Tarihi gelişim süreci içinde kıymetli evrak konusunda çeşitli gelişmeler olmuştur. Geleneksel olarak olarak kağıt senetlerle tedavülü sağlanan kıymetli evrak akabinde önce toplu senet dönemi ile kayıtlı hale getirilmiş sonra ise evraksız kıymetli evrak ortaya çıkmıştır. Evraksız kıymetli evrak ile hakkın hem daha kolay hem de daha hızlı ve ekonomik bir şekilde tedavülü mümkün olmuştur.
Elektronik Ürün Senedi (ELÜS) bu kapsamda ortaya çıkan, standart nitelikleri olan misli ürünün mülkiyetini temsil eden, hak ile elektronik ortamdaki kaydın kaynaştığı evraksız kıymetli evrak olarak ya da kaydi kıymetli hakkı ifade eder. Kaydi kıymetli hakka bağlı tüm ticari işlemler ELÜS vasıtasıyla yürütülebilir. Bu çerçevde alım-satım, rehin ve icra işlemleri gerçekleştirilebilir.
İslam hukukunda mevcut bir hakkın senet vasıtası ile tedavülü mümkündür. İslam hukukunun doğuş döneminden (6. yüzyıl) itibaren kıymetli evrak özelliklerini taşyan senetler kullanılmıştır. Pozitif hukuka göre düzenlenen kıymetli evrak ve evraksız kıymetli evrak İslam hukukunun meşru saydığı ve iktisadi değeri bulunan bütün haklar için düzenlenebilir.
İslam hukukuna göre, Lisanslı Depo’ya tevdi edilen standart nitelikteki misli ürünün mülkiyet hakkını ifade eden ELÜS ile peşin alım satım, vadeli işlemler (futures) ve rehin işlemleri gerçekleştirilebilir. Zira ELÜS, depoda mevcut mütekavvim bir malı temsil etmektedir, ELÜS’ü devralan kişi ilgili ürünü de devralmış sayılır.
İslam hukuku açısından ELÜS’ün Vadeli sözleşmesi (furues contract) ile ilgil olarak belirtilmesi gereken önemli konu; bunun bir satış sözleşmesi değil bir satış vaadi sözleşmesi niteliğinde olduğudur.
ELÜS, hem ürün sahibi olan hem de ürüne ihtiyaç duyan kişler arasında standart nitelikteki misli ürüne dayalı hakların daha kolay ve hızlı tedavülüne yarayan, İslam hukukunun onayladığı bir evraksız kıymetli evrak türü olarak gelinen son aşamayı ifade etmektedir.
İslam Hukuku Evraksız Kıymetli Evrak Lisanslı Depolama Elektronik Ürün Senedi Emtia Borsası
There have been various developments in the historical development process regarding the negotiable instruments. After the negotiable instruments traditionally provided in circulation with paper bills, firstly they were registered with the collective deed period, and then paperless negotiable instruments emerged. With the paperless negotiable instruments, it has been possible to circulate the valuable right in an easier, faster and more economical way.
Electronic Warehouse Receipts (EWR) has emerged within this scope and it is a paperless negotiable instrument representing the ownership of the standard products deposited in the Licensed Warehouse. It refers to the right as a paperless negotiable instruments that merge with that right and the record in the electronic environment or as a registered valuable right. All commercial transactions related to the dematerialized right can be carried out through EWR. In this framework trading, pledge and execution transactions can be carried out.
A right existing in Islamic law can be circulated by means of a deed. Since the birth of Islamic law (6th century), bills with the characteristics of negotiable instruments have been used. Negotiable instruments and paperless negotiable instruments which are arranged according to positive law can be issued for all rights that Islamic law deems legitimate and have economic value.
According to Islamic law, cash transactions, futures and pledge transactions can be carried out with EWR which which represents the ownership right of the standard quality similar products deposited to the Licensed Warehouse. Because EWR represents a legitimate product of Islam and law in the warehouse, and the person who takes over EWR is deemed to have also taken over the relevant product.
In terms of Islamic law, the important issue to be stated regarding the furues contract of EWR; it is not a sales contract but a promise to sell contract.
EWR represents the last stage reached as a type of paperless negotiable instrument approved by Islamic law, which allows for easier and faster circulation of the rights based on the standard similar products among both the owners of the product and those who need the product.
Islamic Law Paperless Negotiable Instruments Licensed Warehousing Electronic Warehouse Receipts Commodity Exchange
There have been various developments in the historical development process regarding the negotiable instruments. After the negotiable instruments traditionally provided in circulation with paper bills, firstly they were registered with the collective deed period, and then paperless negotiable instruments emerged. With the paperless negotiable instruments, it has been possible to circulate the valuable right in an easier, faster and more economical way.
Electronic Warehouse Receipts (EWR) has emerged within this scope and it is a paperless negotiable instrument representing the ownership of the standard products deposited in the Licensed Warehouse. It refers to the right as a paperless negotiable instruments that merge with that right and the record in the electronic environment or as a registered valuable right. All commercial transactions related to the dematerialized right can be carried out through EWR. In this framework trading, pledge and execution transactions can be carried out.
A right existing in Islamic law can be circulated by means of a deed. Since the birth of Islamic law (6th century), bills with the characteristics of negotiable instruments have been used. Negotiable instruments and paperless negotiable instruments which are arranged according to positive law can be issued for all rights that Islamic law deems legitimate and have economic value.
According to Islamic law, cash transactions, futures and pledge transactions can be carried out with EWR which which represents the ownership right of the standard quality similar products deposited to the Licensed Warehouse. Because EWR represents a legitimate product of Islam and law in the warehouse, and the person who takes over EWR is deemed to have also taken over the relevant product.
In terms of Islamic law, the important issue to be stated regarding the furues contract of EWR; it is not a sales contract but a promise to sell contract.
EWR represents the last stage reached as a type of paperless negotiable instrument approved by Islamic law, which allows for easier and faster circulation of the rights based on the standard similar products among both the owners of the product and those who need the product.
Islamic Law Paperless Negotiable Instruments Licensed Warehousing Electronic Warehouse Receipts Commodity Exchange.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Law in Context |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2021 |
Submission Date | April 25, 2021 |
Published in Issue | Year 2021 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 |