their opinions on the study or justify their opinion with at 150 words in the online review form. If both reviewer reports are positive, the work is accepted for publication with the decision of the Chief Editor. If one reviewer’s reports is positive (acceptance or minor revision) and the other is negative (rejection or major revision), the study is sent to the third referee. The author is given the right to appeal and defend their views if they do not agree with the reviewers’ comments. The editor/field editor facilitates confidential communication between the author and the reviewers. Throughout the process, external reviewers do not learn the authos’s identity r and the author cannot learn reviewers identity.
The publication of book and symposium reviews is decided as a result of editorial (internal) review, without undegoing a peer review process.
Revision Process and Post-Revision Check:
If reviewers request revision, the relevant reports are sent to the author, who is then asked to revise the work. The revision period is at least 15 days but may be extended iin the case of major revisions. The author submits the revised manuscript with changes highlighted in red. The editor checks whether the author has made the requested corrections in the text. This check is completed within a maximum of 7 days.
Publication Process:
Language Checks
Accepted papers are reviewed by the Language Editors, and if necessary, the author is asked for corrections. The review process is completed within a maximum of 5 days.
Layout and Final Proofreading
The Editorial Board conducts the layout and final proofreading of papers approved for publication preparing them for issue assignment.