Year 2020,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 30 - 38, 29.06.2020
Fatma Büşra Azı
Şemseddin Gündüz
- Bacanak, A., Karamustafaoğlu, O., & Köse, S. (2003). Yeni bir bakış: eğitimde teknoloji okuryazarlığı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(14), 191-196.
- Brailovskaia, J., Bierhoff, H. W., Rohmann, E., Raeder, F., & Margraf, J. (2020). The relationship between narcissism intensity of Facebook use, Facebook flow and Facebook addiction. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 11. Doi: 10.1016/j.abrep.2020.100265
- Cabada, R., Estrada, M., Sanchez, L., Sandoval, G., Velazquez, J., & Barrientos, J. (2009). Modeling student’s learning styles in web 2.0 learning systems. World Journal on Educational Technology, 1(2), 75-88.
- Çelebi, E. (2014, October) Dijital sosyalleşme: çevrimiçi sosyalleşmenin sosyal bağlilik, kaygi, depresyon ve mutluluk üzerine etkileri, Dijital İletişim Etkisi, Uluslararası Akademik Konferans Bildiri Kitabı, İstanbul: İskendiriye Kitap, s. 547-554.
- EGM (2018) Facebook Hesap Güvenliği Erişim Tarihi: 23.03.2018
- Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook “friends:” Social capital and college students ‘use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer ‐ Mediated Communication, 12 (4), 1143-1168.
- Greenwood, S., Perrin, A., & Duggan, M. (2016). Social Media Update 2016. Pew Research Center, 11.
- Günay, D. & Arıduru, A. (2001, June). Teknolojinin konumu ne neliği, Paper presented at the II.Technology, Quality and Production Systems Conference, Bolu.
- Karadoğan Doruk,, E., D., & Okumuş, M. (2014). Sosyal medya kullanıcıların sanal ve gerçek hayattaki protestolara katılma durumlarının karşılaştırılması ve sanal protestoların kullanıcı algısı bakımından etkinliği, Demir M. (Ed.), Yeni medya üzerine: İletişim teknolojileri (213-242). Konya: Litera Yayıncılık
- Karagöz, K. (2013). Yeni medya çağinda dönüşen toplumsal hareketler ve dijital aktivizm hareketleri, İletişim ve Diplomasi, 1, 131-157.
- Kırık, A. M. (2014). Sosyal medya-tv etkileşimi bağlamında twitter bazlı reyting ölçümlemesi, Denir, M. (Ed.). Yeni medya üzerine: İletişim teknolojileri Vol 2 (271-310), İstanbul: Literatürk
- Manickam, Y., Selvam, N. D., & Ahrumugam, P. (2020). A study on the impact of collaborative learning on academic performance using facebook in higher education. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society, 2(1), 15-23.
- Rajesh, R., & Rangaiah, V. (2020). Facebook addiction and personality. Heliyon, 6(1). Doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03184
- Sindermann, C., Duke, E., & Montag, C. (2020). Personality associations with Facebook use and tendencies towards Facebook Use Disorder. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 11. Doi: 10.1016/j.abrep.2020.100264
- Sternberg, N., Luria, R., Chandhok, S., Vickers. B., Kross, E., Sheppes, G. (2020). When facebook and finals collide – procrastinatory social media usage predicts enhanced anxiety. Computers in Human Behavior, 109. Doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106358
- Tiryaki,.S. (2015). Social Media and Facebook Addiction. Literatürk Academia, pp. 7-283.
- Vurdien, R. & Puranen, P. (2020). Enhancing students’ intercultural competence and learner autonomy via facebook telecollaboration, Khosrow-Pour, M. (Ed). Multicultural Instructional Design: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGIGlobal Publisher of Timely Knowledge. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9279-2.ch030
Year 2020,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 30 - 38, 29.06.2020
Fatma Büşra Azı
Şemseddin Gündüz
Nowadays, social networks and usage are spreading rapidly. Social networks have become an indispensable part of communication. They are platforms that people use to communicate with each other online and share their beautiful moments. The number of social network users is increasing day by day. The most common social network known is Facebook. This study was conducted to investigate the awareness of middle school students about Facebook security based on the age limit of 13 years of age using Facebook. In the survey, 266 users answered the subject matter about Facebook usage. The research was conducted in two different state schools in Istanbul. The safety awareness of Facebook for middle school students is found at a high level. There was no statistically significant difference between male and female students' Facebook security awareness. Children's level of awareness of Facebook does not vary according to the income levels of their families. The research is quantitative.
- Bacanak, A., Karamustafaoğlu, O., & Köse, S. (2003). Yeni bir bakış: eğitimde teknoloji okuryazarlığı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(14), 191-196.
- Brailovskaia, J., Bierhoff, H. W., Rohmann, E., Raeder, F., & Margraf, J. (2020). The relationship between narcissism intensity of Facebook use, Facebook flow and Facebook addiction. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 11. Doi: 10.1016/j.abrep.2020.100265
- Cabada, R., Estrada, M., Sanchez, L., Sandoval, G., Velazquez, J., & Barrientos, J. (2009). Modeling student’s learning styles in web 2.0 learning systems. World Journal on Educational Technology, 1(2), 75-88.
- Çelebi, E. (2014, October) Dijital sosyalleşme: çevrimiçi sosyalleşmenin sosyal bağlilik, kaygi, depresyon ve mutluluk üzerine etkileri, Dijital İletişim Etkisi, Uluslararası Akademik Konferans Bildiri Kitabı, İstanbul: İskendiriye Kitap, s. 547-554.
- EGM (2018) Facebook Hesap Güvenliği Erişim Tarihi: 23.03.2018
- Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook “friends:” Social capital and college students ‘use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer ‐ Mediated Communication, 12 (4), 1143-1168.
- Greenwood, S., Perrin, A., & Duggan, M. (2016). Social Media Update 2016. Pew Research Center, 11.
- Günay, D. & Arıduru, A. (2001, June). Teknolojinin konumu ne neliği, Paper presented at the II.Technology, Quality and Production Systems Conference, Bolu.
- Karadoğan Doruk,, E., D., & Okumuş, M. (2014). Sosyal medya kullanıcıların sanal ve gerçek hayattaki protestolara katılma durumlarının karşılaştırılması ve sanal protestoların kullanıcı algısı bakımından etkinliği, Demir M. (Ed.), Yeni medya üzerine: İletişim teknolojileri (213-242). Konya: Litera Yayıncılık
- Karagöz, K. (2013). Yeni medya çağinda dönüşen toplumsal hareketler ve dijital aktivizm hareketleri, İletişim ve Diplomasi, 1, 131-157.
- Kırık, A. M. (2014). Sosyal medya-tv etkileşimi bağlamında twitter bazlı reyting ölçümlemesi, Denir, M. (Ed.). Yeni medya üzerine: İletişim teknolojileri Vol 2 (271-310), İstanbul: Literatürk
- Manickam, Y., Selvam, N. D., & Ahrumugam, P. (2020). A study on the impact of collaborative learning on academic performance using facebook in higher education. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society, 2(1), 15-23.
- Rajesh, R., & Rangaiah, V. (2020). Facebook addiction and personality. Heliyon, 6(1). Doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03184
- Sindermann, C., Duke, E., & Montag, C. (2020). Personality associations with Facebook use and tendencies towards Facebook Use Disorder. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 11. Doi: 10.1016/j.abrep.2020.100264
- Sternberg, N., Luria, R., Chandhok, S., Vickers. B., Kross, E., Sheppes, G. (2020). When facebook and finals collide – procrastinatory social media usage predicts enhanced anxiety. Computers in Human Behavior, 109. Doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106358
- Tiryaki,.S. (2015). Social Media and Facebook Addiction. Literatürk Academia, pp. 7-283.
- Vurdien, R. & Puranen, P. (2020). Enhancing students’ intercultural competence and learner autonomy via facebook telecollaboration, Khosrow-Pour, M. (Ed). Multicultural Instructional Design: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGIGlobal Publisher of Timely Knowledge. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9279-2.ch030