Writing Rules

JUUFE considers for publication original research studies that have not been previously published. Submissions to JUUFE should be written using MS Word. The working document and author information page should be prepared in accordance with the writing rules by using the templates provided. Submissions that are not prepared in accordance with the template may be rejected during the initial check.

Download the writing rules here.
Download the author information page (title page) template here.
Download the working document template here.

Please pay attention to the following points when preparing your submission:
1. Ethics Committee: According to TRDizin’s 2020 criteria, approval from a recognized research ethics committee must be obtained for studies that use data collected from human participants. In addition, information about the ethics committee permission obtained (name of the committee, evaluation date, issue number of the ethical permission document) should be included in the "Method" section and title page of the study. In all submissions, ethics committee permission information must be fully stated by the authors.
2. Publication Language: Submissions to JUUFE can be in Turkish and English.
As of 2026, the articles in our journal will be published in both Turkish and English. Therefore, Turkish articles accepted for publication for the relevant issue will need to be translated into English. Articles written in English will not need to be translated into Turkish, but authors can do so if they wish.
If the publication language of the studies to be published in 2024 and 2025 is Turkish, it is obligatory to add both a short and an extended abstract in English. If the publication language is English, it is obligatory to add both a short and extended abstract in Turkish.
3. Plagiarism Scanning: A similarity report must be uploaded by the author when making a submission. The similarity report can be obtained from programs such as Turnitin© or iThenticate©. In addition, a new scan can be requested by intihal.net© in the DergiPark system during the submission process. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 20% will not be processed and will be returned to the author by the editor.

General Rules
• Manuscripts should be compliant with APA Style, 7th Edition.
• Manuscripts may be written in Turkish or English.
• Manuscripts that are not prepared according to the journal guidelines will not be considered.
• Editors and referees may make changes and corrections that they deem appropriate in the submitted manuscripts.
• A structured, extended abstract of 1,500-2,000 words should be provided in English for Turkish manuscripts, and in Turkish for English manuscripts. The extended abstract should have the following sub-headings: "introduction", "method", "results", "conclusion, suggestion and recommendations".
• English translations should be done by experts and checked for linguistic accuracy. Turkish manuscripts should also be checked for grammar, spelling, and discourse conventions.
• The word limit of the manuscript is 10,000 (abstract, main text and bibliography).

Last Update Time: 9/4/24, 4:45:36 PM

Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education ©2025 by Bursa Uludag University is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0