Socio-Economic and Infrastructural Challenges Affecting the Competitiveness of Nigeria Soybean Production in International Trade: Auto-Regressive Distributive Lag Approach
Year 2025,
Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 11 - 19
Ibrahim Maharazu
Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı
Sunday Mailumo
Jeremiah Aluwong
Jerry Oluwatosin Bako
Hassan Isah
This research study examined factors determining the competitiveness of Nigerian soyabean production in international trade: ARDL (Auto-Regressive Distributive Lag) Approach. Data of secondary sources were used. The data covered the period of 2007 to 2022. Data were obtained from FAO, CBN, NBS, World Bank publication, and GHS-P. The econometric tools employed were descriptive statistics, ADF unit root test, and ARDL Model. The outcome of ADF unit root test reveals that ARE and RER are stationary at I (0) (level), while SOY, YED, and WOT were stationary at I (1) (First difference). The ARDL employed for co-integration test for the time series data shows that the computed F- statistics of 13.69 is more than the value at upper bound value of 4.09 at the 5% level of significance, this connotes that there is long run association between the regressors in the model The estimated long run outcome using ARDL show that ARE, YED are the significant regressors influencing the competitiveness soyabean production in international market The speed of regulation to where soyabean will balance even when there is disequilibrium is at the rate of 86%. Policies that would stimulate export of soyabean should be carry out and enhancing research activities on improving quality of soyabean produced.
Ethical Statement
Supporting Institution
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Socio-Economic and Infrastructural Challenges Affecting the Competitiveness of Nigeria Soybean Production in International Trade: Auto-Regressive Distributive Lag Approach
Year 2025,
Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 11 - 19
Ibrahim Maharazu
Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı
Sunday Mailumo
Jeremiah Aluwong
Jerry Oluwatosin Bako
Hassan Isah
- Alabi O, Madaki M, Sanusi S, Umar S, Omole E, Olumuyiwa S, David H, Emeghara U, Waziri-Ugwu P, Shaba M (2022). Factors influencing export performance of ginger (Zinbiger officinale) in Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences 6(3), 370 – 377. DOI:
- Dickey D, Fuller W (1981) Likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series with unit root. Econometrica, 49, 1057-1072.
- Dickey D, Wayne A (1979) Distribution of the estimators for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Journal of the American Statistical Association 74,366, 427 – 431.
- FAO (2015). Food and Agriculture Organization, Database, Rome, Italy
- FAO (2024). Food and Agriculture Organization, Database, Rome, Italy
- Kingu J (2014). Determinants of Tanzania agricultural export: Case of cotton lint. Developing Country Studies, 4 (1), 91 – 104.
- Mohammed A, Al-hassan S, Amegashie D (2016). Technical efficiency of soybean farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana. ADRRI Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 11(2), 20 – 38.
- Nordin A, Shariff F, Simeh A, Baharim B (2008). Future competitiveness of the Malaysian PKE. Oil Palm Industry Economics Journal 8 (2), 8-16.
- Obansa S, Okoroafor O, Aluko O, Eze M (2013). Perceived relationship between exchange rate, interest rate and economic growth in Nigeria: 1970 – 2010. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1(3), 116 – 124.
- Olojede A, Micheal N (2020). Agricultural export and economic growth in Nigeria: A disaggregated analysis. SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies 7(6), 27 – 33.
- Pesaran M, Shin Y, Smith R (2001). Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics 16(3), 289 – 326.
- Ude M, Adeoye B, Yusuf S, Balogun O, Akinlade J (2013). Competitiveness of rice processing and marketing in Ebonyi State: A policy analysis approach. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3 (3), 410 – 418.
- Umar S (2020). The competitiveness of Nigeria’s sesame and soybean export in international trade: 1986 – 1997. PhD Thesis, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Abuja, (Unpublished) Nigeria
- Yusuf H, Omokore D, Olawoye R, Yusuf H, Shuaibu H (2022). Analysis of production efficiency among small-scale soybean farmers in Sabon-Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economic, Management and Development (IJAEMD) 8, 195 – 205.
- Yousif I (2015). Analysis of factors constraining the competitiveness of sesame export in Sudan. Working Paper, No. 1, Agricultural Economics Working Paper Series, Khartoum University.