Article Template
Place your article in this template. The template will guide you according to the rules. Please upload this form to the journal system.
Author Checklist
Check your article template against the items in this list.
Copyright Transfer Agreement
Please fill out this form and upload it to the journal system.
Title Page
Please fill out this form and upload it to the journal system.
Pre-Review Checklist
The journal secretariat will check your article template against the items on this list.
Editor Checklist
The editor checks your article template against the items in this list.
Field Editor Evaluation Checklist
The field editor will check your article template against the items in this list.
Reviewer Evaluation Form
Referees will review your article by taking this form into account.
Referee Correction Suggestions Realization Evidence Form
Please fill out this form, clearly indicating whether or not you agree/disagree with the referees' suggestions for revision (with reasons, if any), and upload it to the journal system.
Layout Template
Layout editors will place your article on this template and send it to you.
Layout Checklist
Check your edited article through this form and upload your article to the journal system.