Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Principles of Publication Ethics
Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies adheres to national and international standards in research and publication ethics. It complies with the Press Law, the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works and the Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions. Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies has adopted the International Ethical Publishing Principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
The articles submitted to Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies for publication must be original works that have not been published in any way before. If the same or substantially similar articles are sent to the journal, the editor-in-chief sends such articles back to the author and may impose an embargo for 1 (one) year on the author who attempts to re-publish.
Simultaneous Submission of the Same Study to More Than One Journal
The articles submitted to Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies for publication must be original works that have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. A declaration is requested from the author(s) submitting an article to the journal within the scope of open access permission that the work has not been sent anywhere for publication. If it is detected that the same article has been submitted to more than one journal simultaneously, the editor may return the article without review or reject it without considering the reviews.
Plagiarism Prevention Control
Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies, as of the December 2023 issue, will make it compulsory for each submitted work to be checked for plagiarism in order to protect its integrity in accordance with the publication ethics. Plagiarism check is carried out through iThenticate software. The matches of each study revealed through the software are examined in depth and the matches with correct references and citations are extracted. The remaining matches are analysed and errors are detected and a report is prepared for the editorial board. The editorial board makes a final decision about the study in the light of the plagiarism check report of each study. The similarity rate in the iThenticate report should be less than 20%. If it is higher than 20%, the errors in the report may be requested to be corrected by the authors or the study may be rejected.
Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies rejects the articles submitted for publication if they are based on data that are not based on research or if they are presented as if research has been conducted although no research has been conducted.
Protection of Personal Data of Participants
Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies requires that all research involving personal or sensitive data or materials relating to human participants that are not legally available to the public be subject to formal ethical review. Editors are obliged to ensure the protection of personal data regarding the subjects or images included in the evaluated studies. Unless the explicit consent of the individuals used in the studies is documented, they are responsible for rejecting the study. Editors are also responsible for protecting the personal data of authors, reviewers and readers.
Notifications of Ethical Violations
If an important error or inaccuracy is noticed in an article published in Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies or if there is any complaint about the editorial content (plagiarism, duplicate articles, etc.), notification can be made by sending an e-mail to
When an ethical violation is detected in an article;
• The word "Withdrawn" is added at the beginning of the title in the electronic display.
• Instead of the Abstract and Full Text contents in the electronic version, the reasons for withdrawal of the article, detailed evidence sources, if any, are published together with the notifications of the institutions and organisations to which the author(s) are affiliated.
• The withdrawal notice is declared on the main page of the journal website.
• "Withdrawn: Article Title" is added to the table of contents of the electronic and printed copy of the first issue to be published as of the date of withdrawal starting from the first page, and the reasons for withdrawal and the original citations referring to it are shared with the public and researchers.
• The institutions(s) to which the author(s) is affiliated will be notified of the above withdrawal.
• The above-mentioned withdrawal notices are sent to the institutions and organisations where the Journal is indexed and to the Presidency of the National Library for registration in indexing systems and catalogues.
• In addition, the editorial board of the journal may recommend to the publishers or editorial boards of the previously published studies of the author(s) of the ethical violation to ensure the validity and reliability of the published studies or to withdraw them.
Correction, Withdrawal, Expression of Concern
Within the scope of the duties and responsibilities of the author(s) and the editorial board during the withdrawal phase of a study or article in accordance with the publication policies of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies, in case the author(s) realises a mistake or error related to the published, early appearance or evaluation stage of the work, s/he has the obligation to cooperate with the editor of the journal in the withdrawal process. Author(s) who wish to withdraw their article under review are obliged to fill in the "Withdrawal Form" and send it to the editorial board via e-mail at, signed and scanned with the wet-ink signature of each author. The editorial board reviews the withdrawal notification and returns within one week at the latest.
The editorial board of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies has the obligation to initiate an investigation into the article in case of suspicion of copyright and plagiarism regarding an article published, in early view or at the evaluation stage. If the editorial board determines that copyright and plagiarism have been committed in the article under evaluation as a result of the investigation, it withdraws the work from the evaluation and returns it to the authors by citing the detected situations in detail.
If the editorial board determines that copyright infringement or plagiarism has occurred in a published article or an article in early view, the editorial board takes the following withdrawal and notification actions within one week at the latest.
Publication of Studies Based on Survey and Interview
Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies adopts the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" in order to provide ethical assurance in scientific periodical publishing.
• In this context, ethics committee approval must be obtained for studies submitted to the journal, which require ethics committee approval for research in all disciplines, and the relevant information (name of the committee, date and number) must be included on the first page of the article.
In addition, evidence of sensitivity to ethical issues in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others) must be presented in the study.
Special Issue Publishing Policy
Only one special issue can be published in a year in Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies. The topics to be covered in the special issues are determined by the Editorial Board to be the focal point of the current discussions. Articles submitted for inclusion in the special issue are first subjected to a preliminary editorial review, then examined for compliance with the journal's spelling rules and checked for plagiarism. After these stages, it is taken into the evaluation process with the double-blind refereeing model. The "Evaluation and Publication Processes" of the journal are also valid for special issues. In special issues, a guest editor may also be assigned in relation to the theme area.
Editorial Confidentiality Obligation
The editors of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies treat all submitted articles as confidential documents, which means that they will not disclose information about an article to anyone without the authors' permission. During the article review process, the following people have access to the articles: Editors, Referees, Editorial Board Members. The only situation in which details about a manuscript may be passed to a third party without the authors' permission is if the editor suspects serious research misconduct.
Allegations-Suspicions of Scientific Misconduct
If the editors of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies are aware of any allegations of research misconduct related to an article published in their journal, they are required to follow the guidelines of COPE regarding allegations. Referees may also notify the Editor if they suspect research or publication misconduct.
Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies is committed to following the COPE flowcharts when faced with allegations of misconduct in the following or similar areas.
What to do if re-publication is suspected
The editorial board of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies initiates an investigation of a published or early-looking study in case of suspicion of re-publication. Within the scope of the review, the relevant study is brought to the attention of the editorial board together with the allegations. If the editorial board concludes that it is a re-publication, the article is withdrawn by editorial decision.
• What to do when plagiarism is suspected
If there is a suspicion of plagiarism in a published article or an article in its early stages, the editorial board of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies initiates an investigation into the study. If the editorial board concludes that there is plagiarism, the article is withdrawn by editorial decision.
• What to do for author change requests
Author changes are only processed before the study is accepted. Authors should carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their study. It cannot be proposed to change the author responsibilities (such as adding an author, changing the author order, removing an author) of a study whose evaluation process has started.
What to do if an undisclosed conflict of interest is suspected
The editorial board of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies initiates an investigation into a published or early-stage study if there is a suspicion of an undisclosed conflict of interest. If the editorial board detects an undisclosed conflict of interest, the article is withdrawn by editorial decision on the grounds that it does not comply with ethical principles.
• What to do if unfair or gift authorship is suspected
It is unacceptable in terms of ethical principles to include the names of author(s) who do not contribute to the study (gift authorship) in multi-authored articles. In multi-authored studies, author roles (which author contributes to the study and how) should be clearly stated in the manuscript. The editorial board of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies initiates an investigation into a published or early-stage study if there is a suspicion of unfair or gift authorship. If the editorial board detects unfair or gift authorship, the name of the relevant author(s) is deleted from the article.
• What to do when an ethical problem is suspected in an article
The editorial board of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies initiates an investigation into a published or early-stage study if there is a suspicion of ethical violation. If the editorial board concludes that there is an ethical violation, the article is withdrawn by editorial decision. The owner of the claim regarding the result of the review is also returned via e-mail.
• What to do when a suspected ethical violation is announced via social media
The editorial board of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies initiates an investigation into a published or early-stage study in case of a suspicion of ethical violation. If the editorial board concludes that there is an ethical violation, the article is withdrawn by editorial decision. The owner of the claim regarding the result of the investigation is also returned via social media.
Complaint Procedure
The editors of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies are obliged to carefully examine the complaints received from authors, reviewers or readers and respond to them in an enlightening and explanatory manner.
Complaints should be related to content, procedures or policies that are the responsibility of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies or the editorial team. Complaints should be sent by e-mail to and will be treated confidentially. The editor responds to complaints immediately. The editor follows the procedure outlined in the COPE flowchart regarding complaints.
If this initial response is deemed inadequate, the complainant may request that the complaint be forwarded to the editor-in-chief. Complaints are responded to within two weeks.
Objection Process
The author(s) reserves the right to object to the opinions of the editor and editorial board of Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies. The author(s) should send their objections to the opinions and comments made as a result of the evaluation of their study to / by e-mail, using scientific language and referring to their bases. The objections made are examined by the editor and the editorial board within one month at the latest (opinions may be requested about the objections made to the field editor and referees of the study) and a positive or negative return is provided to the author(s). If the objections of the author(s) are found to be positive as a result of the evaluation, the editorial board restarts the evaluation process by making new refereeing in accordance with the subject area of the study.
Conflicts of Interest
In the process of evaluating the submissions received from the editors or editorial board members in order to ensure impartial review in Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies; firstly, such submissions are directed to other journals, and if this is not possible, the assignment of the submitter in the journal is suspended. These submissions are evaluated in a double-blind review process.
Principles of Research Ethics
Selçuk University Journal of Seljuk Studies adopts international research ethics principles by observing high standards in terms of research ethics. The compliance of the articles with ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors.
• The principles of integrity, quality and transparency must be ensured in the design, review of the design and conduct of the research.
• The research team and participants must be fully informed about the purpose, methods and anticipated potential uses of the research; the requirements and risks, if any, of participation in the research.
• The confidentiality of the information provided by the research participants and the confidentiality of the respondents must be ensured. The research must be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.
• Research participants should take part in the research voluntarily and should not be under any coercion.
• Harm to the participants must be avoided. The research must be planned in a way that does not put the participants at risk.
• Research independence should be clear and explicit; any conflict of interest should be indicated.
• In experimental studies with human subjects, the written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. The consent of the legal guardian of children and those under guardianship or with a recognised mental illness must be obtained.
• If the study will be carried out in any institution or organisation, approval must be obtained from this institution or organisation that the study will be carried out.
• In studies with a human element, it must be stated in the "method" section that "informed consent" was obtained from the participants and ethics committee approval was obtained from the institution where the study was conducted.

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