Writing Rules

“Uluslararası Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi” (Journal of International Folklore Research) is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (May - November). Articles published in the journal cannot be published elsewhere or presented as a statement without the permission of the journal editorial board. Articles published in our journal can not be used partially or completely anywhere without giving reference. The contents of the articles submitted to the journal must be original, not previously published anywhere or sent for publication. Authors in the article should have a consensus on the order of names.

“Uluslararası Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi” (Journal of International Folklore Research) is an open access journal where users or institutions can use the content free of charge. Users do not need permission from the publisher or author when reading, uploading, copying, searching and linking the content of full texts. A copyright agreement is not required for the works submitted for publication in our journal, and no royalties are paid. No fee is charged from the authors for the studies in the journal. For the first step of the publication phase, articles should be sent through Dergipark. A confirmation message will be automatically sent to your e-mail address immediately after the application. For more information, you may contact the editor via uhadbilgi@gmail.com or suleymanfidan@gmail.com e-mail addresses.

• Articles must be submitted in MS Word 2007 or higher versions. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not exceed 8000 words, including the abstract, footnotes and bibliography in Turkish and English. In case there is an annex, this limit can be increased by the decision of the editorial board.

• Page structure should be written in MS Word program in custom size, Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing. Page margins should be 2.5 cm. Page numbers should not be given. The text block should be justified, without carriage return and without leaving any line space between paragraphs, automatically leaving 0 font size before the paragraph and 6 font size after the paragraph. Footnotes in the article should be written in Times New Roman, single line spacing, 0 font size paragraph spacing, and 10 font size. Direct quotations exceeding 5 lines in the article should be written 1.5 cm from the right and left sides, with a single line spacing and in 10 font size

• The article title should be compatible with the content, best expressing the content and should not exceed 12 words. The Turkish title should be in bold, 14 font size, and should be written centered on the page, with all letters in capitals. The English title should be written in 12 font size just below the Turkish title, the first letters of the words should be capitalized, the other letters should be written in small, bold and centered.

• The name of the author should be written under the English title in capital letters, the other letters in lowercase, and the surname of the author in all capitals. Author's name should be written justified to the right. Title, institution name, ORCID information, e-mail address should be indicated with a footnote ( * ) attached to the name of the author.

• At the beginning of the article, there should be an "Abstract" in Turkish and English, in the range of 150-250 words, which briefly and concisely expresses the subject. Articles written in Turkish and other than English should be accompanied by an abstract in English along with the abstract written in their own language. The abstract should be in 10 font size and single line spacing.

• Studies presented in a symposium, congress, etc. but not published at the events can be published with the decision of the journal editorial board by specifying the name, place and date of the event.

• For studies supported by a research institution or fund, the name of the organization providing the support and the project number should be given in the footnote.

• Manuscripts should be prepared as introduction, development and conclusion sections. Sub-headings and second-degree titles should be arranged in 12 font size, bold, and the first letters of the words should be capitalized. Except for the "Introduction" and "Conclusion" headings, sub-headings can be numbered in accordance with the subject.

• An article should contain a summary, parts of the main text, a bibliography and (if any) appendices, respectively. The article should have an "Introduction" and a "Conclusion" section. The "Introduction" must cover the purpose, importance, period, scope, method and plan of the study. If the subject requires, a literature discussion can also be given in this section. The “result” should be suitable for the purpose and scope of the research, should be given in outline and concisely. Matters that are not mentioned in the text should not be included in the "Conclusion". In the conclusion part, citations should not be made from other sources. Main, intermediate and sub-headings can be used to provide a certain order.

• The manuscript must comply with the grammar rules. In the use of punctuation marks and writing of words and abbreviations in the article, the spelling rules on the official website of the Turkish Language Institution should be taken as a basis, a clear and simple way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the purpose and scope should not be included. Valid scientific methods should be followed in the preparation of the article, the subject, purpose, scope of the study, the reason for its preparation, etc. information should be given in sufficient quantity and in a certain order.

• Table, number and title of figures; Images should have numbers and descriptions. In addition, tables/figures should be prepared in accordance with black and white printing. If citation is required, it should be written under the table in in-text citation format.

• As of January 1, 2022, a similarity report is requested from the articles sent to our journal. The author must upload the report to be obtained from a suitable system (Turnitin, iThenticate, İntihal.net) during article submission. It should be noted that the highest similarity rate in the articles is 20%.

• In multi-author articles, each author's contribution to the article should be clearly stated on the last page of the article.
Examples of in-text citation and samples of references are given below.

A. In text citation
1.References are made in the text in two ways:

Kapferer (1992: 50), kimi zaman bir mitosun gerçeklik içine yerleştirilerek dolaşıma girdiğini ve farklı zamanlarda ortaya çıkan söylentilerin de şekilde yol aldığını belirtir.
“Bu açıdan baktığımızda besin, sosyal sınıfı, etnisiteyi ve diğer şeyleri işaretler; yiyecek etkileşimi, aileleri, ağları, arkadaşlık gruplarını, dinleri ve sanal olarak sosyal kurumsallaşmış grupları tanımlar” (Anderson, 2014: 125).

2. In reference to a publication with two authors, both authors’ surnames are given:
“Masallar, insanların dünyayı anlamlandırmaya başladığı çocukluk döneminde fantastik ve sihirli dünyasıyla onları kucaklayan, düş ile gerçeğin iç içe geçtiği anlatmalardır” (Özcan and Bahadur, 2020: 271).

3. To refer to studies with three or more authors, instead of using the surname of the first author followed by the surnames of other authors, “et al.” expression is used:
Günümüzde internet ve bilgisayarla birlikte dijital ortamda bireyin geleneksel kimliğini üretim şekilleri değişmiş ve modern birey bununla ilgili yeni yollar geliştirmeye başlamıştır (Aresta et al., 2015: 72).
Aresta ve diğerlerine göre (2015: 72) günümüzde internet ve bilgisayarla birlikte dijital ortamda bireyin geleneksel kimliğini üretim şekilleri değişmiş ve modern birey bununla ilgili yeni yollar geliştirmeye başlamıştır.

4. If citation will be made without seeing the first source, the abbreviation (quote) of the statement of the citing is used. Both sources are stated:
“Yaratıcı sınıf üyeleri, işçi sınıfı gibi bedenleriyle değil, zihinleriyle çalışır. Onların tercihleri kitlelerin yönelimlerinde doğrudan etki yaratır” (Florida, 2002: 35-37’den akt. Koçak, 2020: 26).

5. Block citations are written with 1.5 cm indentation, 10 font size (Times New Roman), and single line spacing.

6. Internet connections are shown in the text by numbers in order: (URL-1). The URL link and the date of access to the content should be given in the references.

7. Reference persons should be indicated in the text as (RP-1). Research Participant information in the “References”; “Name-Surname, Gender, Year of Birth or Age, Place of Birth (Place of Residence), Profession, Educational Status, Date of Interview” should be given in order. The names and surnames of the source persons can be written by coding if they do not have their consent.

8. If an author has more than one article belonging to the same year, a letter is written next to the year in the text and in the References: (Özdemir, 2012a: 43), (Özdemir, 2021b: 28).

B. Writing References / Bibliography

References should be written with 11 font size and 6 pts. paragraph spacing.

1. Books in Turkish:
GÜNGÖR, Erol (2010). Kültür Değişmesi ve Milliyetçilik. İstanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat.

2. Translated Books:
ONG, Walter J. (2018). Sözlü ve Yazılı Kültür-Sözün Teknolojileşmesi. (translated by Sema Postacıoğlu Banon). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.

3. Book Chapters:
KÜÇÜKBASMACI, Gülten (2019). "Uryan Geldik Uryan Gideriz: Menakıpnamelere Göre Fakirlik", Fakirlik. (ed. Emine Gürsoy Naskali). İstanbul: Litera Kitap.

FİDAN, Süleyman (2011). "Türk Kültüründe Askerî Giyim-Kuşam ve Asker Modası", Milli Folklor, C. 23, 92, pp. 95-105.

5.Two-aouthor Article:
SEZER, Abdulbasit and Hatice Kübra Uygur (2016). “Mungan'ın Dumrul ile Azrail Hikayesine Halkbilimsel Bakış”, NWSA. C. 1, S. 2, s. 73-78.

6. Article with Three or More Authors:
CENGİZ, Alim Koray et al. (2016). “It Is Not Just An Egg: Play, Influence and Power Among Arab Communıtıes in Samandağ Hatay”, ASOS Journal, C. 4, S. 29, s. 295-313.

7.Translated Article:
TREPAVLOV, Vadim V. (2018). “Yakut Destan Kahramanının Sosyal Statüsü”, (translated by. Ali Osman ABDURREZZAK), Gazi Türkiyat, S. 22, s. 247-261.

UYGUR, Hatice Kübra (2016). “Necati Cumalının Yenilmeyen Hikâyesinin Geleneksel Deve Güreşleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”, First International Selçuk-Efes Devecilik Kültürü ve Deve Güreşleri Symposium. İzmir, C.1, s. 410-432.

KÜÇÜKBASMACI, Gülten (2009). “Sözlü kültür ortamından elektronik kültür ortamına geçiş sürecinde Kastamonu halk anlatıları”. Doktora Tezi. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi.

10. Internet:
URL-1: https://tez.yok.gov.tr/ (D.A.: 15.9.2018).
*D.T.: Date Accessed

11. Audio-visual Sources:
Ozanın Kopuzundan Âşığın Sazına (1990). Televizyon Programı, 14 Bölüm. Yönetmen: Sadık Yalsızuçanlar, TRT Arşiv No: 06 BA 2684.
GÖNLÜM, Özay (2004). Arşiv Kayıtları 1-2. İstanbul: Kalan Müzik.
SINAV, Osman (yön.) (2009). Sakarya-Fırat. Televizyon Dizisi. Sinegraf Yapım.

12. Oral Sources / Research Participants / Informants:
RP-1: Ahmet Ay, Male, 75, Sivas, Farmer, Graduated Primary School, 02.020.2020.
RP-2: Female, 1975, Bursa, Housewife, High School, 05.01.2018.

C. Book Review Principles
Uluslararası Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi (UHAD) will include articles containing evaluations and comments on scientific books prepared in line with its publication policy.

UHAD manuscript writing rules should be applied in book reviews. Articles should be between 1500-3000 words. In the title of the book introduction text, it is obligatory to write the detailed information of the study, the total number of pages and the ISBN number based on the bibliography. In the first paragraph, information about the author's expertise and the content of the study should be given. After this paragraph, the study should be critically evaluated with its strengths and weaknesses. In the conclusion part, it is necessary to determine the place and importance of the study among other studies in the field.

A maximum of two introduction studies will be included in each issue of UHAD. The book introduction texts will be determined by the journal editors in accordance with the calendar of the journal, which is published twice a year. Necessary corrections regarding the book introduction text may be requested from the author by the editorial board. The final decision is made by the Editorial Board.