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Yapraktan Uygulanan Kaolinin Işık Sıcaklık ve Biyotik Strese Etkisi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 27 - 36, 12.09.2019


aşırı güneş ışını ve yüksek sıcaklıktan kaynaklanan abiyotik; zararlı ve
hastalıklardan kaynaklanan biyotik stresi azaltabilmek, verim ve kaliteyi
arıtırıcı etkiler yapmaktadır. Bir kil minerali olan kaolinin, uygulandığı yaprak
yüzeyinden kızılötesi ve ultraviyole ışınlarını yansıtarak bitkilerde ışık ve
ısı stresini azalttığı, net CO2 asimilasyon oranını, stoma iletkenliğini ve su
kullanım etkinliğini arttırdığı, birçok zararlı ve hastalığın kontrolüne fayda
sağladığı tespit edilmiştir.

derleme, kaolin ile ilgili uluslararası alanda yapılmış çalışmaların detaylı ve
geniş ölçekte taraması sonucu elde edilmiş bilgilerin sunumunu amaçlamaktadır.


  • Alavo, T. B., 2010. Effetré pulsifdu kaolin contreles populations d'Aphiscraccivora (Homoptera: Aphididae) sur le niébé (Vignaunguiculata). International Journal of Biologicaland Chemical Sciences, 4(2).
  • Alavo, T. B. C., Abagli, A. Z., 2011. Effect of kaolin particle film formulation against populations of theaphid Lipaphiserysimi Kalt.(Homoptera: Aphididae) in cabbage. Open Entomology Journal, 5, 49-53.
  • Al-Humaid, A. I., Moftah, A. E., 2005. Effects of Kaolin and Pinolene Film-forming Polymers on Stomatal Behavior, Water Relations, Photosynthetic Rate, and Water Use Efficiency of Tuberose (Polianthestuberosa L.) Plants Grown under Water Deficit Conditions. J. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci, 18(1), 35-49.
  • Anandacoomaraswamy, A., De Costa, W. A. J. M., Shyamalie, H. W., Campbell, G. S., 2000. Factors controlling transpiration of maturefield-grown tea and its relationship with yield. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 103(4), 375-386.
  • Antonakou, M., Arapogiannis, T. H., Roussos, P., 2005. Surround® (kaolin 95% w/w) wp crop protectant: a new broad spectrum crop protect antagainst insects, sun burn and heat stress on man ycrops. In International symposium on: organic agriculture in mediterranean problems and perspectives. China, crete, Greece (pp. 9-11).
  • Azizi, A., Hokmabadi, H., Piri, S., Rabiei, V., 2013. Effect of kaolin application on water stress in pistachiocv.‘Ohadi’.
  • Barker, J. E., Fulton, A., Evans, K. A., Powell, G., 2006. The effects of kaolin particle film on Plutella xylostella behaviour and development. Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science, 62(6), 498-504.
  • Bengochea, P., Amor, F., Saelices, R., Hernando, S., Budia, F., Adán, A., Medina, P., 2013. Kaolin and copper-based products applications: Ecotoxicology on four natural enemies. Chemosphere, 91(8), 1189-1195.
  • Benincasa, C., Bati, C. B., Iannotta, N., Pellegrino, M., Pennino, G., Rizzuti, B., Romano, E., 2008. Efficacy of kaolin and copper based products on olive-fruitfly (B. aloeaGmelin) and effects on nutritional and sensory parameters of olive oils. Riv. Sci. Alim., 4, 21-31.
  • Boari, F., Cucci, G., Donadio, A., Schiattone, M. I., Cantore, V., 2014. Kaolin influence stomato response to salinity: physiological aspects. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B—Soil&Plant Science, 64(7), 559-571.
  • Boari, F., Donadio, A., Schiattone, M. I., Cantore, V., 2015. Particle film technology: A supplemental tool to save water. Agricultural water management, 147, 154-162.
  • Bürgel, K., Daniel, C., Wyss, E., 2005. Effects of autumn kaolin treatments on therosy apple aphid, Dysaphi splantaginea (Pass.) and possible modes of action. Journal of Applied Entomology, 129(6), 311-314.
  • Cantore, V., Pace, B., Albrizio, R., 2009. Kaolin-based particle film technology affects tomato physiology, yield and quality. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 66(2), 279-288.
  • Chamchaiyaporn, T., Jutamanee, K., Kasemsap, P., Vaithanomsat, P., Henpitak, C., 2013. Effects of kaolin clay coating on mango leaf gas exchange, fruit yield and quality. Kasetsart Journal-Natural Science, 47, 479-491.
  • Creamer, R., Sanogo, S., El-Sebai, O. A., Carpenter, J., Sanderson, R., 2005. Kaolin-based foliar reflectant affects physiology and incidence of beet curly top virus but not yield of chile pepper. Hort Science, 40(3), 574-576.
  • Daniel, C., Pfammatter, W., Kehrli, P., Wyss, E., 2005. Processed kaolin as an alternative insecticide against the European pear sucker, Cacopsyllapyri (L.). Journal of applied entomology, 129(7), 363- 367.
  • Dinis, L. T., Ferreira, H., Pinto, G., Bernardo, S., Correia, C. M., Moutinho-Pereira, J., 2016. Kaolin- based, foliar reflective film protects photosystem II structure and function in grape vine leave sex posed to heat and high solar radiation. Photosynthetica, 54(1), 47-55.
  • Ebeling, W., 1971. Sorptive dusts for pest control. Annual review of entomology, 16(1), 123- 158.
  • Eigenbrode, S. D., Ding, H., Neufeld, J., Duetting, P., 2006. Effects of hydrophilic and hydrophobic kaolin-based particle films on pea aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) and its entomopathogen Pandora neoaphidis (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae). Journal of economicentomology, 99(1), 23-31.
  • El-Khawaga, A. S., Mansour, A. E. M., 2014. Enhancing the efficiency of irrigation water use by using some antitranspirants in Wonderful pomegranate orchards. Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research, 3(3), 694-700.
  • Gindaba, J., Wand, S. J. E., 2007. Climate‐ameliorating measures influence photosynthetic gas exchange of apple leaves. Annals of applied biology, 150(1), 75- 80.
  • Glenn, D. M., 2005. Use of Particle Film Technology,“Surround”, in Horticulture. Mew England Wegetable and Fruit Growers. Manchester, 13.
  • Glenn, D. M., 2012. The mechanisms of plant stress mitigation by kaolin-based particle films and applications in horticultural and agricultural crops. Hort Science, 47(6), 710-711.
  • Glenn, D. M., Erez, A., Puterka, G. J., Gundrum, P., 2003. Particle films affect carbon assimilation and yield in Empire'apple. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 128(3), 356-362.
  • Glenn, D. M., Prado, E., Erez, A., McFerson, J., Puterka, G. J., 2002. A reflective, processed-kaolin particle film affects fruit temperature, radiation reflection, and solar injury in apple. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 127(2), 188-193.
  • Glenn, D. M., Puterka, G. J., Drake, S. R., Unruh, T. R., Knight, A. L., Baherle, P., Baugher, T. A., 2001. Particle film application influences apple leaf physiology, fruit yield, and fruit quality. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 126(2), 175-181.
  • Glenn, D. M., Puterka, G. J., Vanderzwet, T., Byers, R. E., Feldhake, C., 1999. Hydrophobic particle films: a new paradigm for suppression of arthropod pests and plant diseases. Journal of Economic Entomology, 92(4), 759-771.
  • Glenn, D. M., van der Zwet, T., Puterka, G. J., Gundrum, P., Brown, E., 2001. Efficacy of kaolin- based particle films to control apple diseases. Plant Health Prog, 23.
  • Glenn, D.M. G.J. Puterka, 2005. Particle films: A new technology for agriculture. HortRev.31:1–44.
  • Glenn, D.M.; G.J. Puterka; S.R. Drake; T.R. Unruh; L.A. Knight; P. Baherle; E. Prado T.A. Baugher, 2001. Particle film application influences apple leaf physiology, fruit yield and fruit quality. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 126: 175-181.
  • Goldschmidt, E. E., 1999. Carbohydrate supply as a critical factor for citrus fruit development and productivity. Hort Science, 34(6), 1020-1024.
  • Hall, D. G., Lapointe, S. L., Wenninger, E. J., 2007. Effects of a particle film on biology and behavior of Diaphorinacitri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and its infestations in citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology, 100(3), 847-854.
  • Howe, H. F., Westley, L. C., 1988. Ecological relationships of plants and animals. Oxford University Press.
  • Javan, M., Tajbakhsh, M., Mandoulakani, B. A., 2013. Effect of antitranspirants application on yield and yield components in soybean (Glycinemax L.) underlimited irrigation. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, (1), 70-74.
  • Jifon, J. L., Syvertsen, J. P., 2003. Kaolin Particle Film Applications Can Increase Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency of Ruby Red'Grapefruit Leaves. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 128(1), 107-112.
  • Karagounis, C., Kourdoumbalos, A. K., Margaritopoulos, J. T., Nanos, G. D., Tsitsipis, J. A., 2006. Organic farming‐compatible insecticides against theaphid Myzuspersicae (Sulzer) in peach orchards. Journal of Applied Entomology, 130(3), 150-154.
  • Karise, R., Muljar, R., Smagghe, G., Kaart, T., Kuusik, A., Dreyersdorff, G., Mänd, M., 2016. Sublethal effects of kaolin and the biopesticides Prestop- Mixand Botani Gard on metabolic rate, water loss and longevity in bumblebees (Bombusterrestris). Journal of pestscience, 89(1), 171-178.
  • Katsoyannos, B. I., 1989. Response to shape, size and color. Fruit flies: their biology, natural enemies and control, 3, 307-324.
  • Khaleghi, E., Arzani, K., Moallemi, N., &Barzegar, M., 2015. The efficacy of kaolin particle film on oil quality indices of olive trees (OleaeuropaeaL.) cv ‘Zard’grown underwarmand semi-arid region of Iran. Food chemistry, 166, 35-41.
  • Knight, A. L., Christianson, B. A., Unruh, T. R., Puterka, G., Glenn, D. M., 2001. Impacts of seasonal kaolin particle films on apple pest management. The Canadian Entomologist, 133(3), 413-428.
  • Knight, A. L., Unruh, T. R., Christianson, B. A., Puterka, G. J., Glenn, D. M., 2000. Effects of a kaolin-based particle film on oblique banded leaf roller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 93(3), 744-749.
  • Lalancette, N., Belding, R. D., Shearer, P. W., Frecon, J. L., Tietjen, W. H., 2005. Evaluation of hydrophobic and hydrophilic kaolin particle films for peach crop, arthropod and disease management. Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science, 61(1), 25-39.
  • Lapointe, S. L., 2000. Particle film deters oviposition by Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of economic entomology, 93(5), 1459-1463.
  • Lapointe, S. L., McKenzie, C. L., Hall, D. G., 2006. Reduced oviposition by Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and growth enhancement of citrus by surround particle film. Journal of economic entomology, 99(1), 109- 116.
  • Liang, G., Liu, T. X., 2002. Repellency of a kaolin particle film, Surround, and a mineral oil, sun spray oil, to silver leaf white fly (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on melon in the laboratory. Journal of economic entomology, 95(2), 317-324.
  • Liu, D., Trumble, J. T., 2005. Interactions of plant resistance and insecticides on the development and survival of Bactericerca cockerelli [Sulc](Homoptera: Psyllidae). Crop Protection, 24(2), 111-117.
  • Lo Verde, G., Caleca, V., Lo Verde, V., 2011. The use of kaolin to control Ceratitis capitata in organic citrus groves. Bulletin of Insectology, 64(1), 127- 134.
  • Lombardini, L., Harris, M. K., Glenn, D. M., 2005. Effects of particle film application on leaf gas exchange, water relations, nut yield, and insect populations in mature pecan trees. Hort Science, 40(5), 1376-1380.
  • Makus, D. J., 2000. Cotton performance as affected by particle film and mycorrhizae treatments. In 2000 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences, San Antonio, USA, 4-8 January, 2000: Volume 1. (pp. 703-706). National Cotton Council.
  • Marko, V., Blommers, L. H. M., Bogya, S., Helsen, H., 2008. Kaolin particle films suppress many apple pests, disrupt natural enemies and promote woolly apple aphid. Journal of Applied Entomology, 132(1), 26-35.
  • Marko, V., Bogya, S., Kondorosy, E., Blommers, L. H., 2010. Side effects of kaolin particle films on apple orchard bug, beetle and spider communities. International journal of pest management, 56(3), 189-199.
  • Martinou, A. F., Seraphides, N., Stavrinides, M. C., 2014. Lethal and behavioral effects of pesticides on the insect predator Macrolophuspygmaeus. Chemosphere, 96, 167- 173.
  • Mazor, M., Erez, A., 2004. Processed kaolin protects fruits from Mediterranean fruit fly infestations. CropProtection, 23(1), 47-51.
  • Melgarejo, P., Martınez, J. J., Hernández, F. C. A., Martınez-Font, R., Barrows, P., Erez, A., 2004. Kaolin treatment to reduce pomegranate sun burn. Scientia Horticulturae, 100(1-4), 349-353.
  • Mikiciuk, G., Mikiciuk, M., Ptak, P., 2015. The effects of Anitranspirant di-1-p-menthene on Some Physiological Traits of Strawberry. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 16(4).
  • Nateghi, M., Paknejad, F., Moarefi, M., 2013. Effect of concentrations and time of kaolin spraying on wheat aphid. Journal of Biological Environmental Science, 7, 163-168.
  • Ou, C., Du, X., Shellie, K., Ross, C., Qian, M. C., 2010. Volatile compounds and sensory attributes of wine from cv. Merlot (Vitisvinifera L.) grown under differential levels of water deficit with or without a kaolin-based, foliar reflectant particle film. Journal of agricultural and foodchemistry, 58(24), 12890- 12898.
  • Pace, B., Boari, F., Cantore, V., Leo, L., Vanadia, S., De Palma, E., &Phillips, N., 2006. Effect of particle film technology on temperature, yield and quality of processing tomato. In X International Symposium on the Processing Tomato 758 (pp. 287-294).
  • Pascual, S., Cobos, G., Seris, E., González-Núñez, M., 2010. Effects of processed kaolin on pests and non- target arthropods in a Spanish olive grove. Journal of pestscience, 83(2), 121-133.
  • Peng, L., Trumble, J. T., Munyaneza, J. E., Liu, T. X., 2011. Repellency of a kaolin particle film to potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), on tomato under laboratory and field conditions. Pest management science, 67(7), 815- 824.
  • Puterka, G. J., Glenn, D. M., Sekutowski, D. G., Unruh, T. R., Jones, S. K., 2000. Progress toward liquid formulations of particle films for insect and disease control in pear. Environmental Entomology, 29(2), 329-339.
  • Rosati, A., Metcalf, S. G., Buchner, R. P., Fulton, A. E., Lampinen, B. D., 2006. Effects of kaolin application on light absorption and distribution, radiation use efficiency and photosynthesis of almond and walnut canopies. Annals of botany, 99(2), 255-263.
  • Saavedra Del R, G., Escaff G, M., Hernandéz V, J., 2004. Kaolin effects in processing tomato production in Chile. In IX International Symposium on the Processing Tomato 724 (pp. 191-198).
  • Sackett, T. E., Buddle, C. M., Vincent, C., 2005. Effect of kaolin on fitness and behavior of Choristoneurarosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larvae. Journal of economic entomology, 98(5), 1648-1653.
  • Sackett, T. E., Buddle, C. M., Vincent, C., 2007. Effects of kaolin on the composition of generalist predator assemblages and parasitism of Choristoneurarosaceana (Lep., Tortricidae) in apple orchards. Journal of applied entomology, 131(7), 478-485.
  • Saour, G., Makee, H., 2004. A kaolin‐basedparticle film for suppression of the olive fruit fly Bactroceraoleae Gmelin (Dip., Tephritidae) in olive groves. Journal of Applied Entomology, 128(1), 28-31.
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  • Tubajika, K. M., Civerolo, E. L., Puterka, G. J., Hashim, J. M., Luvisi, D. A., 2007. The effects of kaolin, harpin, andimidacloprid on development of Pierce's disease in grape. Crop protection, 26(2), 92-99.
  • Unruh, T. R., Knight, A. L., Upton, J., Glenn, D. M., Puterka, G. J., 2000. Particle films for suppression of thecodlingmoth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in apple and pear orchards. Journal of Economic Entomology, 93(3), 737-743.
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  • Wyss, E., Daniel, C., 2004. Effects of autumn kaolin and pyrethrin treatments on the spring population of Dysaphis plantaginea in apple orchards. Journal of Applied Entomology, 128(2), 147-149.
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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 27 - 36, 12.09.2019



  • Alavo, T. B., 2010. Effetré pulsifdu kaolin contreles populations d'Aphiscraccivora (Homoptera: Aphididae) sur le niébé (Vignaunguiculata). International Journal of Biologicaland Chemical Sciences, 4(2).
  • Alavo, T. B. C., Abagli, A. Z., 2011. Effect of kaolin particle film formulation against populations of theaphid Lipaphiserysimi Kalt.(Homoptera: Aphididae) in cabbage. Open Entomology Journal, 5, 49-53.
  • Al-Humaid, A. I., Moftah, A. E., 2005. Effects of Kaolin and Pinolene Film-forming Polymers on Stomatal Behavior, Water Relations, Photosynthetic Rate, and Water Use Efficiency of Tuberose (Polianthestuberosa L.) Plants Grown under Water Deficit Conditions. J. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci, 18(1), 35-49.
  • Anandacoomaraswamy, A., De Costa, W. A. J. M., Shyamalie, H. W., Campbell, G. S., 2000. Factors controlling transpiration of maturefield-grown tea and its relationship with yield. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 103(4), 375-386.
  • Antonakou, M., Arapogiannis, T. H., Roussos, P., 2005. Surround® (kaolin 95% w/w) wp crop protectant: a new broad spectrum crop protect antagainst insects, sun burn and heat stress on man ycrops. In International symposium on: organic agriculture in mediterranean problems and perspectives. China, crete, Greece (pp. 9-11).
  • Azizi, A., Hokmabadi, H., Piri, S., Rabiei, V., 2013. Effect of kaolin application on water stress in pistachiocv.‘Ohadi’.
  • Barker, J. E., Fulton, A., Evans, K. A., Powell, G., 2006. The effects of kaolin particle film on Plutella xylostella behaviour and development. Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science, 62(6), 498-504.
  • Bengochea, P., Amor, F., Saelices, R., Hernando, S., Budia, F., Adán, A., Medina, P., 2013. Kaolin and copper-based products applications: Ecotoxicology on four natural enemies. Chemosphere, 91(8), 1189-1195.
  • Benincasa, C., Bati, C. B., Iannotta, N., Pellegrino, M., Pennino, G., Rizzuti, B., Romano, E., 2008. Efficacy of kaolin and copper based products on olive-fruitfly (B. aloeaGmelin) and effects on nutritional and sensory parameters of olive oils. Riv. Sci. Alim., 4, 21-31.
  • Boari, F., Cucci, G., Donadio, A., Schiattone, M. I., Cantore, V., 2014. Kaolin influence stomato response to salinity: physiological aspects. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B—Soil&Plant Science, 64(7), 559-571.
  • Boari, F., Donadio, A., Schiattone, M. I., Cantore, V., 2015. Particle film technology: A supplemental tool to save water. Agricultural water management, 147, 154-162.
  • Bürgel, K., Daniel, C., Wyss, E., 2005. Effects of autumn kaolin treatments on therosy apple aphid, Dysaphi splantaginea (Pass.) and possible modes of action. Journal of Applied Entomology, 129(6), 311-314.
  • Cantore, V., Pace, B., Albrizio, R., 2009. Kaolin-based particle film technology affects tomato physiology, yield and quality. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 66(2), 279-288.
  • Chamchaiyaporn, T., Jutamanee, K., Kasemsap, P., Vaithanomsat, P., Henpitak, C., 2013. Effects of kaolin clay coating on mango leaf gas exchange, fruit yield and quality. Kasetsart Journal-Natural Science, 47, 479-491.
  • Creamer, R., Sanogo, S., El-Sebai, O. A., Carpenter, J., Sanderson, R., 2005. Kaolin-based foliar reflectant affects physiology and incidence of beet curly top virus but not yield of chile pepper. Hort Science, 40(3), 574-576.
  • Daniel, C., Pfammatter, W., Kehrli, P., Wyss, E., 2005. Processed kaolin as an alternative insecticide against the European pear sucker, Cacopsyllapyri (L.). Journal of applied entomology, 129(7), 363- 367.
  • Dinis, L. T., Ferreira, H., Pinto, G., Bernardo, S., Correia, C. M., Moutinho-Pereira, J., 2016. Kaolin- based, foliar reflective film protects photosystem II structure and function in grape vine leave sex posed to heat and high solar radiation. Photosynthetica, 54(1), 47-55.
  • Ebeling, W., 1971. Sorptive dusts for pest control. Annual review of entomology, 16(1), 123- 158.
  • Eigenbrode, S. D., Ding, H., Neufeld, J., Duetting, P., 2006. Effects of hydrophilic and hydrophobic kaolin-based particle films on pea aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) and its entomopathogen Pandora neoaphidis (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae). Journal of economicentomology, 99(1), 23-31.
  • El-Khawaga, A. S., Mansour, A. E. M., 2014. Enhancing the efficiency of irrigation water use by using some antitranspirants in Wonderful pomegranate orchards. Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research, 3(3), 694-700.
  • Gindaba, J., Wand, S. J. E., 2007. Climate‐ameliorating measures influence photosynthetic gas exchange of apple leaves. Annals of applied biology, 150(1), 75- 80.
  • Glenn, D. M., 2005. Use of Particle Film Technology,“Surround”, in Horticulture. Mew England Wegetable and Fruit Growers. Manchester, 13.
  • Glenn, D. M., 2012. The mechanisms of plant stress mitigation by kaolin-based particle films and applications in horticultural and agricultural crops. Hort Science, 47(6), 710-711.
  • Glenn, D. M., Erez, A., Puterka, G. J., Gundrum, P., 2003. Particle films affect carbon assimilation and yield in Empire'apple. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 128(3), 356-362.
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Toplam 91 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Gıda Bilimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Uğur Sevilmiş

M. Emin Bilgili

Hatun Barut

Seyithan Seydoşoğlu

Deniz Sevilmiş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Eylül 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Sevilmiş, U., Bilgili, M. E., Barut, H., Seydoşoğlu, S., vd. (2019). Yapraktan Uygulanan Kaolinin Işık Sıcaklık ve Biyotik Strese Etkisi. Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(3), 27-36.