Year 2018,
, 489 - 505, 10.12.2018
Serkan Şengül
İsa Bayhan
Rahmi Yücel
Bu çalışmanın amacı, turizm destinasyonlarında
sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanabilmesi için, uygulanan turizm politikaları ve turizm
yaklaşımlarının gelişim süreçleriyle birlikte ortaya konulmasıdır. Araştırma
kapsamında tarihi İpek Yolu Koridorunda bulunan ve Citta
Slow ağına katılım sağlayan Göynük destinasyonunda yerel turizm paydaşlarının
konuya ilişkin görüş ve değerlendirmeleri incelenmiştir. Nitel araştırma
modeline uygun olarak gerçekleştirilen çalışmada verilerin elde edilmesinde
yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat formu kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Göynük’ü
diğer destinasyonlardan ayıran öne çıkan özelliklerin maneviyat, tarih ve
kültür, sakinlik ve huzur olduğu görülmektedir. Göynük’ün
turizm geleceği konusunda iyimser olan paydaşların turizm gelişimi açısından
devlet destek ve teşviklerini oldukça gerekli gördükleri de ulaşılan önemli bir
- Ayuso, S. (2007), ‘Comparing Voluntary Policy Instruments for Sustainable Tourism: the Experience of the Spanish Hotel Sector’ Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 15(2), ss. 144-159.
- Boley, B. B., McGehee N. G. ve Hammet, A. L. T. (2017), ‘Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) of Sustainable Tourism Initiatives: The Resident Perspective’ Tourism Management, 58, ss. 66-77.
- Butler, R.W. (1980), ‘The Concept of A Tourist Area Cycle of Evalution: Implications for Management of Resources’ Canadian Georapher, 24(1), ss. 5-12.
- Choi, H. C. ve Sirakaya, E. (2006), ‘Sustainability Indicators for Managing Community Tourism’ Tourism Management, 27(6), ss. 1274-1289.
- Coccossis, H. (1996), ‘Tourism and Sustainability: Perspectives and Implications’ içinde, G. K. Priestley, J. A. Edwards, H. Coccossiset (Editörler), Sustainable Tourism? European Experiences, U.K.: Cab International.
- Delgado, A. T. ve Palomeque, F. L. (2014), ‘Measuring Sustainable Tourism at The Municipal Level’ Annals of Tourism Research, 49, ss. 122-137.
- Doxey, G. (1975), ‘A Causation Theory of Visitor-Resident Irritants: Methodology and Research Inferences’ Travel and Tourism Research Association Sixth Annual Conference, San Diego, ss. 195-198.
- Eber, S. (1992), ‘Beyond The Green Horizon: A Discussion Paper on Principles for Sustainable Tourism’ London, WWF and Tourism Concern.
- Fernandez, J. I. P., ve Sanchez Rivero, M. (2009), ‘Measuring Tourism Sustainability: Proposal for A Composite Index’ Tourism Economics, 15(2), ss. 277-296.
- Font, X. ve Sallows, M. (2002), ‘Setting Global Sustainability Standards: The Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council’ Tourism Recreation Research, 27(1), ss. 21-31.
- Grimble, R., ve Wellard, K. (1997), ‘Stakeholder Methodologies in Natural Resource Management: A Review of Principles, Contexts, Experiences and Opportunities’ Agricultural Systems, 55(2), ss. 173-193.
- Ko, J. T. G. (2001), ‘Assessing Progress of Tourism Sustainability’ Annals of Tourism Research, 28(3), ss. 817-820.
- Ko, J. T. G. (2005), ‘Development of A Tourism Sustainability Assessment Procedure: A Conceptual Approach’ Tourism Management, 26(3), ss. 431-445.
- Lyon, A., Hunter-Jones, P. ve Warnaby, G. (2017), ‘Are We any Closer to Sustainable Development? Listening to Active Stakeholder Discourses of Tourism Development in the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, South Africa’ Tourism Management, 61, ss. 234-247.
- Manning, T. (2004), Indicators of sustainable development for tourism destinations: A guidebook, Madrid, Spain: World Tourism Organization.
- Mearns, K. F. (2011), ‘Using Sustainable Tourism Indicators to Measure The Sustainability of A Community-Based Ecotourism Venture: Malealea Lodge Pony Trek Centre, Lesotho’ Tourism Review International, 15(1-2), ss. 1-2.
- Miles, B. M. ve Huberman, A. M. (1994), Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Source Book, California: Sage.
- Simpson, K. (2001), ‘Strategic Planning and Community Involvement as Contributors to Sustainable Tourism Development’ Current Issues in Tourism, 4(1), ss. 3-41.
- Strauss, A. ve Corbin, J. (1990), Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedurs And Techniques, California: Sage Yayınları.
- Tsaur, S. H., Lin, Y. C., ve Lin, J. H. (2006), ‘Evaluating Ecotourism Sustainability from The Integrated Perspective of Resource, Community and Tourism’ Tourism management, 27(4), ss. 640-653.
- Wan, Y. K. P. ve Li, X. (2011), ‘Sustainability of Tourism Development in Macao, China’ International Journal of Tourism Research, 15, ss. 52-65.
- Yu, C. P. S., Chancellor, H. C., ve Cole, S. T. (2011), ‘Measuring Residents' Attitudes Toward Sustainable Tourism: A Reexamination of The Sustainable Tourism Attitude Scale’ Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), ss. 57-63.
Year 2018,
, 489 - 505, 10.12.2018
Serkan Şengül
İsa Bayhan
Rahmi Yücel
- Ayuso, S. (2007), ‘Comparing Voluntary Policy Instruments for Sustainable Tourism: the Experience of the Spanish Hotel Sector’ Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 15(2), ss. 144-159.
- Boley, B. B., McGehee N. G. ve Hammet, A. L. T. (2017), ‘Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) of Sustainable Tourism Initiatives: The Resident Perspective’ Tourism Management, 58, ss. 66-77.
- Butler, R.W. (1980), ‘The Concept of A Tourist Area Cycle of Evalution: Implications for Management of Resources’ Canadian Georapher, 24(1), ss. 5-12.
- Choi, H. C. ve Sirakaya, E. (2006), ‘Sustainability Indicators for Managing Community Tourism’ Tourism Management, 27(6), ss. 1274-1289.
- Coccossis, H. (1996), ‘Tourism and Sustainability: Perspectives and Implications’ içinde, G. K. Priestley, J. A. Edwards, H. Coccossiset (Editörler), Sustainable Tourism? European Experiences, U.K.: Cab International.
- Delgado, A. T. ve Palomeque, F. L. (2014), ‘Measuring Sustainable Tourism at The Municipal Level’ Annals of Tourism Research, 49, ss. 122-137.
- Doxey, G. (1975), ‘A Causation Theory of Visitor-Resident Irritants: Methodology and Research Inferences’ Travel and Tourism Research Association Sixth Annual Conference, San Diego, ss. 195-198.
- Eber, S. (1992), ‘Beyond The Green Horizon: A Discussion Paper on Principles for Sustainable Tourism’ London, WWF and Tourism Concern.
- Fernandez, J. I. P., ve Sanchez Rivero, M. (2009), ‘Measuring Tourism Sustainability: Proposal for A Composite Index’ Tourism Economics, 15(2), ss. 277-296.
- Font, X. ve Sallows, M. (2002), ‘Setting Global Sustainability Standards: The Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council’ Tourism Recreation Research, 27(1), ss. 21-31.
- Grimble, R., ve Wellard, K. (1997), ‘Stakeholder Methodologies in Natural Resource Management: A Review of Principles, Contexts, Experiences and Opportunities’ Agricultural Systems, 55(2), ss. 173-193.
- Ko, J. T. G. (2001), ‘Assessing Progress of Tourism Sustainability’ Annals of Tourism Research, 28(3), ss. 817-820.
- Ko, J. T. G. (2005), ‘Development of A Tourism Sustainability Assessment Procedure: A Conceptual Approach’ Tourism Management, 26(3), ss. 431-445.
- Lyon, A., Hunter-Jones, P. ve Warnaby, G. (2017), ‘Are We any Closer to Sustainable Development? Listening to Active Stakeholder Discourses of Tourism Development in the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, South Africa’ Tourism Management, 61, ss. 234-247.
- Manning, T. (2004), Indicators of sustainable development for tourism destinations: A guidebook, Madrid, Spain: World Tourism Organization.
- Mearns, K. F. (2011), ‘Using Sustainable Tourism Indicators to Measure The Sustainability of A Community-Based Ecotourism Venture: Malealea Lodge Pony Trek Centre, Lesotho’ Tourism Review International, 15(1-2), ss. 1-2.
- Miles, B. M. ve Huberman, A. M. (1994), Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Source Book, California: Sage.
- Simpson, K. (2001), ‘Strategic Planning and Community Involvement as Contributors to Sustainable Tourism Development’ Current Issues in Tourism, 4(1), ss. 3-41.
- Strauss, A. ve Corbin, J. (1990), Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedurs And Techniques, California: Sage Yayınları.
- Tsaur, S. H., Lin, Y. C., ve Lin, J. H. (2006), ‘Evaluating Ecotourism Sustainability from The Integrated Perspective of Resource, Community and Tourism’ Tourism management, 27(4), ss. 640-653.
- Wan, Y. K. P. ve Li, X. (2011), ‘Sustainability of Tourism Development in Macao, China’ International Journal of Tourism Research, 15, ss. 52-65.
- Yu, C. P. S., Chancellor, H. C., ve Cole, S. T. (2011), ‘Measuring Residents' Attitudes Toward Sustainable Tourism: A Reexamination of The Sustainable Tourism Attitude Scale’ Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), ss. 57-63.