ISSN: 2147-0618
e-ISSN: 2147-0618
Founded: 2012
Cover Image

TURAR Journal of Tourism and Research is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal aimed at contributing to the literature by publishing and bringing together scientific studies/research related to the field of tourism, both directly and indirectly, since 2012. In this context, the journal aims to contribute to the field at both local and global levels. The language of publication is Turkish and English.

TURAR Journal publishes two issues per year (Winter/April and Summer/October), serving as a platform for tourism researchers to share their academic works and stay informed about each other's research. It is an open-access international journal that publishes original research articles, case presentations (short communications), technical notes, reports, and reviews in all subfields of tourism. The journal follows a double-blind peer-review system.

The journal is indexed in Index Copernicus, ASOS Index, Google Scholar, and OpenAIRE. No fees are charged for articles submitted to TURAR Journal.

2024 - Volume: 13 Issue: 2

Research Article

Restoran İşletmelerinde Yöresel Yemeklerin Sunumunun Önündeki Engeller: Bayburt İli Örneği

Research Article

Web of Science Veri Tabanındaki Gıda Neofobisi ile İlgili Makalelerin Bibliyometrik Analizi

Research Article


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