ISSN: 2149-4576
e-ISSN: 2149-6250
Founded: 2015
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The deadline for the June issue is April 15, the deadline for the December issue is October 15. Due to referee processes, the evaluation process of the articles may take longer. The June issue includes articles ready as of June 1st, and the December issue includes articles ready as of December 1st.

TFM includes legal scientific studies in the field of commercial and intellectual property law. It can briefly define this field as the law of trade. This area covers the sub-branches of commercial law such as law of commercial enterprises, companies law, negotiable instruments law, transport law, insurance law, maritime law, competition law, banking, capital market, and cooperative law. it also includes intellectual property law branches such as copyright law, trademark law, patent law, design law, geographical indication law, law on plant varieties, and integrated circuits. TFM aims to provide legal support to highly competitive enterprises that will emerge. Due to its strong historical background and strategic location, we believe that the effectiveness of our country in trade worldwide can only be possible thanks to institutions with strong legal structure. For this reason, we want TFM to become a competition and innovation law journal and invite all our colleagues to support this academic cooperation environment with their scientific studies.

2024 - Volume: 10 Issue: 2