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Damla Sulama Yöntemiyle Uygulanan Farklı Düzeylerde Sulama Suyu Miktarının Patlıcan Su Verim İlişkisine Etkisi

Year 2018, 1. Uluslararası Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Kongresi Özel Sayısı, 385 - 393, 31.12.2018


çalışmanın amacı, farklı düzeylerde uygulanan sulama suyu miktarlarının, su
tüketimine, verime ve patlıcan su-verim ilişkisine etkisini belirlemektir.
Çalışmada sulama konuları, A sınıfı buharlaşma kabından oluşan buharlaşmanın
%100’ünün (I100, kontrol konusu), %80 (I80),
%60 (I60), %40 (I40)' nın verilmesi şeklinde

Sulamalar, A sınıfı buharlaşma kabından buharlaşan su miktarı 40 mm'ye eşit
veya 'dan fazla olduğunda yapılmıştır
Bitki materyali olarak patlıcan karnaz çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Deneme, tesadüf
bloklar deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü, damla sulama yöntem kullanarak
yürütülmüştür. Denemede, tam sulanan I100 sulama konusuna 305 mm
uygulanmış ve bitki su tüketimi 447 mm olarak belirlenmiştir. En çok su
kısıntısının yapıldığı I40 sulama konusuna 122 mm sulama
suyu ve 264 mm su tüketimi belirlenmiştir.
En yüksek patlıcan verimi
(3693 kg/da), I100  sulama
konusundan, en düşük verimi (2999 kg/da), I40 sulama konusunda elde
edilmiştir. Sulama suyu ve su kullanım randımanları, sulama seviyelerine göre
değişiklik göstermiştir. Genel olarak uygulanan sulama suyu miktarları
arttıkça, sulama suyu kullanım randımanı düşüş göstermiştir. En yüksek sulama
suyu kullanım randımanı (IWUE, 24.58 kg mm-1) ve
su kullanım randımanın (WUE, 11.36 kg mm-1)  I40 sulama konusundan elde
edilmiştir. Sulama suyu ve su tüketim miktarı ile verim arasında sırasıyla Y=3.93I+2468.5
ve Y=5ET+1904 şeklinde eşitler belirlenmiştir. Verim tepki etmeni (ky) 0.5
olarak bulunmuştur. 


  • Ahmet Ertek Pamukta Uygun Sulama Dozu ve Aralıgının Pan-Evaporasyon Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi Turk J Agric For 24 (2000) 293–300
  • Allen, R. G., Pereira, L. S., Raes, D. and Smith, M. (1998) Crop Evapotranspiration Guidelines for Computing Crop Water Requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56.
  • Ali Nalbantoğlu, 2014, Aydın bölgesinde Yüzey Sulama Sisteminden Toplu Basinçlı Sulama Sistemine Geçilen Arazilerde Sulama Uygulamalarının Değerlendirilmesi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
  • Benito M. de Azevedo, 2016, Production and yield response factor of sunflower under different irrigation depths, DOI:
  • B. Pejıc, B. Gajıc, 2014, The effects of water stress on water use and yield of onion , Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20 (No 2), 297-302 Agricultural Academy.
  • Cevik B, Baytorun N, Tanriverdi C, Abak K, Sari N (1996). Farklı sulama suyu uygulamalarının serada yetistirilen patlıcanın verim ve kalitesine etkileri. Ankara TÜBİTAK, Turkish J. Agric. For., 2: 175-181 (in Turkish press).
  • Chartzoulakis K, Drosos N (1995). Water use and yield of greenhouse grown eggplant under drip irrigation. Agric. Water Manage., 28: 113-120.
  • Christiansen, J. E., 1968. Pan evaporation and evapotranspiration from climatic data. Journal of the Irrıgation and Drainage Division. 94 (2): 243-266.
  • Cheryl Kaiser and Matt Ernst, Eggplant, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture And Environment, Rlenmes Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Daniel Fonseca de Carvalho, 2011,Yield, water use efficiency, and yield response factor in carrot crop under different irrigation depths, Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, Online, ISSN 1678-4596
  • Elliades G (1992). Irrigation of eggplants grown in greenhouse. J. Hort.Sci., 67: 143-147.
  • Ertek A, Sensoy S, Kucukyumuk C, Gedik I (2006). Determination of plant-pan coefficients for field-grown eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) using class A pan evaporation values. Agric.Water Manage., 85:58–66.
  • FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56 (2006) FAO Irrigation Paper No. 33
  • Gençoğlan, C., 1996. Mısır Bitkisinin Su-Verim İlişkileri, Kök Dağılımı ile Bitki Su Stresi İndeksinin Belirlenmesi ve Ceres-Maize Bitki Büyüme Modelinin Yöreye Uyumluluğunun İrdelenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Adana. 235 s.
  • Gençoğlan, C., Altunbey, H., Gençoğlan, S., 2006. Response of Green Bean (P. Vulgaris L.) to Subsurface Drip İrrigation and Partial Rootzone-Drying Irrigation. Agricultural water management, 84(3): 274-280.
  • Hayrettin Kuscu,2013, Effect of Irrigation Amounts applied with drip irrigation On Maize evaportanspiration . yeild, Water Use efficincy, And Net return In sub-humid Climate, Turkish Journal of Field Crops 2013, 18(1), 13-19.
  • James, L.G., 1988. Principles of Farm Irrigation System Design. John Wiley and Sons. Inc. New York, 543 Kang, S., Liang, Z., Hu, W., Zhang, J. 1998. Water Use Efficiency of Controlled Alternate Irrigation on Root-Divided Maize Plants. Agricultural Water Management, 38:69-76.
  • Kang, S., Zhang, L., Hu, X., Li, Z., Jerie, P. 2001. An improved water use efficiency for hot pepper grown under controlled alternate drip irrigation on partial roots.Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 89, Number 4, pp.257-267(11).
  • Kirda, C., Moutonnet, P., Hera, C., Nielsen, D.R. 1999. Crop Yield Response to Deficit Irrigation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp.21-255.
  • Kohavi, R.: Wrappers for performance enhancement and obvious decision graphs. PhD thesis, Stanford University, Computer Science Department (1995)
  • Kuslu, Y., U. Sahin, T. Tunc and F. M. Kızıloğlu, 2010, Determining water-yield relationship,water use efficiency, seasonal crop and pan coefficients for alfalfa in a semiarid region with high altitude, Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 16: 482-492
  • Lovelli S, Perniola M, Ferrara A, Di Tommaso T (2007). Yield response factor to water (Ky) and water use efficiency of Carthamus tinctorius L. and Solanum melongena L. Agric. Water Manage., 92: 73–80.
  • Madan Bahadur Basnyat ,1987,Estimation of daily Class A pan evaporation from meteorological data Iowa State University Follow 1987
  • Marie-christine Daunay C, Gebhardt. 2011. Genetic resources of eggplant (Solanum melongena) and allied species: A new challenge for molecular geneticists and eggplant breeders.Reserch Gate.
  • Najarchi, M.1*, Kaveh, F.2, Babazadeh, H.3 and Manshouri, M.2011, Determination of the yield response factor for field crop deficit irrigation, African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(16), pp. 3700-3705
  • NSW agriculture,2003,Eggplant growing Agfact H8.1.29, third edition 2003 Lawrence Ullio District Horticulturist, Menangle
  • Sarımehmetoğlu, G., 2007. Farklı Sulama Uygulamaları Altında Mısır Çeşitlerinin Sulama Suyu ve Gübre Kullanım Etkinliği. Yüksek Lisans Tezi Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Adana. 59s
  • Seckler, D. n.d. Revisiting the “IWMI Paradigm:” Increasing the efficiency and productivity of wateruse. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute
  • Öner .Etün. Irrigation Scheduling of Drip-Irrigated Tomatoes Using Class A Pan Evaporation . Turk J Agric For 26 (2002) 171-178 © T.BÜTAK
  • Reginato, R.J., Howel, J. 1985. Irrigation Scheduling Using Crop Indicators. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ASCE, 111(2):125-133.
  • Raine, S. R. (ed) (1999) Research, development and extension in irrigation and water use efficiency: A review for the Rural Water Use Efficiency Initiative. National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture Publication 179743/2, USQ, Toowoomba
  • Rifat Kil, 2014, Organink Ve İnorganik Gübrelerin Aksaray Koşullarında Karnabahar Yetiştiriciliği Üzerine Etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi Selçuk Universitesi.
  • USDA - SCS., 967. Irrigation Water Requirements. Technical Rel. No: 21, USA. 160 s.
  • Ulas Senyigit, 2011. Effects of different irrigation programs on yield and quality parameters of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) under greenhouse conditions, Faculty of Agriculture, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, 32260.,
  • Petersen, R.G., Calvin, L.D. 1965. Sampling Methods of Soil Analysis. (C.A. Black et al. editor). Agronomy Series. Part I, No:9, Am. Soc. of Agri. Inc. Pub., Madison Wisconsin, USA, s.54-72.
  • USSLS., 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils. Agriculture Handbook, USA, 60:160s
  • Water Requirements Of Eggplant Grown Under A Greenhouse F Quaglietta Chiarandá, G. Zerbi Irrigation Institute of CNR Naples Italy
  • Wolters, W. and Bos, M. G. (1989) Irrigation performance assessment and irrigation efficiency.
  • Wang Bing at al,2009, An attempt to measure evaporation from a Class-A pan using aphthalene sublimation

The Effect of Irrigation Water Amount on Water-Yield Relationships of Eggplant

Year 2018, 1. Uluslararası Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Kongresi Özel Sayısı, 385 - 393, 31.12.2018


The aim of this study is to determine the effect
of different levels of irrigation water applied by drip irrigation method on
yield, water requirement, and water-yield relationship of eggplant (solanum
melongena). In the study, irrigation treatments were formed as 100% (I100,
control), 80% (I80), 60% (I60), 40 % (I40) of evaporation from Class A pan
evaporating. Irrigation was applied when the amount of water evaporating from
the Class A pan was greater than or equal to 40 mm. the variety of eggplant
Karnaz was used as plant material. The experiment was carried out using
randomized block design with 3 replications, and drip irrigation method was
used. In the experiment, the amount of water applied in the treatment I100 was
305 mm and the plant water consumption 447 mm. The minimum water (122 mm)
applied to I40 irrigation treatment with the most water scarcity and
consumption was determined as 264 mm. The highest eggplant yield (3693 kg /da)
was at I100 irrigation treatment, the lowest yield (2999 kg /da) was at I40
irrigation water treatment. Irrigation water us efficiency and water use
efficiency change according to irrigation levels. In general, as the amount of
irrigation water increased the water and irrigation water use efficiency
decreased. The highest irrigation water use efficiency and the highest water
use efficiency were obtained from I40 irrigation treatment (IWUE, 24.58 kg
mm-1) (WUE, 11.36 kg mm-1). The relation between yield and irrigation water and
water use were determined as Y = 3.93I + 2468.5 and Y = 5ET + 1904
respectively. The yield response factor (ky) was found as 0.5.


  • Ahmet Ertek Pamukta Uygun Sulama Dozu ve Aralıgının Pan-Evaporasyon Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi Turk J Agric For 24 (2000) 293–300
  • Allen, R. G., Pereira, L. S., Raes, D. and Smith, M. (1998) Crop Evapotranspiration Guidelines for Computing Crop Water Requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56.
  • Ali Nalbantoğlu, 2014, Aydın bölgesinde Yüzey Sulama Sisteminden Toplu Basinçlı Sulama Sistemine Geçilen Arazilerde Sulama Uygulamalarının Değerlendirilmesi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
  • Benito M. de Azevedo, 2016, Production and yield response factor of sunflower under different irrigation depths, DOI:
  • B. Pejıc, B. Gajıc, 2014, The effects of water stress on water use and yield of onion , Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20 (No 2), 297-302 Agricultural Academy.
  • Cevik B, Baytorun N, Tanriverdi C, Abak K, Sari N (1996). Farklı sulama suyu uygulamalarının serada yetistirilen patlıcanın verim ve kalitesine etkileri. Ankara TÜBİTAK, Turkish J. Agric. For., 2: 175-181 (in Turkish press).
  • Chartzoulakis K, Drosos N (1995). Water use and yield of greenhouse grown eggplant under drip irrigation. Agric. Water Manage., 28: 113-120.
  • Christiansen, J. E., 1968. Pan evaporation and evapotranspiration from climatic data. Journal of the Irrıgation and Drainage Division. 94 (2): 243-266.
  • Cheryl Kaiser and Matt Ernst, Eggplant, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture And Environment, Rlenmes Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Daniel Fonseca de Carvalho, 2011,Yield, water use efficiency, and yield response factor in carrot crop under different irrigation depths, Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, Online, ISSN 1678-4596
  • Elliades G (1992). Irrigation of eggplants grown in greenhouse. J. Hort.Sci., 67: 143-147.
  • Ertek A, Sensoy S, Kucukyumuk C, Gedik I (2006). Determination of plant-pan coefficients for field-grown eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) using class A pan evaporation values. Agric.Water Manage., 85:58–66.
  • FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56 (2006) FAO Irrigation Paper No. 33
  • Gençoğlan, C., 1996. Mısır Bitkisinin Su-Verim İlişkileri, Kök Dağılımı ile Bitki Su Stresi İndeksinin Belirlenmesi ve Ceres-Maize Bitki Büyüme Modelinin Yöreye Uyumluluğunun İrdelenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Adana. 235 s.
  • Gençoğlan, C., Altunbey, H., Gençoğlan, S., 2006. Response of Green Bean (P. Vulgaris L.) to Subsurface Drip İrrigation and Partial Rootzone-Drying Irrigation. Agricultural water management, 84(3): 274-280.
  • Hayrettin Kuscu,2013, Effect of Irrigation Amounts applied with drip irrigation On Maize evaportanspiration . yeild, Water Use efficincy, And Net return In sub-humid Climate, Turkish Journal of Field Crops 2013, 18(1), 13-19.
  • James, L.G., 1988. Principles of Farm Irrigation System Design. John Wiley and Sons. Inc. New York, 543 Kang, S., Liang, Z., Hu, W., Zhang, J. 1998. Water Use Efficiency of Controlled Alternate Irrigation on Root-Divided Maize Plants. Agricultural Water Management, 38:69-76.
  • Kang, S., Zhang, L., Hu, X., Li, Z., Jerie, P. 2001. An improved water use efficiency for hot pepper grown under controlled alternate drip irrigation on partial roots.Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 89, Number 4, pp.257-267(11).
  • Kirda, C., Moutonnet, P., Hera, C., Nielsen, D.R. 1999. Crop Yield Response to Deficit Irrigation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp.21-255.
  • Kohavi, R.: Wrappers for performance enhancement and obvious decision graphs. PhD thesis, Stanford University, Computer Science Department (1995)
  • Kuslu, Y., U. Sahin, T. Tunc and F. M. Kızıloğlu, 2010, Determining water-yield relationship,water use efficiency, seasonal crop and pan coefficients for alfalfa in a semiarid region with high altitude, Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 16: 482-492
  • Lovelli S, Perniola M, Ferrara A, Di Tommaso T (2007). Yield response factor to water (Ky) and water use efficiency of Carthamus tinctorius L. and Solanum melongena L. Agric. Water Manage., 92: 73–80.
  • Madan Bahadur Basnyat ,1987,Estimation of daily Class A pan evaporation from meteorological data Iowa State University Follow 1987
  • Marie-christine Daunay C, Gebhardt. 2011. Genetic resources of eggplant (Solanum melongena) and allied species: A new challenge for molecular geneticists and eggplant breeders.Reserch Gate.
  • Najarchi, M.1*, Kaveh, F.2, Babazadeh, H.3 and Manshouri, M.2011, Determination of the yield response factor for field crop deficit irrigation, African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(16), pp. 3700-3705
  • NSW agriculture,2003,Eggplant growing Agfact H8.1.29, third edition 2003 Lawrence Ullio District Horticulturist, Menangle
  • Sarımehmetoğlu, G., 2007. Farklı Sulama Uygulamaları Altında Mısır Çeşitlerinin Sulama Suyu ve Gübre Kullanım Etkinliği. Yüksek Lisans Tezi Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Adana. 59s
  • Seckler, D. n.d. Revisiting the “IWMI Paradigm:” Increasing the efficiency and productivity of wateruse. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute
  • Öner .Etün. Irrigation Scheduling of Drip-Irrigated Tomatoes Using Class A Pan Evaporation . Turk J Agric For 26 (2002) 171-178 © T.BÜTAK
  • Reginato, R.J., Howel, J. 1985. Irrigation Scheduling Using Crop Indicators. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ASCE, 111(2):125-133.
  • Raine, S. R. (ed) (1999) Research, development and extension in irrigation and water use efficiency: A review for the Rural Water Use Efficiency Initiative. National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture Publication 179743/2, USQ, Toowoomba
  • Rifat Kil, 2014, Organink Ve İnorganik Gübrelerin Aksaray Koşullarında Karnabahar Yetiştiriciliği Üzerine Etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi Selçuk Universitesi.
  • USDA - SCS., 967. Irrigation Water Requirements. Technical Rel. No: 21, USA. 160 s.
  • Ulas Senyigit, 2011. Effects of different irrigation programs on yield and quality parameters of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) under greenhouse conditions, Faculty of Agriculture, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, 32260.,
  • Petersen, R.G., Calvin, L.D. 1965. Sampling Methods of Soil Analysis. (C.A. Black et al. editor). Agronomy Series. Part I, No:9, Am. Soc. of Agri. Inc. Pub., Madison Wisconsin, USA, s.54-72.
  • USSLS., 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils. Agriculture Handbook, USA, 60:160s
  • Water Requirements Of Eggplant Grown Under A Greenhouse F Quaglietta Chiarandá, G. Zerbi Irrigation Institute of CNR Naples Italy
  • Wolters, W. and Bos, M. G. (1989) Irrigation performance assessment and irrigation efficiency.
  • Wang Bing at al,2009, An attempt to measure evaporation from a Class-A pan using aphthalene sublimation
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research

Mahmoud Al Alı This is me

Cafer Gençoğlan

Serpil Gençoğlan This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2018
Submission Date August 4, 2018
Acceptance Date December 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 1. Uluslararası Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Kongresi Özel Sayısı


APA Al Alı, M., Gençoğlan, C., & Gençoğlan, S. (2018). Damla Sulama Yöntemiyle Uygulanan Farklı Düzeylerde Sulama Suyu Miktarının Patlıcan Su Verim İlişkisine Etkisi. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi385-393.


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