- Journal of Agriculture Faculty (JAF) commenced its publication journey in 2006 under the auspices of Süleyman Demirel University. Since June 2022, all articles published in the journal have been assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number.
- Journal of Agriculture Faculty (JAF) is published by the Faculty of Agriculture at Isparta University of Applied Sciences with two issues per year, released biannually. The journal is registered under ISSN 1304-9984 for print and e-ISSN 2687-3419 for its electronic version.
- For research articles involving surveys or animal experiments, obtaining ethical committee approval is mandatory.
Journal of Agriculture Faculty (JAF) is indexed by
- CAB Abstracts,
- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD).
JAF accepts high-quality original research articles, reviews, and scientific advancements that provide new knowledge, advanced practices, and insights into the multidisciplinary integration of basic and applied agricultural sciences.
- Only submissions with a similarity index (Turnitin) of 20% or below are considered for next editorial process.
- The journal does not charge any submission or evaluation fees, and all published articles are available for open access, allowing full-text downloads.

Isparta University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Agriculture, 32260, Isparta, TÜRKİYE