Editorial Board of Value in Health Sciences complies with the criteria of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Submitted article should have not been published and are not being considered publication elsewhere.
Plagiarism Principle of Journal
Plagiarism is the use of others' published and unpublished ideas or words (or other intellectual property rights) without reference or permission and presented as new and original rather than from an existing source. Self-criticism means that an author uses parts of his previous writings on the same topic elsewhere in his publications, especially without quoting them (https://wame.org/recommendations-on-publication-ethics-policies-for-medical-journals).
Manuscript with plagiarism and / or self-criticism detected in the evaluation of the editor in Value in Health Sciences will not be taken into consideration. During the file upload process, authors are required to upload the similarity report obtained by using an appropriate plagiarism program (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) to the system together with other files.
Manuscript with a similarity rate of more than 25% will be accepted as plagiarism and rejected.
Scientific Responsibility
In the submitted scientific manuscript, all authors should have a direct academic-scientific contribution.
The correspondence author with the journal carries the responsibility of the final manuscript in the name of all authors.
Ethical Responsibility
In all the studies in which the "human" element is found, the principle of conformity to Helsinki Declaration Principles is sought. In these studies, the authors are required to indicate that they have been working in accordance with these principles in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section of the manuscript. In addition the authors should receive "Informed consent form" from the ethics committees of the institutions, and the people involved in the study.
If "Animal" was used in the study, the authors should state in the MATERIAL and METHODS section that their studies have been approved by animal ethics committees and that they protect animal rights in line with the "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals"
"Informed consent" should be obtained from patients regardless of the identity of the patient in the case report.
If there are institutions that provide direct or indirect financial support to the work, the authors should state on the presentation page how the relationship is. If there is no relation, it should indicate it.
If it is necessary to obtain "Ethics Committee Approval", the authors should declare that they have received the written ethics approval in "Materials and Methods" section (with date and number). "Oral ethical approval was obtained expression" must not be used.
The manuscript should include a statement about the compliance of Research and Publication Ethics.
Publication / Copyright
There is no article submission or processing charges in this journal.
All publications / copyrights of the manuscripts accepted for publication belong to author(s). The thoughts and suggestions in the manuscripts are entirely the responsibility of the authors.
For each manuscript, authors should complete the “Copyright Transfer Form” and submit it to the journal with the manuscript.