
International Journal of Business Science and Applications (ULISBUD) is an online, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, international and double-blind peer-reviewed journal published three times a year (April, August, December). The journal publishes empirical studies, theoretical studies, comparative studies and case studies in the sub-disciplines of business administration such as management, production, marketing, accounting, finance and human resources, and in the closely related disciplines of economics, management information systems, international trade and finance, finance and insurance, and social security. Authors are requested to sign the Copyright Transfer Form for publications submitted to our journal. Manuscripts submitted to ULISBUD should be sent through the similarity program and the similarity rate should not be more than 20%. ULISBUD works within the framework of scientific research and publication ethical principles and all responsibility in this regard belongs to the authors.

Last Update Time: 2/13/25, 3:45:54 PM