Journal Boards

Editor in Chief


BS, Biology edu.,KTU, Trabzon 1986, MS, Biology, TU, USA 1993, PhD Biology, TU, USA 1996, Post-Doc, Entomology, PSU, USA, 1997, Lecturer, Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Uludag Univ. 1997, Asst.Prof.Dr. Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Uludag Univ. 1998, Post-Doc. Institute fur Bienenkunde, Goethe Univ, Germany, 2005, Assoc.Prof.Dr. MKP Vocational School, Uludag Univ. 2007, Post-Doc, Dept. of Psychology, OSU, OK, USA, 2009, Prof.Dr. MKP Vocational School, Uludag Univ., 2012, Prof.Dr. Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bursa Uludag Univ, continues.

Population Ecology, Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement , Pollination Biology and Systems

Editorial Board


B.Sc., METU Department of Biology, Türkiye, 1991
M.Sc. METU, Department of Biology, Türkiye, 1994
Ph.D. METU, Department of Biology, Türkiye 1999
TUBITAK Integrated P.hD. Scholarship, Washington State University, Department of Entomology, 1995-1996
TÜBİTAK NATO Scsholarship, 1999
Postdoctoral Scholarship, Washington State University, 2000-2001
TÜBİTAK After PhD Scholarship , 2005
Fulbright Scholarship 2010-2011

Higher Education Council Scholarship 2013

Genetics, Molecular Evolution, Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement
Dr. Christopher MAYACK United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Services United States

BS: State University of New York at Geneseo, 2003 - 2007
Ph.D: Colorado State University, 2007 - 2012
Post-Doc: Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, 2012 - 2014
Visiting Assistant Professor: Swarthmore College, 2015 - 2017
Assistant Professor: Sabanci University, 2017 - 2022
Research Associate: USDA - ARS, 2022 - present

Biological Sciences, Genomics, Ecosystem Services (Incl. Pollination), Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement

Publication Editor

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal SOYLU Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Türkiye

BS, Uludag University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 1983,
PhD: Istanbul University Department of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, 1988

Animal Reproduction and Breeding

Statistical Editor

Prof. Dr. Hasan VURAL Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Türkiye Web

BS, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ankara University, 1981, MS, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ankara University, 1983, PhD, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ankara University, 1987, Associate Professorship, Department of Agricultural Economics, Uludağ University, 1986, Professorship, Department of Agricultural Economics, Uludağ University, 2011, Experience Abroad: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Chania, Crete, Greece, Subject: Agricultural Marketing and Co-operatives, (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH), Economic Analysis of Bee Breeding and Honey Production in Bursa Province. Uludag Uni. Araş. Fund., 2008, 18 months, Bursa, (Project coordinator)

Engineering Economy, Agricultural Economics

Lay out Editors

Dr. Selvinar SEVEN-ÇAKMAK It is not affiliated with an institution Türkiye

BS, Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bursa Uludağ University, 2000, MS, Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2003, MS, (with thesis), Biology, Faculty of Science, Ankara University, 2017, PhD, Biology, Faculty of Science, Ankara University, 2024

Genetics (Other), Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement , Reproduction and Artificial Insemination
Dr. Mehmed Berk TOKER It is not affiliated with an institution Türkiye

BS - Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (2012), PhD - Bursa Uludağ University Graduate School of Healty Sciences Veterinary Reproduction and Artificial Insemination (2018)

Animal Biotechnology, Animal Developmental and Reproductive Biology, Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement , Stock Farming and Treatment, Animal Reproduction and Breeding, Sheep and Goat Breeding and Treatment, Veterinary Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Histology and Embryology, Reproduction and Artificial Insemination
Last Update Time: 2/12/25, 9:07:18 AM

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