Ahmet Çolak, PhD in Instructional Technology, University of South Florida, is an EFL Instructor and instructional technology program coordinator in Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, and worked as an adjunct instructor at MEF University. His interests include online education, designing and developing courses and language learning motivation.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah Ayhan has been teaching various courses related to his research interests in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Anadolu University (Eskişehir/Turkey) since December 2021. He graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration (in English) in 2010. Later, he graduated from the “Political Economy of the European Integration” Master's Program (in English) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law in Berlin, Germany in 2013. He completed his PhD (in English) in October 2019 at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration (in English), where he also worked as a Research Assistant in a period of 3 years. His research priorities include digital public administration (e.g. e-government, artificial intelligence, smart cities and big data), resilient cities, governance (civil society and political participation), comparative studies (political systems and governments), organizational theories, migration (refugee and migrant rights), strategic management (institutional capacity and performance and human resources). He has published many articles, book chapters, projects and presented conference papers in his research area.