Research Article
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Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 282 - 294, 25.08.2017


Collaborative climate can be defined as the individuals’ beliefs, values and assumptions on knowledge sharing in organizations.  In this context, it is the climate appearing as a result of the effort spent and willingness for this purpose.  The aim of the current study is to adopt Collaborative Climate Scale  (Sveiby & Simons, 2002) into Turkish.  The original scale had four sub dimensions and 20 items.  There are five items in each dimension.  To analyze the language validity of the scale the correlation coefficient between Turkish and English versions was calculated.  As for the construct validity confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was administered, the correlation coefficient among sub dimensions were calculated and item analysis was carried out.  In the scope of item analysis the significance of the difference between upper-lower 27 % groups and item total correlations were calculated.  Internal consistency of the scale was analyzed by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient.  The findings indicated that the final Turkish version of the scale was valid both in terms of language and construct and reliable.  There are 17 items in four dimensions in Turkish version of the scale.  Three items from the original version were excluded in Turkish one because of different reasons. 


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  • Chatman, J. A. ve Barsade, S. G. (1995). Personality, Organizational Culture, and Cooperation: Evidence from a Business Simulation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40, 423-443.
  • Dean, K. S. (2010). Strategies and Benefits of Fostering Intra-Organizational Collaboration. College of Professional Studies Professional Projects. Paper 15.
  • Gliem, J. A. ve Gliem, R. R. (2003). Calculating, Interpreting, and Reporting Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient for Likert-Type Scales (Refeered Paper). Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. Muncie, Indiana.
  • Hardy, C., Phillips, N. ve Lawrence, T. B. (2003). Resources, Knowledge and Influence: The Organizational Effects of Interorganizational Collaboration. Journal of Management Studies, 2(40), 321-347.
  • Holloway, J. B. (2012). Leadership Behavior and Organizational Climate: An Empirical Study in a Non-profit Organization. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 5(1), 9-35.
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  • Mooghali, A. (2012). The impact of collaborative work climate on knowledge sharing intention. African Journal of Business Management, (6) 19, 6114-6116. DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.2862.
  • Moran, E. T. ve Volkwein, J. F. (1992). The Cultural Approach to the Formation of Organizational Climate. Human Relations, 45 (1), 19-47.
  • Schneider, B. (1975). Organizational Climates: An Essay. Personnel Psychology, 28, 447-479.
  • Schneider, B., Ehrhart, B. G. ve Macey, W. H. (2013). Organizational Cultre and Climate. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 361-388.
  • Schwarz, R. (2006). Using the Facilitative Leader Approach to Create an Organizational Culture of Collaboration. Sandy Schuman (Ed.), Creating a Culture of Collaboration içinde (s.281-301). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Stetzer, A., Morgeson, F. P. ve Anderson, E. L. (1997). Organizational Climate and Ineffectiveness: Evidence from 25 Outdoor Work Crew Divisions. Journal of Quality Management, 2(2), 251-265.
  • Sveiby, K-E. ve Roland Simons, R. (2002). Collaborative climate and effectiveness of knowledge work-an empirical study. Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(5), 420 – 433.
  • Tabachnick, B. G. ve Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using Multivariate Statistics. Boston: Pearson.
  • TDK. (2016). birli%C4%9Fi&guid=TDK.GTS.5223b323782d00.38698360 adresinden 04.11.2016 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Worthington, R. L. ve Whittaker, T. A. (2006). Scale Development Research A Content Analysis and Recommendations for Best Practices. The Counseling Psychologist, 34(6), 806-838. DOI: 10.1177/0011000006288127
  • Yılmaz, K. ve Altınkurt, Y. (2013). Örgütsel İklim Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(1), 1-11.

İşbirlikçi İklim Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 282 - 294, 25.08.2017


İşbirlikçi iklim örgütte bireylerin bilgi paylaşımına yönelik inanç, değer ve varsayımlarını ifade eden ve bu yönde harcanan çaba ve gönüllülük sonucunda oluşan iklimdir.  Mevcut araştırmanın amacı Sveiby ve Simons (2002) tarafından geliştirilen İşbirlikçi İklim Ölçeğini Türkçe’ye uyarlamaktır.  Söz konusu ölçek dört alt boyut ve 20 maddeden oluşmaktadır.  Her bir alt boyutta beş madde yer almaktadır.  Ölçeğin dil yönünden geçerliliğini test etmek amacıyla İngilizce ve Türkçe formlar arasında korelasyon hesaplanmış; yapı geçerliği doğrulayıcı faktör analizi (DFA), alt boyutlar arası korelasyonlar ve madde analizi yoluyla incelenmiştir.  Madde analizi kapsamında alt-üst %27’lik gruplar arasındaki farkın anlamlılığı ve madde toplam korelasyonları hesaplanmıştır.  Ölçeğin iç tutarlılığı ise Cronbach’s Alpha katsayısı yöntemi ile test edilmiştir.  Elde edilen bulgular ölçeğin dil ve yapı yönünden geçerliğini ve güvenirliğini kanıtlar niteliktedir.  Ölçeğin Türkçe nihai formunda orijinal ölçekten farklı olarak dört alt boyutta toplam 17 madde yer almaktadır.  Orijinal ölçekte yer alan 3 madde farklı sebepler ile Türkçe versiyon dışında tutulmuştur. 


  • Ben Yahia, N., Bellamine, N. ve Ben Ghezala, H. (2012). On the Convergence of Collaboration and Knowledge Management. eprint arXiv:1202.6104. /cps_professional adresinden 04.11.2016 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Bolat, S. (1996). Eğitim Örgütlerinde İşbirliği: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Örneği. Eğitim Yönetimi, (2)4, 505-512.
  • Büyüköztrk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Bursalıoğlu, Z. (2003). Okul Yönetiminde Yeni Yapı ve Davranış. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Chatman, J. A. ve Barsade, S. G. (1995). Personality, Organizational Culture, and Cooperation: Evidence from a Business Simulation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40, 423-443.
  • Dean, K. S. (2010). Strategies and Benefits of Fostering Intra-Organizational Collaboration. College of Professional Studies Professional Projects. Paper 15.
  • Gliem, J. A. ve Gliem, R. R. (2003). Calculating, Interpreting, and Reporting Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient for Likert-Type Scales (Refeered Paper). Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. Muncie, Indiana.
  • Hardy, C., Phillips, N. ve Lawrence, T. B. (2003). Resources, Knowledge and Influence: The Organizational Effects of Interorganizational Collaboration. Journal of Management Studies, 2(40), 321-347.
  • Holloway, J. B. (2012). Leadership Behavior and Organizational Climate: An Empirical Study in a Non-profit Organization. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 5(1), 9-35.
  • Hooper, D., Coughlan, J. ve Mullen, M. (2008). Structural Equation Modelling: Guidelines for Determining Model Fit. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6(1), 53-60.
  • İnceoğlu, M. (2010). Tutum, Algı, İletişim. İstanbul: Beykent Üniversitesi.
  • Kelly, K. ve Schaefer, A. (2014). Creating a Collaborative Organizational Culture. adresinden 04.11 .2016 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Mooghali, A. (2012). The impact of collaborative work climate on knowledge sharing intention. African Journal of Business Management, (6) 19, 6114-6116. DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.2862.
  • Moran, E. T. ve Volkwein, J. F. (1992). The Cultural Approach to the Formation of Organizational Climate. Human Relations, 45 (1), 19-47.
  • Schneider, B. (1975). Organizational Climates: An Essay. Personnel Psychology, 28, 447-479.
  • Schneider, B., Ehrhart, B. G. ve Macey, W. H. (2013). Organizational Cultre and Climate. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 361-388.
  • Schwarz, R. (2006). Using the Facilitative Leader Approach to Create an Organizational Culture of Collaboration. Sandy Schuman (Ed.), Creating a Culture of Collaboration içinde (s.281-301). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Stetzer, A., Morgeson, F. P. ve Anderson, E. L. (1997). Organizational Climate and Ineffectiveness: Evidence from 25 Outdoor Work Crew Divisions. Journal of Quality Management, 2(2), 251-265.
  • Sveiby, K-E. ve Roland Simons, R. (2002). Collaborative climate and effectiveness of knowledge work-an empirical study. Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(5), 420 – 433.
  • Tabachnick, B. G. ve Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using Multivariate Statistics. Boston: Pearson.
  • TDK. (2016). birli%C4%9Fi&guid=TDK.GTS.5223b323782d00.38698360 adresinden 04.11.2016 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Worthington, R. L. ve Whittaker, T. A. (2006). Scale Development Research A Content Analysis and Recommendations for Best Practices. The Counseling Psychologist, 34(6), 806-838. DOI: 10.1177/0011000006288127
  • Yılmaz, K. ve Altınkurt, Y. (2013). Örgütsel İklim Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(1), 1-11.
There are 23 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Limon

Mehmet Durnalı

Publication Date August 25, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Limon, İ., & Durnalı, M. (2017). Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 7(2), 282-294.
AMA Limon İ, Durnalı M. Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability. SUJE. August 2017;7(2):282-294. doi:10.19126/suje.335818
Chicago Limon, İbrahim, and Mehmet Durnalı. “Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability”. Sakarya University Journal of Education 7, no. 2 (August 2017): 282-94.
EndNote Limon İ, Durnalı M (August 1, 2017) Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability. Sakarya University Journal of Education 7 2 282–294.
IEEE İ. Limon and M. Durnalı, “Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability”, SUJE, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 282–294, 2017, doi: 10.19126/suje.335818.
ISNAD Limon, İbrahim - Durnalı, Mehmet. “Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability”. Sakarya University Journal of Education 7/2 (August 2017), 282-294.
JAMA Limon İ, Durnalı M. Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability. SUJE. 2017;7:282–294.
MLA Limon, İbrahim and Mehmet Durnalı. “Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability”. Sakarya University Journal of Education, vol. 7, no. 2, 2017, pp. 282-94, doi:10.19126/suje.335818.
Vancouver Limon İ, Durnalı M. Adaptation of Collaborative Climate Scale into Turkish: The Study of Validity and Reliability. SUJE. 2017;7(2):282-94.

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