Research Article
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Year 2024, , 46 - 53, 21.06.2024


The research was carried out in Kahramanmaras Eastern Mediterranean Transition Zone Agricultural Research Institute (DAGTEM) in the main crop growing season of 2019 and 2020, in a randomized blocks trial design with three replications to determine the silage quality characteristics of 20 different silage maize hybrids (Macha, Ranger, Simon, AS160, Dracma, DS0224, DKC6442, Colonia, Inove, Antex, Everest, Torro, 73may81, Kilowaatt, Klips, PR31Y43, 30B74, DKC7240, C955, and Gladius). The study showed that silage quality varied significantly for maize hybrids and the region's climatic conditions in different years. According to the two-year average results, the dry matter content (T60), dry matter recovery, crude protein content, crude ash content, starch content, NDF content, ADF content, and ADL content were between 28.43-32.59%, 90.11-97.69%, 6.01-7.44%, 4.93-7.52%, 18.88-27.04%, 44.28-54.69%, 23.85-30.30%, and 2.00-3.62%, respectively, and C955, Everest, and PR31Y43 were the hybrids that potential silage nutritional value of them was prominent.

Project Number

TUBITAK 1180200


  • Akbay, F., T. Gunaydin, S. Arikan, Z. Korkmaz, N. Kivrak and M. Kizilsimsek. 2022. Determination of quality characteristics of silage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) plant harvested in different periods. International Symposium on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ISADET). Kahramanmaras.
  • Akbay, F., A. Erol and A. Kamalak. 2020. The effect of different harvesting period on the chemical composition, methane production and condensed tannin content of fenugreek grass (Trigonella foenum- graecum L.). Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Agriculture and Nature. 23(6):1663-1668.
  • Alcicek, A., H. Akdemir, and R. Erkek. 1997. Research on agronomic characteristics, ensiling ability and feed value of different corn varieties. Türkiye First Silage Congress, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science. Bursa. 235-240.
  • AOAC. 1990. Official method of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 15th Edition. Washington DC, USA. Arslan, N., C. Erdurmus, M. Oten, B. Aydinoglu and S. Cakmakci. 2016. Determination of nutritive value of maize silages ensiled with soybean at different rate. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 31.
  • Arzani, H., M. Basiri, F. Khatibi and G. Ghorbani. 2006. Nutritive value of some Zagros Mountain rangeland species. Small Ruminant Research. 65(1-2):128-135.
  • Basmacioglu, H. and M. Ergul. 2002. Silage microbiology. Animal Production. 43(1):12-24.
  • Basaran, U., E. Gulumser, M.C. Dogrusoz, M.U.T. Hanife and A. Sahin. 2017. Determination of silage and grain traits of different silage maize cultivars during dough stage. KSU Journal of Natural Science. 20:1-5.
  • Da Silva, E.B., R.M. Savage, A.S. Biddle, S.A. Polukis and L. Jr. Kung. 2020. Effects of a chemical additive on the fermentation, microbial communities, and aerobic stability of corn silage with or without air stress during storage. Journal of Animal Science. 98(8):1-11.
  • Degirmenci, R. 2000. “Investigations on the Herbage and Seed Yield of Different Maize Cultivars As Grown Main Crop”. M.S. Thesis, Ege University.
  • Deniz, S., H. Nursoy, I. Yilmaz and M.A. Karsli. 2001. Effects of harvesting corn varieties at varying maturities on silage quality and digestible dry matter yield of corn silages. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 17(3):43-49.
  • Erdal, S., M. Pamukcu, H. Ekiz, M. Soysal, O. Savur and A. Toros. 2009. The determination of yield and quality traits of some candidate silage maize hybrids. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 22(1):75-81.
  • Fernandez, I., C. Martin, M. Champion and B. Michalet-Doreau. 2004. Effect of corn hybrid and chop length of whole-plant corn silage on digestion and intake by dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 87:1298-1309.
  • Ferraretto, L.F., A.C. Fonseca, C.J. Sniffen, A. Formigoni, and R.D. Shaver. 2015a. Effect of corn silage hybrids differing in starch and neutral detergent fiber digestibility on lactation performance and total-tract nutrient digestibility by dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 98:395-405.
  • Ferraretto, L.F., R.D. Shaver, S. Massie, R. Singo, D.M. Taysom and J.P. Brouillette. 2015b. Effect of ensiling time and hybrid type on fermentation profile, nitrogen fractions and ruminal in vitro starch and neutral detergent fiber digestibility in wholeplant corn silage. The Professional Animal Scientist. 31:146- 152.
  • Geren, H. 2000. “Investigations on the effect of sowing dates on the forage yields and agronomical characteristics related to silage of different maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars grown as main and second crops”. Ph.D. Thesis, Ege University.
  • Geren H. 2001. Effect of sowing dates on silage characteristics of different maize cultivars grown as second crop under Bornova conditions. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. 38(2-3):47-54
  • Haarhoff, S.J., T.N. Kotze and P.A. Swanepoel. 2019. A prospectus for sustainability of rainfed maize production systems in South Africa. Crop Science. 60:14-28.
  • Hill, J.H. 1993. “How a Corn Plant Develops”. Special Reports No:48. Iowa State University of Science and Technology Cooperative Extension Service, Ames, Iowa. International Organization for Standardization. 1997. Native starch. Determination of starch content. Ewers polarimetric method. ISO No:10520. Geneva.
  • Kilic, A. 1986. Silo Feed: Recommendations for Teaching, Learning and Practice. Bilgehan Press. Izmir. (in Turkish). Loucka, R., Y. Tyrolová, F. Jančík, P. Kubelková, P. Homolk and V. Jambor. 2018. Variation for in vivo digestibility in two maize hybrid silages. Czech Journal of Animal Science. 63(1):17–23
  • McDonald, P., R.A. Edwards, J.F.D. Greenhalgh and C.A. Morgan. 1995. Animal nutrition. Longman Scientific & Technical Co. and Wiley. New York. 607 pp.
  • Mertens, D.R. 2003. Nutritional implications of fiber and carbohydrate characteristics of corn silage and alfalfa hay. California Animal Nutrition Conf. Fresno. California, USA. p 94-107.
  • Mohd-Setapar, S. H., N. Abd-Talib and R. Aziz. 2012. Review on crucial parameters of silage quality. APCBEE Procedia. 3:99- 103.
  • Nennich, T.D., J.G. Linn, D.G. Johnson, M.I. Endres and H.G. Jung. 2003. Comparison of feeding corn silages from leafy or conventional corn hybrids to lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 86:2932-2939.
  • NRC, 2001. National Research Council. Nutrients requirements of dairy cattle. The National Academic Press. Washington DC.
  • Olgun, M., I. Kutlu, N.G. Ayter, Z. Budak Basciftci and N. Kayan. 2012. The Determination of Adaptation Ability of Different Silage Maize Genotypes in Eskisehir Conditions. Research Journal of Biology Sciences. 5(1):93-97.
  • Oz, A., S. Iptas, M. Yavuz and H. Kapar. 2012. Determination of inbred lines for hybrid silage corn breeding. Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research. 1:42-46.
  • Ozata, E., A. Oz and H. Kapar. 2012. Determination of yield and quality traits of candidate silage hybrid maize. Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research. 1:37-41.
  • Ozata, E. and H. Kapar. 2017. Determination of the yield and quality characteristics of promising silage hybrid maize varieties obtained from inbred lines. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops. 26 (Special Edition):161- 168.
  • Prajapati, B., J. Prajapati, K. Kumar and A. Shrivastava. 2019. Determination of the relationships between quality parameters and yields of fodder obtained from intercropping systems by correlation analysis. Forage Research. 45(3):219-224
  • Sanchez, B., A. Rasmussen and J. Porter. 2014. Temperatures and the growth and development of maize and rice: a review. Global Change Biology. 20:408-417.
  • Seydosoglu, S. and V. Saruhan. 2017. Determination of yield and yield components in some silage maize varieties of different sowing times. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. 54(4):377-383.
  • Sheaffer, C.C., J.L. Halgerson and H.G. Jung. 2006. Hybrid and n fertilization affect corn silage yield and quality. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 192:278-283.
  • Simsek Soysal, A.O., F. Oner an H. Sahan. 2022. Silage yield potential of some corn (Zea mays. indendata Sturt.) varieties. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 6(4):866-873.
  • Van Soest, P.J., J.D. Robertson and B.A. Lewis. 1991. Methods for dietary fibre, neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science. 74:3583-3597.
Year 2024, , 46 - 53, 21.06.2024


Project Number

TUBITAK 1180200


  • Akbay, F., T. Gunaydin, S. Arikan, Z. Korkmaz, N. Kivrak and M. Kizilsimsek. 2022. Determination of quality characteristics of silage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) plant harvested in different periods. International Symposium on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ISADET). Kahramanmaras.
  • Akbay, F., A. Erol and A. Kamalak. 2020. The effect of different harvesting period on the chemical composition, methane production and condensed tannin content of fenugreek grass (Trigonella foenum- graecum L.). Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Agriculture and Nature. 23(6):1663-1668.
  • Alcicek, A., H. Akdemir, and R. Erkek. 1997. Research on agronomic characteristics, ensiling ability and feed value of different corn varieties. Türkiye First Silage Congress, Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science. Bursa. 235-240.
  • AOAC. 1990. Official method of analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 15th Edition. Washington DC, USA. Arslan, N., C. Erdurmus, M. Oten, B. Aydinoglu and S. Cakmakci. 2016. Determination of nutritive value of maize silages ensiled with soybean at different rate. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 31.
  • Arzani, H., M. Basiri, F. Khatibi and G. Ghorbani. 2006. Nutritive value of some Zagros Mountain rangeland species. Small Ruminant Research. 65(1-2):128-135.
  • Basmacioglu, H. and M. Ergul. 2002. Silage microbiology. Animal Production. 43(1):12-24.
  • Basaran, U., E. Gulumser, M.C. Dogrusoz, M.U.T. Hanife and A. Sahin. 2017. Determination of silage and grain traits of different silage maize cultivars during dough stage. KSU Journal of Natural Science. 20:1-5.
  • Da Silva, E.B., R.M. Savage, A.S. Biddle, S.A. Polukis and L. Jr. Kung. 2020. Effects of a chemical additive on the fermentation, microbial communities, and aerobic stability of corn silage with or without air stress during storage. Journal of Animal Science. 98(8):1-11.
  • Degirmenci, R. 2000. “Investigations on the Herbage and Seed Yield of Different Maize Cultivars As Grown Main Crop”. M.S. Thesis, Ege University.
  • Deniz, S., H. Nursoy, I. Yilmaz and M.A. Karsli. 2001. Effects of harvesting corn varieties at varying maturities on silage quality and digestible dry matter yield of corn silages. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 17(3):43-49.
  • Erdal, S., M. Pamukcu, H. Ekiz, M. Soysal, O. Savur and A. Toros. 2009. The determination of yield and quality traits of some candidate silage maize hybrids. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 22(1):75-81.
  • Fernandez, I., C. Martin, M. Champion and B. Michalet-Doreau. 2004. Effect of corn hybrid and chop length of whole-plant corn silage on digestion and intake by dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 87:1298-1309.
  • Ferraretto, L.F., A.C. Fonseca, C.J. Sniffen, A. Formigoni, and R.D. Shaver. 2015a. Effect of corn silage hybrids differing in starch and neutral detergent fiber digestibility on lactation performance and total-tract nutrient digestibility by dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 98:395-405.
  • Ferraretto, L.F., R.D. Shaver, S. Massie, R. Singo, D.M. Taysom and J.P. Brouillette. 2015b. Effect of ensiling time and hybrid type on fermentation profile, nitrogen fractions and ruminal in vitro starch and neutral detergent fiber digestibility in wholeplant corn silage. The Professional Animal Scientist. 31:146- 152.
  • Geren, H. 2000. “Investigations on the effect of sowing dates on the forage yields and agronomical characteristics related to silage of different maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars grown as main and second crops”. Ph.D. Thesis, Ege University.
  • Geren H. 2001. Effect of sowing dates on silage characteristics of different maize cultivars grown as second crop under Bornova conditions. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. 38(2-3):47-54
  • Haarhoff, S.J., T.N. Kotze and P.A. Swanepoel. 2019. A prospectus for sustainability of rainfed maize production systems in South Africa. Crop Science. 60:14-28.
  • Hill, J.H. 1993. “How a Corn Plant Develops”. Special Reports No:48. Iowa State University of Science and Technology Cooperative Extension Service, Ames, Iowa. International Organization for Standardization. 1997. Native starch. Determination of starch content. Ewers polarimetric method. ISO No:10520. Geneva.
  • Kilic, A. 1986. Silo Feed: Recommendations for Teaching, Learning and Practice. Bilgehan Press. Izmir. (in Turkish). Loucka, R., Y. Tyrolová, F. Jančík, P. Kubelková, P. Homolk and V. Jambor. 2018. Variation for in vivo digestibility in two maize hybrid silages. Czech Journal of Animal Science. 63(1):17–23
  • McDonald, P., R.A. Edwards, J.F.D. Greenhalgh and C.A. Morgan. 1995. Animal nutrition. Longman Scientific & Technical Co. and Wiley. New York. 607 pp.
  • Mertens, D.R. 2003. Nutritional implications of fiber and carbohydrate characteristics of corn silage and alfalfa hay. California Animal Nutrition Conf. Fresno. California, USA. p 94-107.
  • Mohd-Setapar, S. H., N. Abd-Talib and R. Aziz. 2012. Review on crucial parameters of silage quality. APCBEE Procedia. 3:99- 103.
  • Nennich, T.D., J.G. Linn, D.G. Johnson, M.I. Endres and H.G. Jung. 2003. Comparison of feeding corn silages from leafy or conventional corn hybrids to lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 86:2932-2939.
  • NRC, 2001. National Research Council. Nutrients requirements of dairy cattle. The National Academic Press. Washington DC.
  • Olgun, M., I. Kutlu, N.G. Ayter, Z. Budak Basciftci and N. Kayan. 2012. The Determination of Adaptation Ability of Different Silage Maize Genotypes in Eskisehir Conditions. Research Journal of Biology Sciences. 5(1):93-97.
  • Oz, A., S. Iptas, M. Yavuz and H. Kapar. 2012. Determination of inbred lines for hybrid silage corn breeding. Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research. 1:42-46.
  • Ozata, E., A. Oz and H. Kapar. 2012. Determination of yield and quality traits of candidate silage hybrid maize. Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research. 1:37-41.
  • Ozata, E. and H. Kapar. 2017. Determination of the yield and quality characteristics of promising silage hybrid maize varieties obtained from inbred lines. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops. 26 (Special Edition):161- 168.
  • Prajapati, B., J. Prajapati, K. Kumar and A. Shrivastava. 2019. Determination of the relationships between quality parameters and yields of fodder obtained from intercropping systems by correlation analysis. Forage Research. 45(3):219-224
  • Sanchez, B., A. Rasmussen and J. Porter. 2014. Temperatures and the growth and development of maize and rice: a review. Global Change Biology. 20:408-417.
  • Seydosoglu, S. and V. Saruhan. 2017. Determination of yield and yield components in some silage maize varieties of different sowing times. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. 54(4):377-383.
  • Sheaffer, C.C., J.L. Halgerson and H.G. Jung. 2006. Hybrid and n fertilization affect corn silage yield and quality. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 192:278-283.
  • Simsek Soysal, A.O., F. Oner an H. Sahan. 2022. Silage yield potential of some corn (Zea mays. indendata Sturt.) varieties. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 6(4):866-873.
  • Van Soest, P.J., J.D. Robertson and B.A. Lewis. 1991. Methods for dietary fibre, neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science. 74:3583-3597.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pasture-Meadow Forage Plants
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Kızılsımsek 0000-0002-0295-0603

Tuğba Günaydın 0000-0002-4458-1287

Fatma Akbay 0000-0002-0156-9974

Project Number TUBITAK 1180200
Publication Date June 21, 2024
Submission Date March 25, 2024
Acceptance Date June 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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