The journal began to be published in 1947 under the name of "Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey". Since 1987, it has been continuing its publication life with the title of "Geological Bulletin of Turkey". Since 2011, it has been published both in print and online.
Geol. Bul. Turkey accepts articles related to all branches of earth sciences except Engineering Geology. It is published 3 times a year, in January, April and August.
Geol. Bul. Turkey is indexed and abstracted in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index - Clarivate Analytics), ULAKBİM (TRDİZİN), EBSCO Essentials, and SOBIAD databases.
Your new manuscript submission should be via DergiPark.
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Research Article
Facies Characteristics and Depositional Systems of the Gürlevik Fluvial Tufas (Erzincan, East Anatolia)Instructions for Authors:
Ethical Statement and Copyrighy Form: