Aim & Scope

BES JOURNAL- International Journal of Business and Economic Studies accepts theoretical and applied scientific / original articles, especially on business management and economics. BES JOURNAL- International Business and Economics Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes academic studies on business management and economics at national and international levels. The journal aims to contribute to the literature and practice by establishing a multidisciplinary field of study.

The language of the journal is English. BES JOURNAL-Journal of International Business and Economics Studies is published four times a year (March - June - September - December). All the processes from the application process to the publication process are carried out through the "DergiPark" system. The average evaluation period of the articles is 6 months. In the evaluation process, the "double-blind referee" application is used. Administrative, legal, ethical, etc. of the published articles. responsibilities belong to the author(s). All studies are subjected to a pre-check process with the "Turnitin" plagiarism program. Founded in 2019, the journal is indexed national and international indexes. The journal, which has unlimited open access, does not charge any fees from article authors and readers. 

Period Months
March June September December
Last Update Time: 1/7/25, 12:10:34 PM


BES JOURNAL-International Journal of Business and Economic Studies is licensed with Creavtive Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0).