e-ISSN: 2564-6834
Founded: 1999
Cover Image

Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences (UUFASJSS) publishes original research articles and reviews in the science fields of Ancient History, Applied Psychology, Archaeology, Art History, Ataturk’s Principles and the History of the Republic, Classical Turkish Literature, Clinical Psychology, Comparative Literature, Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures, Contemporary World History, Developmental Psychology, General Turkish History, History of the Middle Ages, Human and Economic Geography, Information and Document Management, Learning-Cognitive-Bio-Experimental Psychology, Linguistics, Modern History, Modern Turkish Literature, New Age History, Ottoman Institutions and Civilization, Philosophy, Physical Geography, Social Psychology, Sociology, Translation Studies, Turkish Folk Literature, Turkish Folklore, Turkish Language, World Languages and Literatures. Our journal accepts the human factor in a direction from the local to the universal and aims to publish scientific research in the broadest boundary within its subjects.

This journal is an international, peer-reviewed journal that began its publication in 1999. Two issues, one in January and one in July is published each year. The journal is currently indexed by ULAKBİM TR DİZİN, CiteFactor, DRJI, Scilit, Index Copernicus, EBSCO, MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography, Research Bible, Google Scholar and SOBİAD.

The owner of the journal in the name of the Bursa Uludağ University, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is the dean of the faculty. The editorial board consists of the editors, heads of the departments of Archeology, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, Art History, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and Literature, and academicians who are experts in their fields.

From 2017 on, all the submission and review works of the papers that are sending to our journal are processed online via DergiPark. Also, every paper published by the journal has received a DOI number by DergiPark since 2014.

Opening Date for Article Submission: July 15, 2025

2025 - Volume: 26 Issue: 48