e-ISSN: 2687-4253
Founded: 2019
Publisher: Ahmet ŞİMŞEK
Cover Image

tarihyazımı is an international, academic, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that aims to advance historiography by publishing research, review, critical and translated articles. historiography aims to advance historical methodology both locally and internationally, without committing itself to a single approach, discipline, methodology or paradigm.

tarihyazımı publishes theoretical or practical articles on historiography, historical methodology, historiography education, historical sociology, historical literature, philosophy of history, historical theory, historical politics, and the relations of history with other disciplines in both research and writing processes.

Subject Category
History, Heritage and Archaeology > Historiography > Historiography
History, Heritage and Archaeology > Historiography > Historical Review
History, Heritage and Archaeology > Historiography > Historiography Education
History, Heritage and Archaeology > Historiography > Historical Theory
History, Heritage and Archaeology > Historiography > History Policy
History, Heritage and Archaeology > Historiography > Historical Methodology
History, Heritage and Archaeology > Historiography > Historical Literature
History, Heritage and Archaeology > Historiography > Historiography (Other)

Historiography, History Theory, History Methodology, History Policy, Historiography Education

Publication Period
tarihyazımı is published twice a year; in June and December.

Target audience
The target audience of our journal consists of academics, researchers and graduate students working in the field of historiography and history teachers.

Copyright Policy
The author(s) assign all financial rights, including the rights of processing, reproduction, representation, printing, publication and distribution of their articles to the journal Tarihyazımı. However, the author(s) retain all property rights such as non-copyright patent rights, reprint rights as a book or book chapter, and non-commercial reproduction rights. All publications are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Ethical Principles
tarihyazımı accepts publications with the utmost attention to ethical principles. The publication ethics and open access policy of our journal are organized within the framework of the International Ethical Publishing Principles of Ethical Publishing as determined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki. The review process is not initiated or completed for manuscripts that have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. Similarity checks are performed for submitted manuscripts (using TURNITIN or IThenticate applications), and the evaluation process is not initiated for manuscripts with more than 20% similarity.

Price Policy
Within the framework of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, tarihyazımı supports the idea of open and free information sharing. To this end, all costs of the journal are covered by the publisher. tarihyazımı does not charge submission, review or publication fees for manuscripts. It also provides free and unlimited access to historiography content for its readers.

Ethical Committee Approval

With the decision of ULAKBİM on February 25th, 2020, there is a condition that "All the disciplines of science (including social sciences), there should be an Ethical Committee Approval for research involving human and animal (clinical and experimental) separately and this approval must be mentioned in the article and it should be documented". The research conducted by quantitative or qualitative approaches which require data collection such as questionnaire, interview, observation, focus group study, the experiment is regarded under the aforementioned content.