Asst. Prof.
Tarsus University Political Science and Public Administration
I received my bachelor's from Atatürk University at the Department of Public Administration in 2019. Since 2020 I am both the graduate student of Hacettepe University at the master's department of Political Science and Research Assistant of Tarsus University at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. I deeply interested in the constitutional institutions and their functions in the administrative and political system. I also analyse the governmental policy responsiveness and representation in Turkey and Europe. In addition to these fields the Comparative Agendas Project is one of the my major academic focuses.
Asst. Prof.
Tarsus University Political Science and Public Administration
He received his PhD in Computational Statistics. He is a Associate professor in Statistics at the Università degli Studi del Sannio (Italy) and also a professor in Statistics and Statistics for Business. His research interests focus on Multivariate Statistical Methods with particular attention to
Correspondence Analysis applied to problem of the evaluation of the Customer Satisfaction. He serves on the program and organizing committees of conferences in the field of Multivariate Methods and Decision Theory. He is author of more than 90 conference and high impact factor journal papers as Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Applied Statistics and Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods; Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. He coordinates several international projects. Actually he’s local coordinator of a Tempus project.
Dr Intigam Mamedov is a Research Fellow at the Department of Social Sciences, Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK). His research interests include international relations, critical security studies, Russian and post-Soviet Politics and security. Intigam earned his PhD degree in Politics (2017) from Lomonosov Moscow State University. His current research focuses on the role of narratives and discourse in the Nagorno-Karabakh and Russia-Ukraine conflicts. Intigam has taught widely on undergraduate and postgraduate modules, including ‘Theory of International Relations’, ‘Foreign Policy Analysis’ and ‘Russian politics’.