Editorial Board Decisions and Announcements


Board Meeting dated 05.09.2022

* As per the decision taken by the Editorial Board of our journal, Dr. Mehmet YILDIZ has been appointed as the editor as of 05.09.2022.

* According to the decision taken by the Editorial Board of our journal, a maximum of 5 Book Reviews can be published in our journal, provided that they belong to academic studies.

Board Meeting dated 01.03.2024

* According to the decision taken by the Editorial Board of our journal, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Öncel DEMİRDAŞ has been appointed as editor as of 04.03.2024.


Our journal was accepted to the "DOAJ" index on 27.03.2024.

* Our journal was accepted to the "ERIH PLUS" index on 01.09.2022.

* Our journal has been accepted to the international "EBSCO" index on 23.06.2022.

* Our journal was accepted to the "Ulrich's Periodicals Directory-Proquest" index on 27.04.2022.

* As of June 2020, Sufiyye has started to be scanned in TR INDEX.

Last Update Time: 8/16/24, 3:43:22 PM
Sufiyye is an open access journal.