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Year 2024, Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 578 - 605, 16.12.2024
An Erratum to this article was published on .



  • ADM (2023). Pioneering solutions in animal nutrition. (access date: 06.12.2024).
  • AGDAILY (2024). How blockchain technology is transforming the agricultural industry. (access date: 06.12.2024).
  • Ahamed NN, Vignesh R (2022). Smart agriculture and food industry with blockchain and artificial intelligence. Journal of Computer Science 18(1): 1–17.
  • Ahmadi S (2023). A systematic literature review: security threats and countermeasures in smart farming. Authorea Preprints.
  • Ahmed A, Parveen I, Abdullah S, Ahmad I, Alturki N, Jamel L (2024). Optimized data fusion with scheduled rest periods for enhanced smart agriculture via blockchain integration. IEEE Access.
  • Ahmed RA, Hemdan EE, El-Shafai W, Ahmed ZA, El-Rabaie EM, Abd El-Samie FE (2022). Climate-smart agriculture using intelligent techniques, blockchain, and Internet of Things: concepts, challenges, and opportunities. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 33(11).
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  • Alkhodair AJ, Mohanty SP, Kougianos E (2023). Consensus algorithms of distributed ledger technology: a comprehensive analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.13498.
  • Anand A, McKibbin M, Pichel F (2017). Colored coins: Bitcoin, blockchain, and land administration. In: Annual world bank conference on land and poverty, 14 March 2016; pp. 20-24.
  • Ashfaq A (2022). Application of blockchain technology and IoT-based smart sensors in supply chain management via business development approach. Thesis of Masters, Polıtecnico di Torino, Italy.
  • Atalay M (2023). An overview of digital twin applications on smart agriculture. In: 2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom), 5 June 2023; IEEE, pp. 1-5.
  • Bai P, Kumar S, Kumar K (2022). Use of blockchain-enabled IoT in insurance: A case study of calamity-based crop insurance. In: 2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), 11 August 2022; IEEE, pp. 1135-1141.
  • Barbieri M, Gassen D (2017). Blockchain: Can this new technology really revolutionize the land registry system. In: Responsible land governance: towards an evidence based approach: proceedings of the annual World bank conference on land and poverty, 20 March 2017, pp. 1-13.
  • Basharat A, Mohamad MM (2022). Security challenges and solutions for Internet of Things-based smart agriculture: a review. In: 2022 4th International Conference on Smart Sensors and Application (ICSSA), 26 July 2022; IEEE, pp. 102-107.
  • Bellemare MF, Bloem JR (2018). Does contract farming improve welfare? A review. World Development 112: 259–271.
  • Bi J, Liu Y (2023). Research on agricultural machinery control system based on adaptive control. In: 2023 Asia-Europe Conference on Electronics, Data Processing and Informatics (ACEDPI), 17 April 2023; IEEE, pp. 45-49.
  • Bogoviz AV, Osipov VS, Vorozheykina TM, Yankovskaya VV, Sklyarov IY (2023). Food security in the digital economy: traditional agriculture vs. smart agriculture based on artificial intelligence. In: Food Security in the Economy of the Future: Transition from Digital Agriculture to Agriculture 4.0 Based on Deep Learning, 26 March 2023; pp. 59-74.
  • Caro MP, Ali MS, Vecchio M, Giaffreda R (2018). Blockchain-based traceability in agri-food supply chain management: a practical implementation. In: 2018 IoT Vertical and Topical Summit on Agriculture-Tuscany (IOT Tuscany), 8 May 2018; Tuscany, Italy, pp. 1-4.
  • Chatterjee K, Singh A, Neha (2023). A blockchain-enabled security framework for smart agriculture. Computers and Electrical Engineering 106: 108594.
  • Cho J-Y, Lee S (2019). Animal administration system using nose-print recognition and blockchain network. Journal of IKEEE 23(4): 1477–1480.
  • Dalohoun DN, Hall A, Van Mele P (2009). Entrepreneurship as driver of a self-organizing system of innovation: The case of NERICA in Benin. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development 8(2): 87–101.
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Smart Agriculture Blockchain Applications

Year 2024, Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 578 - 605, 16.12.2024
An Erratum to this article was published on .


Smart Agriculture is a combination of AI, Cloud Computing, and IoT that revolutionizes farming efficiency and sustainability. It successfully addresses the developing worldwide request for food production through expanding crops, optimizing inventory management, minimizing food waste, and improving safe consuming of food. Precision agriculture, facility agriculture, and order agriculture form the core components of smart agriculture. Each one of them concentrates on specific areas of farming processes, altogether contributing to enhancing farm productivity and efficiency. However, the integration of blockchain technology further adds an intrinsic value to smart agriculture by delivering food traceability, increasing efficiency to supply chains, ensuring food sustainability, and eliminating the need for intermediaries. With the various merits that blockchain technology provides, the reliable controlling of land and farm and monitoring of livestock assets can be provided, and tracking the entire product lifecycle is ensured, which not only enables producing more food, but also provides sustainability and rises food safety standards. By minimizing fraudulent activities, facilitating data management, enhancing farm and stock management, blockchain technology can be used as a success factor in the agricultural industry. This paper thoroughly explores the numerous applications of blockchain technology in smart agriculture, including product supply chain and storage management, farm, and stock control. It also highlights the potential future applications and directions for the integration of those technologies into the field of agriculture to realize their full potential.


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  • Caro MP, Ali MS, Vecchio M, Giaffreda R (2018). Blockchain-based traceability in agri-food supply chain management: a practical implementation. In: 2018 IoT Vertical and Topical Summit on Agriculture-Tuscany (IOT Tuscany), 8 May 2018; Tuscany, Italy, pp. 1-4.
  • Chatterjee K, Singh A, Neha (2023). A blockchain-enabled security framework for smart agriculture. Computers and Electrical Engineering 106: 108594.
  • Cho J-Y, Lee S (2019). Animal administration system using nose-print recognition and blockchain network. Journal of IKEEE 23(4): 1477–1480.
  • Dalohoun DN, Hall A, Van Mele P (2009). Entrepreneurship as driver of a self-organizing system of innovation: The case of NERICA in Benin. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development 8(2): 87–101.
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  • Deloitte (2018). Blockchain in public sector: Transforming government services through exponential technologies. (access date: 06.12.2024).
  • Descovi G, Maran V, Ebling D, Machado A (2021). Towards a blockchain architecture for animal sanitary control. In: ICEIS (1), 2021; pp. 305-312.
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  • Gkogkos G, Lourenço P, Pechlivani EM, Encarnação L, Votis K, Giakoumoglou N, Tzovaras D (2023). Distributed ledger technologies for food sustainability indexing. Smart Agricultural Technology 5: 100312.
  • Haji M, Kerbache L, Al-Ansari T (2022). Food quality, drug safety, and increasing public health measures in supply chain management. Processes 10(9): 1715.
  • Hu Z, Kim B, Jeong J (2024). A Study on mechanization, data, and insurance challenges for agriculture based on hyperledger fabric. IEEE Access.
  • Hua J, Wang X, Kang M, Wang H, Wang F-Y (2018). Blockchain based provenance for agricultural products: a distributed platform with duplicated and shared bookkeeping. In: 2018 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 26-30 June 2018; pp. 97-101.
  • Iyer V, Shah K, Rane S, Shankarmani R (2021). Decentralised peer-to-peer crop insurance. In: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure 24 May 2021, pp. 3-12.
  • Jha N, Prashar D, Khalaf OI, Alotaibi Y, Alsufyani A, Alghamdi S (2021). Blockchain based crop insurance: a decentralized insurance system for modernization of indian farmers. Sustainability 13(16): 8921.
  • Kaur P, Parashar A (2022). A systematic literature review of blockchain technology for smart villages. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 29(4): 2417–2468.
  • Kechagias EP, Gayialis SP, Papadopoulos GA, Papoutsis G (2023). An ethereum-based distributed application for enhancing food supply chain traceability. Foods 12(6): 1220.
  • Kumar A, Vishwakarma L, Das D (2024). LandChain: A multichain based novel secure land record transfer system. IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
  • Kumar D, Dwivedi RK (2023). Blockchain and IoT based smart agriculture and food supply chain system. In: 2023 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), 27 January 2023; IEEE, pp. 755-761.
  • Kumar MV, Iyengar NCSN (2017). A Framework for blockchain technology in rice supply chain management plantation. Advanced Science and Technology Letters 146: 125–130.
  • Kwaghtyo DK, Eke CI (2023). Smart farming prediction models for precision agriculture: a comprehensive survey. Artificial Intelligence Review 56(6): 5729–5772.
  • LB K (2022). Survey on the applications of blockchain in agriculture. Agriculture 12(9), 1333.
  • Leng K, Bi Y, Jing L, Fu HC, Van Nieuwenhuyse I (2018). Research on agricultural supply chain system with double chain architecture based on blockchain technology. Future Generation Computer Systems 86(1): 641–649.
  • Lin J, Shen Z, Zhang A, Chai Y (2018). Blockchain and IoT based Food traceability for smart agriculture. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering, 28 July 2018; pp. 1-6.
  • Lin Q, Wang H, Pei X, Wang J (2019). Food safety traceability system based on blockchain and EPCIS. IEEE Access 7: 20698–20707.
  • Lin YP, Petway J, Anthony J, Mukhtar H, Liao S-W, Chou C-F, Ho Y-F (2017). Blockchain: The evolutionary next step for ICT E-agriculture. Environments 4(3): 50.
  • Loukil F, Boukadi K, Hussain R, Abed M (2021). Ciosy: A collaborative blockchain-based insurance system. Electronics 10(11): 1343.
  • Lucena P, Binotto APD, Momo F da S, Kim H (2018). A case study for grain quality assurance tracking based on a blockchain business network. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.07877.
  • Mandela S, Mohan RNVJ, Naik MC (2023). Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain. European Chemical Bulletin 12(4): 8669–8678.
  • Mentzer JT, DeWitt W, Keebler JS, Min S, Nix NW, Smith CD, Zacharia ZG (2001). Defining supply chain management. Journal of Business Logistics 22(2): 1–25.
  • Mujeye S, Qaddour J, Ullah S, Calderon S, Rhykerd R, Edamala C, Kidwaro F (2023). A proposal on how to use blockchain to secure communications in the 5G ecosystem. International Journal of Future Computer and Communication 12(1): 14–18.
  • Ojha T, Misra S, Raghuwanshi NS (2015). Wireless sensor networks for agriculture: The state-of-the-art in practice and future challenges. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 118: 66–84.
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  • Patil AS, Tama BA, Park Y, Rhee K-H (2018). A framework for blockchain-based secure smart greenhouse farming. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 474: 1162–1167.
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  • Prapti DR, Mohamed Shariff AR, Che Man H, Ramli NM, Perumal T, Shariff M (2022). Internet of things (IoT)-based aquaculture: An overview of IoT application on water quality monitoring. Reviews in Aquaculture 14(2): 979–992.
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  • Raj EF, Appadurai M, Athiappan K (2021). Precision farming in modern agriculture. In: Smart agriculture automation using advanced technologies: Data analytics and machine learning, cloud architecture, automation and IoT, 1 January 2022; Singapore, pp. 61-87.
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There are 85 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Automatization, Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Review Articles

Bilal Alagha 0000-0001-8347-1841

İlker Özçelik 0000-0002-2032-1640

Emrah Atılgan 0000-0002-0395-9976

Early Pub Date December 13, 2024
Publication Date December 16, 2024
Submission Date October 3, 2024
Acceptance Date November 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 38 Issue: 3


EndNote Alagha B, Özçelik İ, Atılgan E (December 1, 2024) Smart Agriculture Blockchain Applications. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 38 3 578–605.

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