Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

 1. Publication Ethics and Policies

TIJMET adheres to strict national and international ethical guidelines to ensure the reliability and scientific integrity of published research in engineering and materials science. All manuscripts submitted to our journal must comply with the following international ethical principles and standards:

• COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics): Our journal follows the ethical standards set by COPE. Any instances of plagiarism, data fabrication, duplicate publication, or misleading data representation will be handled according to COPE’s international standards.
• Helsinki Declaration and European Science Foundation (ESF) Guidelines: If human subjects or biomedical-related engineering studies are involved, compliance with these ethical standards and relevant international regulations is mandatory.

1.1 Publication Ethics

Our journal is committed to maintaining high ethical standards in scientific research and publication processes. In this context, we adopt the following principles:
• Integrity: Honesty and accuracy are fundamental principles in research and publication processes. Data should not be manipulated, and results should be presented accurately.
• Originality and Plagiarism: Published articles must be original and must not copy other works without appropriate permission or citation. Articles found to have plagiarism will be rejected.
• Conflict of Interest: Authors, editors, and reviewers must declare any potential conflicts of interest during the evaluation of their research. Transparency is essential in managing such conflicts.
• Data Access and Storage: Authors should ensure the accessibility of the data used in published works and retain such data for a reasonable period. 
• Ethics Committee: All studies involving human or animal subjects must obtain approval from an institutional ethics committee and include a statement confirming compliance with ethical regulations.

1.2 Publication Policy
• Review Process: All submitted articles undergo a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are selected from experts in the relevant field and are expected to conduct their evaluations objectively and impartially.
• Editorial Independence: Editors have independent decision-making authority regarding the publication of articles. Articles selected for publication are based on scientific merit, originality, and relevance to the journal's scope.
• Plagiarism Detection: Our journal uses plagiarism detection systems to check submitted articles for plagiarism. Articles found to contain plagiarism are rejected without further review. The similarity rate should not exceed 3% from any single source and 15% in total. Turnitin or iThenticate programs may be used for this purpose. It is recommended to exclude the references section when performing the similarity check.
• Corrections and Retractions: If errors or inaccuracies are found in published articles, necessary corrections or retractions are made. Authors are informed of such issues, and the process is conducted transparently.

1.3 Open Access and Licensing Policy
• Open Access: The journal is an open access journal and it is completely free of charge. Researchers and other readers can freely access articles without restrictions.

2. Author Responsibilities
• Research Ethics: Authors must conduct their research in accordance with ethical standards and obtain necessary ethics committee approvals.
• Authorship: All listed authors should have made significant contributions to the research. Contributions of others should be appropriately acknowledged.
• Informed Consent: For research involving human subjects, authors must indicate that informed consent was obtained.
• Conflict of Interest: Authors must declare any conflicts of interest and be transparent in this regard.
• Plagiarism and Manipulation: Authors must not engage in plagiarism or data manipulation. Detected cases of plagiarism or data manipulation will result in rejection and notification of relevant institutions.
• Citation: Authors should cite sources appropriately and accurately.
• Data Access: Authors should ensure the accessibility of the data used in their research.
• Similarity Check: Authors should perform a similarity check on their manuscripts and upload the resulting report along with their submission. 

3. Reviewer Responsibilities
• Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain strict confidentiality regarding the content of the articles they review. Manuscripts should not be shared or discussed with others without explicit permission from the journal.
• Impartiality: Reviewers are expected to provide objective and unbiased evaluations. Any potential conflicts of interest, whether personal or professional, must be disclosed to the editorial board.
• Constructive Feedback: Reviewers should provide detailed and constructive feedback to authors, offering specific suggestions to enhance the quality of the manuscript while maintaining a respectful and professional tone.
• Ethical Considerations: Reviewers must ensure that the submitted work complies with ethical standards, including issues related to plagiarism, data integrity, and research ethics. Any concerns should be promptly reported to the editors.

4. Editor Responsibilities
• Confidentiality: Editors must protect the confidentiality of all submitted manuscripts, ensuring that the content is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals before publication.
• Impartial Decision-Making: Editors must ensure that the peer review process is fair, transparent, and free from bias. Any conflicts of interest should be declared, and editors must avoid handling manuscripts in which they have a personal or professional stake.
• Facilitating Constructive Review: Editors should oversee the peer review process to ensure that reviewers provide comprehensive and constructive feedback to authors. If necessary, editors should mediate between authors and reviewers to clarify concerns.
• Upholding Ethical Standards: Editors must ensure that submitted articles adhere to ethical research and publication standards. In cases of ethical misconduct or questionable research practices, editors should take appropriate action, including consulting relevant ethics committees when necessary.

These principles reflect our journal's commitment to maintaining high ethical standards in scientific research and publication processes. It is the responsibility of authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to these principles. Editors and reviewers will assess the ethical compliance of submitted manuscripts and initiate investigations in accordance with COPE guidelines if any ethical misconduct is suspected.

Last Update Time: 2/6/25, 2:29:39 PM