The Journal of Social Work is a peer-reviewed electronic journal that began publication in 2017. The journal aims to examine classical and contemporary social work perspectives, publish research conducted in the field of social services, and make these studies available to scholars. Published twice a year in June and December, the journal accepts articles in Turkish or English.
Open Access Policy
The Journal of Social Work is an open-access journal. Providing free and unlimited access to its content supports the global sharing of knowledge.
Social Work, Social Inclusion, Social Exclusion, Social Policy, Social Security, Social Psychology, Disability, Family, Child, Women, Aging, Migration, Poverty, Employment, Human Development, Social Structure
Publication Language
The full-text publication languages are Turkish and English.
Article Submissions
Submitted articles should be original, not previously published, and in line with the aims and scope of the journal. Works that are not under review in another journal and have been approved for content and submission by all authors are accepted for evaluation.
Target Audience
Our journal's target audience includes academics, researchers, students, and relevant professional and academic institutions and organizations.
Fee Policy
No fees are charged from authors or their institutions under any circumstances.
Originality of Articles
The Journal of Social Work accepts studies in social work and related fields that have not been previously published elsewhere and are in line with the aims and scope of our journal. Works that fall outside the aims and scope are not published. Articles published in foreign languages may also be evaluated when necessary.