TURKISH NURSES JOURNAL (THDD) is the official and scientific publication organ of the Turkish Nurses Association. Turkish Nurses Journal was first published in 1950 and continued to be published until 2005. Since June 2020, Turkish Nurses Journal has been published as Turkish Nurses Association Journal (THDD) with ISSN 2717-9486. THDD is a national and international, open access, open access, free of charge journal that publishes based on independent, unbiased and double-blind refereeing principles. The journal is published electronically three times a year (April, August, December) in Turkish and English. THDD is indexed in the Turkish Citation Index. Each article published in the Journal of the Turkish Nurses Association is assigned a DOI tag.
Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
1. Preference Of the Ventrogluteal Region in Intramuscular Injection in Children: Systematic Review