Chief Editor
Turkish Islamic Literature, Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field
Assistant Editor
Ottoman Institutions and Civilization, History of Ottoman Socio-Economy
Editorial Board
Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field
Classical Turkish Literature
Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies, Comparative and Transnational Literature, Turkish Language and Literature, Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field, Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field, Classical Turkish Literature
Values education, Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education, Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education, History of Ottoman Education
Sociology, Family Sociology , Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology, Youth Sociology
Communication and Media Studies, Policy and Administration (Other), Social Work, Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services, Sociology
Ottoman Culture and Art, Ottoman Society, Early Modern Ottoman History
Translation Studies, Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field, Turkish Education
Sufism, Islamic Studies (Other)
Turkish Language and Literature, Classical Turkish Literature
Children's Literature, Young Adult Literature
Turkish Language Editor
Modern Turkish Literature, Children's Literature, Comparative and Transnational Literature, Popular and Genre Literature, Culture, Representation and Identity, Cultural Studies (Other), Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field, Language Sociology, Literature Sociology
Section Editor (Social Work)
Communication and Media Studies, Policy and Administration (Other), Social Work, Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services, Sociology
Section Editor (Turkish Language and Literature)
Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan), New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye)
Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field
Modern Turkish Literature, Children's Literature, Comparative and Transnational Literature, Popular and Genre Literature, Culture, Representation and Identity, Cultural Studies (Other), Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field, Language Sociology, Literature Sociology
Section Editor (Translation Studies)
Translation and Interpretation Studies, Translation Studies, Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics
Translation and Interpretation Studies, Translation Studies
Section Editor (Educational Sciences)
Linguistic Performance Science, New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye)
Section Editor (German Language and Literature)
German Language, Literature and Culture
Section Editor (Psychology)
Applied and Developmental Psychology (Other)
Section Editor (History of Art)
History of Architecture, Art History, Turkish Islamic Arts
Section Editor (International Relations)
Language Studies, Persian Language, Literature and Culture, Contemporary History of Iran
Literary Review Board
Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field
Foreign Language Responsible
Translation and Interpretation Studies, Translation Studies
Section Editor (History of Science)
Layout Editor
Information Systems Organisation and Management, Business Process Management, Architecture for Disaster Relief, Natural Hazards