Titles and Sections
The title of the article should be in 12-point, bold and centered, and all letters of each word should be capitalized. Care should be taken to ensure that the title of the article reflects the content. In addition, the main section titles in the study should be prepared with only the first letter of each word capitalized, bold and left-justified. Finally, the sections of the articles other than "Introduction" and "Conclusion" should be numbered with Arabic numerals.
The Author(s) Name and Address Info
The name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) should be at the bottom right of the title of the article, the surname should be all written in capital letters, the author(s)’ title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID number should be clearly indicated in the footnote.
Articles should begin with Turkish and English abstracts including 200-300 words, and briefly state the purpose, method, findings and result of the study. The abstract should be written in New Times Roman and 10 font size.
Page Layout
Margins on the right, left, bottom and top should be set to 3 cm. The article text should be written in New Times Roman with 12 font size, and set in 0.6 pt. space before and after paragraphs, and without indentation from the left or right margin. At the beginning of the paragraph "Tab Key", between the paragraphs "Enter Key" should not be used. The line spacing should be 1.5.
Tables, Pictures and Figures
Tables, pictures and figures should have numbers and titles. Table number should be written above, left-justified, vertical and bold. Titles of tables should be written in italics, with the first letter of each word in capital. Tables should be placed in the text where they are used. Figures should be prepared in accordance with black and white printing. Figure numbers and titles should be written on the top of the figure in the same way as the tables. References should be given under the table, picture and figure.
Table 1
Gender of Participants
Gender | Number | Percent |
Male | 20 | %40 |
Female | 30 | %60 |
Figure 1
Functional Grammar Teaching
Reference System
- The articles are requested to be based on APA 7 in both in-text references and the reference list at the end of article. For this reason, footnotes are expected to be used only if provided information is required. Please refer to here for further details.
In-text Citation (Durmuş, 2013, p.145)
- Direct quotations should be given between quotation marks. Short quotations with less than 150 words should be written within the text, and longer quotations should be written as 1.5 cm indented on the right and left margins, as a free-standing block, and with 1.15 line spacing.
- In cases where more than one source is to be cited for the same citation, the works are listed in the same parenthesis, from the oldest to the newest, separated by a semicolon(s).
Example (Durmuş, 2013; Başar, 2017; Çelik 2019 & Boylu, 2020)
- If the author has two works published in the same year, it is indicated both in the text and in the reference by adding a lower-case letter to the publication year.
Example (Çangal, 2020a, p.45) and (Çangal, 2020b, p.356)
- In references with two authors, sign of “&” is used in between parenthesis. In references with more than two authors, "et al." abbreviation should be used after the surname of the first author.
Example (Durmuş & Demir, 2015, p.34), (Boylu et al., 2012, p.34)
- When pointing to an invisible source, both the source itself and the source seen by the researcher should be given in the text and reference.
Example (as cited from Kalenderoğlu, 2015, p.67. Eker, 2018, p.89).
- If the name of the author is mentioned directly in the text, it is sufficient to indicate the date and page in parentheses.
- According to Demir (2000, p. 35) or according to Demir …………………… .. (2000, p. 35).
APA 7 system should be used for referencing. References should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1.15 line spacing, first line left-justified, other lines 1.25 cm inside.
1. Book
Single author
Boylu, E. (2020). Kuramdan uygulamaya yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretiminde ölçme ve değerlendirme. Pegem Akademi. https://doi.org/10.1000/pm0000000
Note: DOI number can be added in book, book chapter, article works, if available.
Multiple authors
Güzel, A., & Barın, E. (2013). Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretimi. Akçağ Yayınları.
Edited book
Durmuş, M., & Okur, A. (Ed.). (2018). Yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi el kitabı. Grafiker Yayınları.
Book chapter
Çelik, M. E. (2019). Dil bilgisi öğretiminde ölçme ve değerlendirme. In C. Epçaçan & E. Akın (Eds.), Teaching grammar (p. 227-251). Anı Yayıncılık.
Bağcı, H., & Başar, U. (2018). Yazma eğitimi. In M. Durmuş & A. Okur (Eds.), Yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi el kitabı (2nd ed., p. 311-334). Grafiker Yayınları.
Unknown author
The Chicago manual of style. (1993). The University of Chicago Press
Electronic Book Internet Only
O'Keefe, E. (n.d.). Egoism & the cnsts in Western values. Retrieved November, 19, 2019 from http://www.onlineoriginals.com/
Balkans: History. (1987). In Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th ed., vol. 14, p. 570-588). Encyclopaedia Britannica.
In Text: (Balkans: History, 1987)
Gerrymander. (2003). Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.
In Text: (Gerrymander, 2003)
2. Article
Başar, U. (2016). Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Yedi İklim Türkçe setinin (Temel seviye: A1, A2) yapılandırmacılık bağlamında değerlendirilmesi. Aydın TÖMER Dil Dergisi, 1(2), 55-77.
3. Thesis
Master's thesis
İltar, L. (2014). In teachi·ng Turki·sh to forei·gners by Arabi·c-Turki·sh common words development activities and application. (Unpublished master's thesis). Gazi University.
Doctoral dissertation
Korkmaz, C. B. (2018). Examination and evaluation of listening texts in teaching Turkish with foreign language. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Gazi University.
4. Conference Papers
Papers submitted
Çangal, Ö., & Yörüsün, S. (19-21 May 2016). Özel amaçlı Türkçe öğretimi: Bankacılık Türkçesi ve ders kitabı örneği [Konferans/Sempozyum Sunumu]. II. Uluslararası Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçenin Öğretimi Sempozyumu, Munich, Germany.
Papers published as a book chapter
Durmuş, M., & Çangal, Ö. (2019). Yabancılara Türkçe öğretiminde öğrenicilerin çevrim içi yazışma becerilerine ilişkin yeterlilikleri ve ilgili kazanımların belirlenmesi. S. Şen and M. Mangır (Eds.), XI. International World Language Turkish Symposium Proceedings (pp. 1629-1649). Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Yayını.
5. Institution publications
Ministry of National Education (2019). 2019-2023 Stratejik planı. MEB.
6. Electronic resources
Bilgisu, G. (2020). Feynman tekniği ve yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi. Retrieved October 2, 2020 from https://www.gurkanbilgisu.com/2020/05/feynman-teknigi-ve-yabancilara-turkce-ogretimi.html .
7. Newspaper and magazine articles with known author(s)
Bruni, F. (2003, December 26). Pope pleads for end to terrorism and war. New York Times. p. 21.
About Comma Use in Turkish
- A comma does not follow or proceed conjunctions in the text.
- A comma does not follow or proceed correlative conjunctions. both… and… (hem … hem …) | either… or (ya … ya …) | whether… or… (gerek … gerek …)|
- A comma does not follow too (da / de) conjunction, functioning as a reinforcement and binding in sentence.
- A comma does not follow the conditional suffixes (-sa, -se).
- In the text, a comma does not follow or proceed / and / or / or / like / with / with / but / but / but / ie / even /.