Aim & Scope


Turkish Review of Communication Studies (Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi – TURCOM) was first published in 1992 under the name "Marmara İletişim Dergisi" (Journal of Marmara İletişim) and adopted its new title in 2018. TURCOM is an international, open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed electronic journal published biannually, in December and June, by Marmara University's Faculty of Communication. Our journal aims to contribute to national and international literature by publishing high-quality research in the fields of media and communication studies.


The scope of TURCOM includes areas within the media and communication disciplines such as Public Relations, Advertising, Interpersonal Communication, Radio, Television, Cinema, Digital Communication, Digital Culture, Communication Sciences, New Media, Visual Communication, and Journalism. With the aim of bringing together different approaches within the communication discipline, TURCOM provides a high-quality and effective academic platform for scholars working in these fields.


TURCOM accepts submissions in various formats within the subfields of the communication discipline. Texts such as Research Articles, Research Notes, Review Articles, Commentaries/Critiques, Book Reviews, Translations, and Conference Reviews can be submitted to the journal. Among these, Research Articles, Research Notes, and Review Articles undergo peer review, while the publication suitability of other submissions is determined solely by the editorial review process.


Articles submitted for review should align with the aims and scope of the journal. Submissions must be original and not under consideration by any other journal. It is essential that the content and submission of the manuscript have been approved by the author(s). Articles are to be submitted through the Dergipark website. Article submissions are open throughout the year, but in case of an accumulation of articles, the editorial team may close the system during certain periods. For special or thematic issues, the journal's editorial team may announce a specific submission deadline. Articles accepted for publication but not included in an issue will be published as early view and assigned to an issue in order. The process from submission to publication typically takes 16 weeks.

Language of Publication

TURCOM accepts submissions in both Turkish and English.

Target Audience

Within the framework of its academic publishing in the fields of communication and social sciences, TURCOM aims to provide high-quality academic knowledge to academics, civil society workers, communication industry professionals, and undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students.

Fee Policy

Submitting articles to TURCOM is entirely free of charge. Authors are not required to pay any fees at any stage of the submission or review process. The journal is financially and editorially independent and does not accept advertisements or sponsorships. Our journal is part of the Marmara University academic community and utilizes the DergiPark manuscript platform, which is freely provided by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye). The editorial team members of the journal voluntarily contribute their time and expertise, receiving no financial compensation for their work.


The copyright for all works published in our journal remains with the authors. By submitting their intellectual work, the authors grant TURCOM permission to publish it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Peer-Review Process

TURCOM is committed to adhering to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines regarding the responsibilities of the editorial team, the editorial board, reviewers, and authors during the review process. Articles submitted to TURCOM are first evaluated by the editor for compliance with writing rules, plagiarism checks, and publication policies. Works deemed suitable for review are then sent to two expert reviewers, following a double-blind peer review process. After the peer review, the final decision on the work is made by the editor.

Plagiarism and AI Use Policy

In line with ethical publishing practices, submissions to our journal are regularly checked for plagiarism using tools such as and Submissions with a similarity rate exceeding 10% are returned. Additionally, submissions with a similarity rate below 10% but containing instances of plagiarism will also be returned. Furthermore, our journal adheres to COPE’s stance on the responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence, requiring authors to disclose the use of AI tools clearly and transparently.

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 3/18/25, 3:01:07 PM

All articles published in the Turkish Review of Communication Studies are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.