ISSN: 2757-6736
e-ISSN: 2757-6736
Founded: 2020
Publisher: Nigde Omer Halisdemir University
Cover Image

Journal of Art and Design Researches (STAR) was established in 2020 by Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Faculty of Fine Arts. STAR has made it its mission to share research and review articles that aim to make qualified contributions to the literature with the world of science and art in electronic media. As of June 30, 2023, the subject headings of our journal have been updated as field and sub-topics in line with the subject change request of DergiPark. Our journal, which accepts publications in Turkish and English in the fields of interdisciplinary, art and design research, is listed below: Architecture and Design: Visual Communication Design: Photography, Graphic Design, Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication, Visual Design, Semiotics, Illustration Architecture: Interior Design, Architectural Heritage and Conservation, Architectural Design, Sustainable Architectural Design: Industrial Product Design, Textile and Fashion Design - Arts and Literature Area: Traditional Turkish Arts: Bookbinding Art, Tile Art, Old Fabric Patterns, Carpet-Rug and Weaving, Miniature, Traditional Turkish Arts (Other) Visual Arts: Handicrafts, Fine Arts, Visual Arts (Other) Music: Music Perception, Music Education, Music Performance, Music Theories, Music (Other) Plastic Arts: Sculpture, Painting, Ceramic Design Art History, Theory and Criticism: Cultural and Natural Heritage, History of Architecture, Aesthetics in Architecture, History of Painting and History of Art. The publications sent to the journal are reviewed by referees who are experts in their fields and are accepted to our journal if they are found publishable. Publications submitted to our journal are evaluated by at least two referees in the electronic article evaluation and tracking system by blind review method. The articles sent to the journal editorial office are subjected to a fast, accurate and scientific peer review process and are published online if accepted. STAR publishes two issues a year in June and December.