Hale Yılmaz is an Associate Professor of Turkish and Middle Eastern History at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. She is the author of Becoming Turkish: Nationalist Reforms and Cultural Negotiations in Early Republican Turkey (1923-1945), Syracuse University Press, 2013. The book has been published in Turkish translation (Türk Olmak: Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde Milliyetçi Reformlar ve Kültürel Tartışmalar) by Istanbul Bilgi University Press (2023). Dr. Yılmaz's research focuses on the social and cultural history of the early Turkish republic. Her current research projects include an exploration of the history and memory of the Menemen Incident as well as a study of the recent transformations of Turkey's small-town panayırs.
Hale Yılmaz is an Associate Professor of Turkish and Middle Eastern History at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. She is the author of Becoming Turkish: Nationalist Reforms and Cultural Negotiations in Early Republican Turkey (1923-1945), Syracuse University Press, 2013. The book has been published in Turkish translation (Türk Olmak: Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde Milliyetçi Reformlar ve Kültürel Tartışmalar) by Istanbul Bilgi University Press (2023). Dr. Yılmaz's research focuses on the social and cultural history of the early Turkish republic. Her current research projects include an exploration of the history and memory of the Menemen Incident as well as a study of the recent transformations of Turkey's small-town panayırs.
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