ISSN: 2528-892X
e-ISSN: 2667-7857
Founded: 2019
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The Journal of Basic Education is a peer-reviewed academic journal for pre-school and primary school education. In this context, the journal publishes quality studies on all up-to-date topics whose research findings and design are of national and international importance. The journal prioritizes studies with a solid theoretical framework, critically correlates the relevant literature with the subject, well-structured research design and analysis, and includes recommendations and conclusions for national and international advanced research and policy applications. The journal consists of studies that deal with education from a theoretical perspective and provide practical insights into the subject. This framework publishes original research, experimental and clinical studies, policy analyses, and case reports from different disciplines. The journal aims to be a medium for international and interdisciplinary original scientific studies, produce qualified discussions about education, and contribute to shaping education policies in Turkey. For this reason, it is expected that the studies to be published will provide new and original contributions to the discussions on education and technical competence. Thus, it is aimed to contribute to the formation of an accumulation that will benefit people and institutions working in the field of education in Turkey.

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