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Primer Sezaryen Doğum Oranını Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2021, Volume: 47 Issue: 1, 111 - 115, 01.04.2021


Bu çalışmada artan sezaryen doğum (SD) oranlarının sebeplerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Hastanemizde 2014-2017 yılları arasında tek bir hekimin sorumluluğunda doğum yapan kadınlar retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. SD oranları ve nedenleri araştırıldı. Bu süre içinde 3488 doğum gerçekleşti. Bunların 2108’i (%60,4) vajinal doğum, 1380’i (%39,6) SD idi. SD’ların yaklaşık yarısı (%49,6) primer SD (PSD) idi. Hiçbir hastaya isteğe bağlı SD yapılmadı. PSD oranı %19,6 olarak saptandı. PSD olan kadınların %61,5 nullipar, %38,5’i multipardı. Multipar gebelerde en sık PSD endikasyonları sırasıyla fetal distres (%23,9), uzamış eylem (%14,8) prezentasyon anomalisiydi (%14,5). Nullipar gebelerde ise uzamış eylem (%28,5), fetal distres (%21,4) ve baş pelvis uyuşmazlığı (%18,8) en sık nedenlerdi (p<0,05). Ayrıca zaman içinde SD oranlarında bir miktar artış saptandı. Sonuçlarımıza göre isteğe bağlı SD yapılmadığında, tüm sevkleri alan tersiyer bir merkezde bile PSD oranı %19,6 civarındadır. PSD’ların en sık sebebi uzamış eylem, fetal distres, baş pelvis uyuşmazlığı ve perzentasyon anomalisiydi. Sadece ihtiyacı olan kadına SD uygulamak hem PSD hem de mükerrer SD oranlarını azaltacaktır.

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Bu çalışmaya verilerin sağlanmasındaki yardımlarından dolayı Mahmut Özbakırcı’ya çok teşekkür ederiz.


  • 1. Vogel JP, Betran AP, Vindevoghel N, et al. Use of the Robson classification to assess caesarean section trends in 21 countries: a secondary analysis of two WHO multicountry surveys. Lancet Glob Health. 2015; 3(5): e260–70.
  • 2. Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJK, et al. Births: Final Data for 2018. Natl Vital Stat Rep 2019; 68: 1.2.
  • 3. Boerma T, Ronsmans C, Melesse DY, et al. Global epidemiol-ogy of use of and disparities in caesarean sections. Lancet 2018; 392: 1341.
  • 4. Solheim K, Esakoff T, Little S, et al. The effect of cesarean delivery rates on the future incidence of placenta previa, pla-centa accreta, and maternal mortality. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011; 24: 1341–6.
  • 5. Caughey AB, Cahill AG, Guise JM. Safe prevention of the primary cesarean delivery. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (College); Society for Maternal-Fetal Medi-cine. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014; 210(3): 179-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2014.01.026.
  • 6. Robson MS. Can we reduce the caesarean section rate? Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2001; 15: 179–94.
  • 7. Mascarello KC, Horta BL, Silveira MF. Maternal complications and cesarean section without indication: systematic review and meta-analysis. Revista de saude publica. 2017; 51: 1-12.
  • 8. World Health Organization. Apropriate tecnology for birth. Lancet. 1985;436-7.
  • 9. Molina G, Weiser TG, Lipsitz SR, et al. Relationship Between Cesarean Delivery Rate and Maternal and Neonatal Mortality. JAMA. 2015; 314(21): 2263-70. doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.15553.
  • 10. World Health Organization. WHO statement on caesarean section rates. April 2015. WHO/RHR/15.02. (Accessed on De-cember 25, 2020.)
  • 11. Karbancıoğlu Cantürk F, Songur Dağlı S. Multipar gebelerde primer sezaryen endikasyonları. Bozok Tıp Derg 2018; 8(4): 69-73).
  • 12. Caughey AB, Cahill AG, Guise JM, et al. Safe prevention of the primary cesarean delivery. AJOG. 2014; 210(3): 179-193.
  • 13. Toker E, Turan Z, Sönmez MO, et al. Why have the numbers of cesareans increased globally? The factors that affect women’s decisions about cesarean delivery in Turkey, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 2020; 33(20): 3529-3537, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2019.1644311.
  • 14. Norwitz ER. Cesarean delivery on maternal request. In: Up-ToDate, Lockwood CJ (Ed), UpToDate, Barss VA. (Accessed on December 25, 2020)
  • 15. Thuillier C, Roy S, Peyronnet V, et al. Impact of recommended changes in labor management for prevention of the primary ce-sarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 218: 341.e1-9.

Factors Affecting Primary Cesarean Delivery Rate

Year 2021, Volume: 47 Issue: 1, 111 - 115, 01.04.2021


In this study, it was aimed to investigate the causes of increasing cesarean delivery (SD) rates. Women who gave birth under the responsibility of a single physician in our hospital between 2014-2017 were evaluated retrospectively. SD rates and causes were investigated. During this time, 3488 births occurred. Of these, 2108 (60.4%) were vaginal delivery, 1380 (39.6%) were SD. About half (49.6%) of SD were primary SD (PSD). Optional SD was not applied to any patient. The rate of PSD was found to be 19.6%. 61.5% of women with PSD were nulliparous and 38.5% were multiparous. The most common PSD indications in multiparous pregnant women were fetal stress (23.9%), prolonged labor (14.8%) presentation anomaly (14.5%), respectively. In nulliparous pregnant women, prolonged labor (28.5%), fetal stress (21.4%) and head pelvis incompatibility (18.8%) were the most common causes (p<0.05). According to our results, the PSD rate is around 19.6% even when optional SD is not made. The most common causes of PSD were prolonged labor, fetal stress, head pelvis incompatibility, and presentation anomaly. Applying SD only to women in need will reduce both PSD and recurrent SD rates.


  • 1. Vogel JP, Betran AP, Vindevoghel N, et al. Use of the Robson classification to assess caesarean section trends in 21 countries: a secondary analysis of two WHO multicountry surveys. Lancet Glob Health. 2015; 3(5): e260–70.
  • 2. Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJK, et al. Births: Final Data for 2018. Natl Vital Stat Rep 2019; 68: 1.2.
  • 3. Boerma T, Ronsmans C, Melesse DY, et al. Global epidemiol-ogy of use of and disparities in caesarean sections. Lancet 2018; 392: 1341.
  • 4. Solheim K, Esakoff T, Little S, et al. The effect of cesarean delivery rates on the future incidence of placenta previa, pla-centa accreta, and maternal mortality. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011; 24: 1341–6.
  • 5. Caughey AB, Cahill AG, Guise JM. Safe prevention of the primary cesarean delivery. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (College); Society for Maternal-Fetal Medi-cine. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014; 210(3): 179-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2014.01.026.
  • 6. Robson MS. Can we reduce the caesarean section rate? Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2001; 15: 179–94.
  • 7. Mascarello KC, Horta BL, Silveira MF. Maternal complications and cesarean section without indication: systematic review and meta-analysis. Revista de saude publica. 2017; 51: 1-12.
  • 8. World Health Organization. Apropriate tecnology for birth. Lancet. 1985;436-7.
  • 9. Molina G, Weiser TG, Lipsitz SR, et al. Relationship Between Cesarean Delivery Rate and Maternal and Neonatal Mortality. JAMA. 2015; 314(21): 2263-70. doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.15553.
  • 10. World Health Organization. WHO statement on caesarean section rates. April 2015. WHO/RHR/15.02. (Accessed on De-cember 25, 2020.)
  • 11. Karbancıoğlu Cantürk F, Songur Dağlı S. Multipar gebelerde primer sezaryen endikasyonları. Bozok Tıp Derg 2018; 8(4): 69-73).
  • 12. Caughey AB, Cahill AG, Guise JM, et al. Safe prevention of the primary cesarean delivery. AJOG. 2014; 210(3): 179-193.
  • 13. Toker E, Turan Z, Sönmez MO, et al. Why have the numbers of cesareans increased globally? The factors that affect women’s decisions about cesarean delivery in Turkey, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 2020; 33(20): 3529-3537, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2019.1644311.
  • 14. Norwitz ER. Cesarean delivery on maternal request. In: Up-ToDate, Lockwood CJ (Ed), UpToDate, Barss VA. (Accessed on December 25, 2020)
  • 15. Thuillier C, Roy S, Peyronnet V, et al. Impact of recommended changes in labor management for prevention of the primary ce-sarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 218: 341.e1-9.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Bülbül 0000-0001-5695-2586

Publication Date April 1, 2021
Acceptance Date April 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 47 Issue: 1


AMA Bülbül M. Primer Sezaryen Doğum Oranını Etkileyen Faktörler. Uludağ Tıp Derg. April 2021;47(1):111-115. doi:10.32708/uutfd.884418

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

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