Editor in Chief
Banking and Insurance, Finance and Investment, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting Theory and Standards, Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
Applied Macroeconometrics, Time-Series Analysis, Inflation, Monetary Policy, International Finance
Turkish Language Editor
Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field
English Language Editor
British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture, Comparative and Transnational Literature
Economics and Business Administration Field Editor
Applied Macroeconometrics, Inflation, Employment, Cyclical Fluctuations, Monetary Policy, Capital Market
International Relations Field Editor
Political Economy Theory, International Relations, Regional Studies, International Security, Politics in International Relations, Security Studies
Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
Labor Economics and Industrial Relations
History and Balkan Studies Field Editor
Education, History Education, History of The Republic of Turkiye, Ataturk's Principles History of Revolution, Late Modern Balkan History
Political Science and Public Administration Field Editor
Comparative Political Institutions
Psychology Field Editor
Developmental Psychology, Emotional Development, Personal Development, Social Development
Theology Field Editor
Sociology Field Editor
Sociology, Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology, Literature Sociology
Turkish Language and Literature Field Editor
Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field
Fine Arts Field Editor
Social Services Field Editor
Law Field Editor
Law and Legal Studies, Family Law, Media and Communication Law, Tort Law, Property Law (Excl. Intellectual Property Law), Contract Law
German Language and Literature Field Editor
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Harun GÖÇERLER completed his undergraduate and graduate education at Bursa Uludağ University, Department of German Language Teaching. He has worked as a German teacher and translator in various institutions in the private sector. He continued his academic career as a German lecturer at Ankara University Bursa TÖMER Branch and then worked as a German lecturer at Bursa Uludağ University School of Foreign Languages. In 2012, he was appointed as a lecturer at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of German Language and Literature, and completed his doctoral studies within the framework of the Joint Doctorate Program of Trakya University and Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Institutes of Social Sciences.
Since 2019, he has been working as the director of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University School of Foreign Languages and the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Rectorate. Harun GÖÇERLER, who has media technologies, the relationship between media and literature in German education, new media in German language and literature education, effective reading studies in foreign languages, projects, articles, papers and book chapters in the field of literature and Z-Generation, still continues his administrative duty at the School of Foreign Languages.
German Language, Literature and Culture
French Language and Literature Field Editor
French Language, Literature and Culture
English Language and Literature Field Editor
North American Language, Literature and Culture, Animal Law, American Studies
Layout Editor
Applied Macroeconometrics, Inflation, Employment, Cyclical Fluctuations, Monetary Policy, Capital Market