Writing Rules


1.             The original paper size of the Journal of Art History is 16,5 x 24 cm. However, it is suggested to prepare the articles in A4 size as MS Word document; leave 3 cm blank upside and bottom and 2 cm blank from right and left. The text must be written in 12 point Times New Roman  font size with 1,2 pitch; the main headings must be arranged in bold and 13 point and the sub-headings of the text must be arranged in bold and 12,5 point. The paragraph style of the text must be set as “justified” and the first indent must be set as 1,25 cm. (There isn’t a certain limitation for page and visual material for the articles; however, it is requested that the document, which must be prepared in accordance with the beforementioned standards, does not exceed 30 pages in total.)


2.            The name of the writer/writers, title and corporation information, Orcid ID, postal address, e-mail adress and phone number must be available on the cover page attached to the article. [In accordance with the “blind reviewing” principle, the article is sent to the reviewers anonymously. In case the process results favorably, the name of the writer and the related information are added to the first page of the article prepared appropriately for the publication.]


3.       The title of the manuscript must be given in both Turkish & English on the top.

The titles should be followed by abstracts in both Turkish and English. The abstract should be in order that contains summaries of the main parts of the article (such as introduction, method, findings, evaluation, conclusion, discussion and suggestions...)  to allow the reader able to understand the content of the article and to determine its relation to his / her interests. In the abstract, footnotes, tables, photographs etc. should not be used and should not be any referance to any page of the article. The "abstract" written in the language of the article should be at least 150 and at most 250 words. The "Abstract" in the foreign language of the article should be longer. It should be about 500 words.

Each abstract (Turkish & English) must have five keywords beneath.


4.       The footnotes must have an automatic and coherent numbering added with the “add footnote” feature of MS Word; they must be presented under the page; must not be arranged in the form of “endnote.” (footnotes must be typed in Times New Roman fonts & 10 pt)


5.      For the studies previously presented at a symposium or a congress but not published yet, the name, place and date of the symposium/congress must be indicated. If the article is the product of a research or a project supported by an institution, the project number must be stated. If the study is a compilation product of a doctorate or master thesis, it must be indicated.


6.        If the article contains texts written in an alphabet aside from the Latin alphabet, for example if a special text font supporting Cyrillic, Arabic or Greek letters is used, it is important to specify the related font to the editor and add the font file to the delivery.


7.        There must be a “bibliography” section at the end of the article. References to the sources must be given as footnotes; not within the text. (Note: Sources in the Bibliyography should be reaally used / referred within the text of the article.) Direct quotations e.g. expressions, sentences or paragraphs taken from a source must be enclosed in quotation marks. At the end of the quoted text, the source should be referred by a footnote.

        Writing principles of the Bibliography and footnote (reference/attribution) are exemplified at the end of this section.

       (In addition, authors should consider the explanations under the heading PLAGIARISM POLICY & EVALUATION PROCESS AND PRINCIPLES.)


8.      The visual materials (photograph, picture, figure, drawing etc.) can be placed either within or at the end of the text. All the visual materials must have their own names/explanatory information. However, during the publishing process, the last makeup of the article shall be made by the editor. All of the visual materials must be uploaded in one of the jpeg, png, tiff formats and in an appropriate quality to publish (300 dpi, preferably), and then sent separate from the Word file containing the text. It should be paid attention that these files must be named in a consistent way with the reference within the text.


9.     While writing the abbreviations used at the article, (for example, BC, AD, cm, Ph.D.) official abbreviation indexes of the language the article is written in (Turkish or English) must be adapted. (Besides this, when a reference is made to a component such as picture, photograph, figure, drawing within the text, the abbreviations pic., photo, fig., dwg. can be used.) Special/personal abbreviatons which do not exist at the guide and indexes must be defined at the end of the article.


10.     The article text must be submitted through uploading to the system of DergiPark. [In order to perform this, the writers should check in for membership to system of DergiPark, join the Journal of Art History (https://dergipark.org.tr/std) on the system as the “user” and follow the uploading steps pressing the “submit a manuscript” button at the journal page.

[The "full text file" which contains the titles (Turkish and English), abstracts (Turkish and English), the main text part, vusual materials (if used) and the Bibliography must be uploaded. Besides a "plagiarism report" must be uploaded. (Preferably iTHENTICATE Reports. Turnitin Reports are not acceptable for the article.]

If the articles (especially table, italic/bold parts) contain such special fonts as Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, Greek, Chinese, creating a pdf copy of the document and adding to the post is proposed as a precaution against possible incompatibilities at the Word file.

         It is also important to take into consideration the "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" Section.





a- If a  general reference is aforementioned within the text

Reference at the footnote: Çakmak, 2001

Indication At The Bibliography:

Çakmak, Ş. (2001), Erken Dönem Osmanlı Mimarisinde Taçkapılar, Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı

b- An indication of a writer’s works of the same date

Reference at the footnote:

Daşçı, 2013a, 26 ve Daşçı, 2013b, 12  

Indication At The Bibliography:

Daşçı, S. (2013a), İzmir’ Gelen Kadın Gezginler, Sanat Tarihi Dergisi XX /1, 1-37

Daşçı, S. (2013b). 19. Yüzyılda İzmir’de Dünyaya Gelen Bazı Gayrimüslim Ressamlar ve Sanatsal Etkinlikleri Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme, Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, XX /2, 1-18.

c- A work of two writers

Reference at the footnote: Bayrakal ve Daş, 2010, 27.

Indication At The Bibliography:

Bayrakal, S., Daş, E. (2010), Yelki (İzmir-Güzelbahçe) Mezarlığı, Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, XVII/2, 25-41. 

d- A work of writers ranging from three to five:

Reference at the footnote

(All names at the first reference):

Altun, Carswell ve Öney, 1991, 86.

It’s enough to identify the first writer for the subsequent references: Altun et.all., 1991, 87.

Indication At The Bibliography:

Altun, A., Carswell, J. ve Öney, G. (1991), Türk Çini ve Seramikleri, İstanbul: Vehbi Koç Vakfı

e- A work of the two writers with the same surname:

Reference at the footnote:  H. Çal ve Ö. Çal, 2008, 125.

Indication At The Bibliography:

Çal, H., Çal, Ö. (2008), Trakya Bölgesi Kapı Tokmakları ve Çekecekleri, Ankara: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi.

f- A work with 6 and more writers:

  At the first reference, only an abbreviation is made in the form of only the first name and et. al. However at the bibliography, “et al” expression is used after presenting six names.

g- A quotation over the second source;

    If the first source is unknown to the article writer, the reference is made to the second source.

   At the bibliography, the personal record of the second source is presented.

   Reference at the footnote: Transmitted from Ünal by Uçar, 2012, 1.

h- Anonymous books published by an institution:

     The name of the institution, abbreviation and date are presented at the first reference.

     At the subsequent references, only the abbreviation and date are presented.

    First reference : Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK), 1999.

    Subsequent references : TDK, 1999.

    Indication at the bibliography: Türk Dil Kurumu. (2005), Türkçe Sözlük (10.bs.), Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu.

ı- Translated Book :

Gombrich, E.H. (2011), Sanatın Öyküsü, E.Erduran, Ö. Erduran (Çev.), İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.

i- Book with an editor :

Cahoone, L. (Ed.). (1996), From Modernism to Postmodernism, Cambridge: Blackwell

j- Encyclopedia entry :

Ersoy, O. (1973), Kağıt ve Kağıtçılık, Türk Ansiklopedisi, 21, 112-115. Ankara:Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.

k- Scholarly journal articles :

Indication At The Bibliography:

Çakın, İ. (2004), Müteferrika Matbaası’nın Düşündürdükleri ve Avrupa’da Basımcılığın Etkileri. Bilgi Dünyası, 5 (2), 153-167

l- Magazine Article :

Uslu, M. (Şubat 2013),  Arjantinli Osmanlılar, Skylife,  14-25.

m- Newspaper Article :

Dündar, C. (15 Kasım 2011), Bir Canlı Tarih Kitabı Göçtü, Milliyet, 5.

n- Electronic source- Printed Article :

Yazıcı, N. (2010), Amasya’daki Hükümet Konağı Binaları [Elektronik Sürüm], Atatürk Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Dergisi, 18,  91-105. 

o- Article from Electronic Database :

Rogers, M. (1985), A Group of Ottoman Pottery in the Godman Bequest, The Burlington Magazine, 127, 134-145, Erişim (acsessed): 25.01.2012, Jstor.

ö- Thesis (Unpublished) :

Gök, S. (2000), Bursa’daki Türk Yapılarında Yer Alan Çini Süslemeli Örnekler, (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Ege Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir

p- Declaration/Proceedings (Published) :

Kuyulu Ersoy, İ. (2007), Bornova Yerleşiminde Farklı Bir Üslup: Levanten Köşkleri. H. Karpuz ve O. Eravşar (Ed.), Konya Kitabı X, 353-359, Konya: Konya Ticaret Odası

r- Declaration / Proceedings (Unpublished):

Ersoy, B. (Nisan 2012), 2007-2011 Kale-i Tavas Kazı Çalışmaları Hakkında Düşünceler[Bildiri], Kaledavaz Sempozyumu. Kale

s- Poster Declaration/ Proceedings :

Kürüm, M., Doger, F. (Mayıs 2010), Tıp Tarihi Müzeleri [Poster], VI. Ulusal Tıp Eğitimi Kongresi, ADÜ Atatürk Kongre Merkezi 

ş- Report: Investment Support and Promotion Agency (2010), Tourism Sector Report, Ankara: Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency.

t- Laws and regulations : Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Kanunu, (1983), T.C. Resmi Gazete, 18113, 23 Temmuz 1983

u- Interviews :

      are only made reference within the context.


Last Update Time: 2/25/25, 3:26:13 PM