Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) accepts and undertakes the COPE Code of Ethics specified in the appendix
All stakeholders are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of the Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) ethical principles and publication policy.
Journal Policy:
• Fee Policy: The Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) does not charge any application, publication, or subscription fees.
• Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research is a double anonymous peer-reviewed journal and an interdisciplinary journal concerned with all parts of Agricultural Engineering (Horticulture, Plant Protection, Biosystems Engineering, Field Crops, Agricultural Economics, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Aquaculture, Animal Science), Food Science and Technology, Biology and Environment. It publishes original Turkish and English research articles and a limited number of review articles. The journal also publishes a limited number of articles by the journal's editorial board members. TURKAGER publishes its issues twice a year in June and December.
Research Ethics: Scientific research to be submitted to the journal must comply with the rules in the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, COPE, and the Helsinki Declaration in terms of research ethics.
Research requiring Ethics Committee permission is as follows.
• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experimentation, and interview techniques.
• Clinical research on humans,
• Research on animals,
• Use of humans and animals, including material/data, for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Retrospective studies under the law on the protection of personal data,
• Stating that an "informed consent form" was obtained in case presentations,
• Obtaining and indicating permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, and photographs belonging to others,
• Stating that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
Publication Policy:
• Submit the manuscript: The author/s who will send articles to the Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) journal must be a member of DergiPark. The corresponding author submits their studies (research or review manuscript) to https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/turkager.
• Plagiarism Policy: The responsible author responsible for the manuscript must upload the copyright agreement form signed with the similarity report using the 'iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Software, Turnitin or Intihal.net' for new manuscript submission to the journal. The similarity index rate of the submitted manuscript should be below 20%, except for the reference list (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/turkager/page/8507).
• Licensing and Copyright Transfer: This journal is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) publishes the papers under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license that permits the copying and redistributing of the material in any medium or format other than commercial purposes, as well as rearranging, transforming, and building upon the material by providing appropriate credit to the original manuscript. Authors, if applicable, retain/s all proprietary rights in addition to copyright patent rights to use, free of charge, all parts of this paper for the Authors’ future works in books, lectures, classroom teaching, or oral presentations, the right to reproduce the paper for their purposes, provided the copies are not offered for sale.
It is obligatory to fill out the copyright form and upload it to the journal system during the submission of the manuscript file. The manuscript will not be processed until this signed form has been submitted (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/journal-file/16500).
• Credit Authorship Contribution Statement/Declaration of Competing Interest: In an article presented to the Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER), the authors are obliged to provide information and add them to the article ‘Credit Authorship Contribution Statement’ and ‘Declaration of Competing Interest’.
• Blind Review: Blind review is applied in the Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) for objective evaluation and publication of the highest quality. The double anonymous peer-review method is applied for the evaluation process of all studies and the author and referee identity of the studies are hidden in the journal.
Evaluation Process:
• Preliminary Control Process: The article submitted to the Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) is first examined by the Editor-in-Chief in terms of its suitability for the aim and scope of the journal. If the submitted manuscript does not meet the aim and scope of the journal, it is rejected at the latest within 1 week and the author is informed. The manuscript, whose purpose and scope are appropriate, is examined in terms of journal writing rules, language and expression, and the statistics editing of the study. Manuscripts with deficiencies in these issues are requested to be corrected by the author. The manuscripts without correction within a month are rejected. After all arrangements, the appropriated manuscripts are directed to the section editor for referee evaluation.
• Review Process: The section editor examines all the section content of the manuscript and the manuscript suitable is included in the referee evaluation process. However, the manuscripts which are not suitable for the referee evaluation by examining all the section contents are rejected together with the section editor's evaluation report. The author will be informed within 4 weeks at the latest. In the referee evaluation, the mentioned manuscripts are sent to at least three expert referees by the section editor, from the journal referee's pool or outside the pool according to their content and scopes of the manuscripts. It is considered that each of the manuscript referees is from a different institution and not from the same institution as the manuscript author/s. Referees must ensure that they will not share any information and documents with anyone about the evaluation process. The review period given to the referees for the review evaluation process is at least 2 weeks. The correction suggestions from the referees or the section editor must be completed within a maximum of 8 weeks by the authors. The referees can decide their suitability by examining the corrections for the manuscript or may request corrections more than once if necessary. The evaluation result and the opinions of the referees are examined by the section editor within 2 weeks at the latest. As a result of the review, the section editor communicates its final decision on the manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief.
• Publishing Board Decision: The Publishing Editorial Board prepares the decision of the editorial board based on the opinion of the section editor and the referees. This final decision is notified to the author (s) by the Editor-in-Chief, together with the section editor and the recommendations of the referee, within 1 week at the latest. For manuscripts that are given a negative decision in this reviewing process is achieved.
• Withdraw of manuscript: The author (s), who wish to withdraw their manuscript during the evaluation phase, forward the wet signed and scanned petition containing the subject to the editorial board via the e-mail address of the magazine turkager@gmail.com. The Publishing Editorial Board returns to the author/s within 1 week at the latest by examining the withdrawal petition. The author/s of a manuscript whose petition has not been approved by the editorial board cannot submit their manuscript to another journal. The author/s is obliged to cooperate with the journal editor if the author/s notices a mistake or error regarding the published, early view, or evaluation stage. The author/s must have a document showing that they have the right to use the data used, the necessary permissions related to research/analysis, or that the experimental subjects have consented. The editors constantly carry out the processes for the development of the journal and the quality of the published works. The Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) publishing board must initiate an investigation into the manuscript in case of suspicion of copyright and plagiarism of a manuscript that has been published, published, or evaluated stage. As a result of the investigation, if copyright and plagiarism are suspected in the manuscript, the publishing board notifies the author/s of the withdrawal from the evaluation stage within 1 week at the latest by making a detailed explanation of the manuscript.
• Privacy Statement: All personal information in the Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) journal system is used for scientific purposes and is not shared with third parties.
Archiving: All articles published in the Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research are stored on NATIONAL LIBRARY servers (https://ederlemevg.mkutup.gov.tr/logineydes.net) in pdf format.
Advertising and Sponsorship: The Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (TURKAGER) does not accept advertising and sponsorship in terms of publishing policies.