Publication Policy:
Social Review of Technology and Change (SRTC) is a peer-reviewed academic journal committed to open science and open access principles. Articles submitted to the journal are evaluated based on academic and scientific criteria.
No fee is charged for any article published or submitted for publication in SRTC, and no royalty fee is paid to the author(s) for published articles.
Research articles submitted to the journal, whether in Turkish or English, are expected to be between 4,000 and 8,000 words, including keywords, abstracts, footnotes, and bibliographies. These articles are published only after receiving approval from the relevant editor, two reviewers who are experts in the article's field, and the editorial board.
As a result of their evaluations, reviewers make one of the following decisions: "accept as is," "minor/major revision," or "reject" and forward the evaluation report to the editor. The editor then sends the decision and the reviewers' evaluations to the relevant author(s). If the decision is "minor/major revision," the editor may request the author(s) to submit additional documentation regarding the expected changes. The author(s) must review their articles in line with the reviewer reports and make the necessary corrections.
In addition to research articles, the journal features book and literature reviews ranging from 500 to 2,500 words. These reviews, which do not undergo the peer-review process, are evaluated by the journal's editorial board.
The responsibility for the articles published in the journal and the opinions expressed therein belongs to the authors, and these articles and opinions may not reflect the editorial policy of SRTC. All legal responsibilities regarding the published articles, such as violations of ethical rules, conflicts of interest, and opinions expressed, belong to the author(s). Completion of the evaluation process or publication of the article does not eliminate the legal liability of the author(s).
By submitting an article to SRTC, the author(s) confirm that they understand and accept the journal's publication policy.
All rights to the articles published in the journal belong to Işık University Publications. Permission must be obtained to use articles in a different publication.
Ethical Principles:
During the publication process, all stakeholders, including authors, reviewers, and editors, are obliged to follow the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Interuniversity Board (ÜAK) on research and publication ethics.
• Compliance with scientific and ethical standards is the responsibility of the author(s).
• The work must be the original product of the author(s).
• All sources used in the study should be fully cited in the bibliography, and no fabricated data should be included.
• The study must not have been previously published in another journal, be under consideration for publication, or have been submitted for review elsewhere. If the study has been presented as a paper at a conference, congress, or similar academic meeting, this must be indicated in a footnote in the article.
• All listed authors must have made a direct scientific contribution to the study. In multi-author studies, the contribution of each author and the absence of conflicts of interest must be declared at the end of the study.
• For studies requiring Ethics Committee approval, details of the approval (committee name, date, and issue number) should be included as a footnote on the first page of the article.
• The data used in the study should be accessible when necessary.
• Any images, paintings, etc., subject to copyright must be included with the necessary permissions.
• Evaluations are conducted under a double-blind peer review process.
• Reviewers have the right to request revisions or reject the study with justification.
• Reviewers should make impartial evaluations and avoid personal comments. If reviewers feel they cannot adhere to this principle, they must notify the Journal Board within 15 days of receiving the article.
• Any suspicion of ethical violations must be reported to the Journal Board.
• Reviewers should not use the information and research results obtained during their evaluations for personal benefit or on behalf of others.
• In the case of rejection, reasons should be stated clearly and in detail.
• Reviewers should not have a conflict of interest with the researcher/author or the organizations funding the study.
• Confidentiality must be maintained at every stage of the evaluation.
• The evaluation result must be reported to the Editor within 30 days.
• The editor should select and prepare for publication those studies that will contribute to the field.
• Confidentiality regarding reviewers, authors, and studies must be respected.
• The editor should not use the information and research results obtained during editing for personal benefit or on behalf of others.
• The editor ensures that necessary controls are conducted to prevent plagiarism. The right to reject studies is reserved in cases of ethical violations.