Journal Boards

Editorial Board/Editör Kurulu

Professor Ozan Örmeci was born in 1981 in Bornova-Izmir. His father’s family is from Senirkent-Isparta. He finished primary school at Izmir Turk College (ITK) and had a middle school and lycee education at Izmir Saint-Joseph French College. He graduated from Bilkent University’s Political Science and Public Administration Department in 2004 as a high-honour student. In 2011, he earned PhD degree from Bilkent University’s Political Science Department with his thesis entitled “Portrait of a Turkish Social Democrat: Ismail Cem”, under the supervision of Dr. Berrak Burçak, from a distinguished jury composed of Prof. Metin Heper, Prof. Ergun Özbudun, Prof. Ayşe Güneş Ayata, and Dr. Nur Bilge Criss. He worked as a Lecturer in Uşak University’s Public Administration Department between 2009 and 2012. Between October 2012 and January 2016, he worked as an Assistant Professor and headed the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (English language) at Girne American University (GAU) in North Cyprus (TRNC). Between March 2016 and September 2018, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (English language) at Beykent University in Istanbul. He became an Associate Professor in June 2018. He began to work as an Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations (English language) at Istanbul Gedik University in September 2018. He was appointed Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Istanbul Gedik University in June 2019 and served as the Head of the Department for a while. Between October 2020 and June 2023, he worked as an Associate Professor for Istanbul Kent University and headed the departments of Political Science and Public Administration (Turkish and English). Between July 2023 and May 2024, he worked as an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations (English) at Istanbul Aydın University. Since May 2024, he has been working again at Istanbul Kent University and heading the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (English). He was appointed Full Professor in August 2024. He has previously published many scientific books and articles in Turkey and abroad. He is the editor of some academic books specializing in Turkish Foreign Policy including Turkish Foreign Policy in the New Millennium (Peter Lang, 2015), Mavi Elma: Türkiye-Avrupa İlişkileri (Gazi Kitabevi, 2016), Historical Examinations and Current Issues in Turkish-American Relations (Peter Lang, 2020), Turkish-French Relations: History, Present, and the Future (Springer, 2022), Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Nasıl Bir Dış Politika? (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2023), Turkish-American Relations in the 21st Century (Lexington Books, 2024), Türkiye-Britain Relations: Two Hundred Years of an Intertwined Conflict and Cooperation (Lexington Books, 2024) and the author of Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri (Urzeni Yayıncılık, 2021), Türkiye-Fransa İlişkileri (Urzeni Yayıncılık, 2022), and 2023 Turkish Elections in All Aspects (Peter Lang, 2023). In addition, he wrote books in Turkish language analyzing the political system and foreign policy of countries including the United States, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the European Union. He can speak fluently and write academically in French and English. He also works as a specialist for the Turkish Political Psychology Association (PPD) and the General Coordinator of the UPA (International Political Academy) initiative. In addition, he is the owner of the UPA Strategic Affairs academic journal. His main research interests are; International Politics, Comparative Politics, Great Power Politics, Political Psychology, Turkish Political History, Leftist Movements in Turkey, and Turkish Foreign Policy. Dr. Ozan Örmeci is married to Cansu Örmeci (Karakoç) since 30 September 2011 and is the father of two children. He is also a congress member of Karşıyaka Sports Club.
Political Science, European and Region Studies, Comparative Political Movement, Turkish Political Life, International Politics, Turkish Foreign Policy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz TANSİ It is not affiliated with an institution Türkiye
Political Science, Turkish Political Life, Turkish Foreign Policy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan GÖKSEL MARMARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ Türkiye Web

Dr. Oguzhan Goksel is Assistant Professor of Political Economy & IR at Marmara University, Faculty of Economics, Turkey. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of New Middle Eastern Studies (NMES) journal based in the UK. He completed his multi-disciplinary Ph.D. degree on Political Science and Political Economy at Durham University, UK in 2015. Goksel’s works have been published in various edited books and SSCI-indexed international peer-reviewed journals such as Mediterranean Politics, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies and Turkish Studies. He is the co-editor of the books entitled "Türkiye-Britain Relations: Two Hundred Years of an Intertwined Conflict and Cooperation" (New York: Lexington Books, 2024) and "Turkey’s Relations with the Middle East: Political Encounters after the Arab Spring" (New York: Springer, 2018) and ". Goksel's main areas of research are modernisation and non-Western modernities, political economy of development, historical sociology, foreign policy analysis and comparative politics.

Comparative Political Institutions, Turkish Political Life, Economic Sociology, Political Sociology, Middle East Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy, International Relations Theories
Public Administration, European Union, Middle East Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy, International Migration
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sina KISACIK Cyprus Aydın University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences English International Relations Department Türkiye
Turkish Foreign Policy, International Security, Politics in International Relations, Conflict Resolution in International Relations
Asst. Prof. Dr. Seda Gözde TOKATLI İzmir Demokrasi Üniversitesi Türkiye
European Studies, Globalisation, International Relations Theories, International Institutions

Advisory Board/Danışma Kurulu

Professor Ozan Örmeci was born in 1981 in Bornova-Izmir. His father’s family is from Senirkent-Isparta. He finished primary school at Izmir Turk College (ITK) and had a middle school and lycee education at Izmir Saint-Joseph French College. He graduated from Bilkent University’s Political Science and Public Administration Department in 2004 as a high-honour student. In 2011, he earned PhD degree from Bilkent University’s Political Science Department with his thesis entitled “Portrait of a Turkish Social Democrat: Ismail Cem”, under the supervision of Dr. Berrak Burçak, from a distinguished jury composed of Prof. Metin Heper, Prof. Ergun Özbudun, Prof. Ayşe Güneş Ayata, and Dr. Nur Bilge Criss. He worked as a Lecturer in Uşak University’s Public Administration Department between 2009 and 2012. Between October 2012 and January 2016, he worked as an Assistant Professor and headed the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (English language) at Girne American University (GAU) in North Cyprus (TRNC). Between March 2016 and September 2018, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (English language) at Beykent University in Istanbul. He became an Associate Professor in June 2018. He began to work as an Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations (English language) at Istanbul Gedik University in September 2018. He was appointed Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Istanbul Gedik University in June 2019 and served as the Head of the Department for a while. Between October 2020 and June 2023, he worked as an Associate Professor for Istanbul Kent University and headed the departments of Political Science and Public Administration (Turkish and English). Between July 2023 and May 2024, he worked as an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations (English) at Istanbul Aydın University. Since May 2024, he has been working again at Istanbul Kent University and heading the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (English). He was appointed Full Professor in August 2024. He has previously published many scientific books and articles in Turkey and abroad. He is the editor of some academic books specializing in Turkish Foreign Policy including Turkish Foreign Policy in the New Millennium (Peter Lang, 2015), Mavi Elma: Türkiye-Avrupa İlişkileri (Gazi Kitabevi, 2016), Historical Examinations and Current Issues in Turkish-American Relations (Peter Lang, 2020), Turkish-French Relations: History, Present, and the Future (Springer, 2022), Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Nasıl Bir Dış Politika? (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2023), Turkish-American Relations in the 21st Century (Lexington Books, 2024), Türkiye-Britain Relations: Two Hundred Years of an Intertwined Conflict and Cooperation (Lexington Books, 2024) and the author of Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri (Urzeni Yayıncılık, 2021), Türkiye-Fransa İlişkileri (Urzeni Yayıncılık, 2022), and 2023 Turkish Elections in All Aspects (Peter Lang, 2023). In addition, he wrote books in Turkish language analyzing the political system and foreign policy of countries including the United States, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the European Union. He can speak fluently and write academically in French and English. He also works as a specialist for the Turkish Political Psychology Association (PPD) and the General Coordinator of the UPA (International Political Academy) initiative. In addition, he is the owner of the UPA Strategic Affairs academic journal. His main research interests are; International Politics, Comparative Politics, Great Power Politics, Political Psychology, Turkish Political History, Leftist Movements in Turkey, and Turkish Foreign Policy. Dr. Ozan Örmeci is married to Cansu Örmeci (Karakoç) since 30 September 2011 and is the father of two children. He is also a congress member of Karşıyaka Sports Club.
Political Science, European and Region Studies, Comparative Political Movement, Turkish Political Life, International Politics, Turkish Foreign Policy
Prof. Dr. Hakan Mehmet KİRİŞ Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Türkiye Web
Comparative Political Institutions, Turkish Political Life, Political Science (Other)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz TANSİ It is not affiliated with an institution Türkiye
Political Science, Turkish Political Life, Turkish Foreign Policy
Public Administration, European Union, Middle East Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy, International Migration
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan GÖKSEL MARMARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ Türkiye Web

Dr. Oguzhan Goksel is Assistant Professor of Political Economy & IR at Marmara University, Faculty of Economics, Turkey. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of New Middle Eastern Studies (NMES) journal based in the UK. He completed his multi-disciplinary Ph.D. degree on Political Science and Political Economy at Durham University, UK in 2015. Goksel’s works have been published in various edited books and SSCI-indexed international peer-reviewed journals such as Mediterranean Politics, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies and Turkish Studies. He is the co-editor of the books entitled "Türkiye-Britain Relations: Two Hundred Years of an Intertwined Conflict and Cooperation" (New York: Lexington Books, 2024) and "Turkey’s Relations with the Middle East: Political Encounters after the Arab Spring" (New York: Springer, 2018) and ". Goksel's main areas of research are modernisation and non-Western modernities, political economy of development, historical sociology, foreign policy analysis and comparative politics.

Comparative Political Institutions, Turkish Political Life, Economic Sociology, Political Sociology, Middle East Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy, International Relations Theories
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sina KISACIK Cyprus Aydın University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences English International Relations Department Türkiye
Turkish Foreign Policy, International Security, Politics in International Relations, Conflict Resolution in International Relations
Asst. Prof. Dr. Seda Gözde TOKATLI İzmir Demokrasi Üniversitesi Türkiye
European Studies, Globalisation, International Relations Theories, International Institutions
Prof. Dr. Tayyar ARI Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Türkiye Web
International Relations, American Studies, Regional Studies, Middle East Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy, International Relations Theories

Sedat Aybar, Professor of Economics and Finance, BSc. (Econ), MA (London), PhD (London), is the Director of Asia-Pacific-Africa Research Center at Bahçeşehir University where he also teaches at the Department of Economics. He was the Director of African Studies Centre and Director of China Study Center at Istanbul Aydin University. In Türkiye, he has started the first Africa Research Center and China Research Center that are incorporated within a university structure. He taught, researched and published on a variety of topics that includes, International Economics, Banking and Finance in Economic Development, Development Economics, Central Bank Independence, African economies and Political Economy of Turkey. He has taught in South Korea, Poland, Republic of China, Lithuania, United States, as well as in the UK and Turkiye. He has worked as a consultant to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Overseas Development Agency (ODA) and the UNDP. He was the Director of joint Executive MBA Program of Kadir Has University with Fordham University of New York. He teaches distant study courses at graduate level at University of London’s (SOAS), Centre for Finance and International Management (CeFiMS). He worked in the banking industry in London at managerial level for almost ten years. He also worked for the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), in London, England. He is currently the country team leader (Turkey) for a joint research project, Emerging Markets Global Players (EMGP) with the Vale Columbia Centre of the Columbia University in New York. He is the founder editor of Florya Chronicles of Political Economy, an academic periodical published in English.

Political Economy Theory, Development Economics
Prof. Dr. Fahri ERENEL İstinye Üniversitesi Türkiye
Humanitarian Disasters, Conflict and Peacebuilding, Public Administration, Defence Studies, Strategy
Prof. Dr. Ghadir GOLKARİAN Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti
South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, Persian Language, Literature and Culture
Prof. Dr. Michelangelo GUİDA İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Türkiye
Political Movement, Intellectual History of Politics, Turkish Political Life
Public Policy, Public Administration, Urban Field Management
European Studies, War Studies
Prof. Dr. Oytun MEÇİK Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Türkiye Web
He is a Professor Doctor at Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Economics. Meçik completed his undergraduate education at Eskişehir Osmangazi University in 2008, his master's degree at Uşak University in 2010, and his doctorate in Economics at Anadolu University in 2014. He received the title of Associate Professor in Macroeconomics in 2017 and became a Professor in 2023. Meçik, who has many studies in the fields of labor market and social and economic networks, currently works on social capital, education-job mismatch in the labor market, the effects of digital transformation, and innovation economics. Meçik serves as editor and editorial board member in national and international magazines and publishing houses. Meçik is a member of the Turkish Economic Association and the Regional Science Turkish National Committee. In 2024, he received the title of Sworn Social Mediator.

Panel Data Analysis, Macroeconomics, Employment
Prof. Dr. Herbert REGİNBOGİN Istanbul Kent University United States
International Law
Asst. Prof. Dr. Nikos CHRİSTOFİS It is not affiliated with an institution Greece
Turkish Political Life
North American Language, Literature and Culture
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sezgin MERCAN BAŞKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ Türkiye Web
European and Region Studies, European Union, European Union-Turkiye Relations, European Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenk ÖZGEN Giresun Üniversitesi Türkiye
International Security
Dr. Nikolaos STELGİAS It is not affiliated with an institution Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus
International Politics
Politics in International Relations, History of The Republic of Turkiye, Late Modern Latin American History
European and Region Studies, International Foundation, International Politics, International Relations, African Studies, International Security, Security Studies, War Studies, Contemporary Military History
Maritime Business Administration, Marine Technology, Marine Transportation, Maritime Transportation Engineering, Ship Management, Ship Energy Efficiency, Maritime Transportation and Freight Services
Social Media Applications and Analysis, Political Advertising, Entertainment Sociology, Communication Sociology, Political Sociology, Conflict Resolution in International Relations
Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat YORULMAZ Havsa Meslek Yüksekokulu Türkiye Web
International Relations, Regional Studies
Communication Studies, Communication Theories, Political Communication, Sociology of Gender, Communication Sociology
Last Update Time: 2/22/25, 1:31:45 PM