Küçük Çocuk ve Ebeveynlerinin Güneşten Korunma Yöntemleri: Türkiye’den Karşılaştırmalı Kesitsel bir Çalışma
Year 2024,
Volume: 50 Issue: 3, 397 - 404, 12.01.2025
Zeynep Keskinkaya
Selda Işık Mermutlu
Özge Kaya
Ayşegül Taşkıran
Bu çalışma; küçük çocuklar ve ebeveynleri tarafından kullanılan güneşten korunma yöntemlerinin sıklığını araştırmayı ve ebeveynlerin bilgi ve davranışlarının çocuklarının güneşten korunma uygulamaları üzerindeki olası etkisini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Haziran ve Aralık 2023 tarihleri arasında 3-5 yaş aralığındaki çocukların ebeveynlerine; güneşten korunma konusunda farkındalık testi ve güneşten korunma yöntemleri, bu yöntemleri kullanmayı teşvik eden ve engelleyen faktörlere ilişkin anket uygulanmıştır. Yüz kırk ebeveyn [ortanca yaş: 35 (27-49), kadın:erkek=113:27] çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hekimlerden tavsiye alan ebeveynlerin ortanca farkındalık puanı [14,0 (0-19)] almayanlara kıyasla [12,0 (1-18)] daha yüksekti (p<0,05). Çocukların %57,9'unun (n=81) yaz aylarında güneşlendiği iddia edilmesine rağmen, %85'inin (n=119) yaz sonunda bronzlaştığı belirtildi. Güneş kremi hem çocuklar (%95) hem de ebeveynler (%85,7) için en sık kullanılan güneşten korunma yöntemiydi. Güneş gözlüğü takmak dışındaki tüm önlemler çocuklarda ebeveynlere göre daha sık uygulanmaktaydı. Ebeveynleri aynı yöntemi kendileri için uygulayan çocuklarda her yöntem için daha yüksek bir uygulama oranı gözlendi (p<0,05). Güneş yanığını önleme isteği (%72,9) koruyucu önlemlerin uygulanmasını teşvik eden ana faktör iken, unutkanlık (%41) ana engeldi. Ebeveynler güneşe maruz kalmanın olumsuz etkileri ve güneşten korunma yöntemlerinin öneminin farkında olsalar da, özellikle güneş kremi dışındaki yöntemler konusunda çocuklarına yönelik güneşten korunma uygulamalarını geliştirmeleri gerekmektedir. Başta hekimler olmak üzere sağlık çalışanları da ebeveynlerin güneşten korunmaya ilişkin davranışlarını iyileştirmeye yönelik müdahalelere dahil olmalıdır.
Ethical Statement
Çalışmamız Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu tarafından 01.02.2023 tarihinde 2023/03-12 karar numarası ile onaylanmıştır.
- 1.Görig T, Södel C, Pfahlberg AB, et al. Sun protection andsunburn in children aged 1-10 years in Germany: prevalenceand determinants. Children (Basel) 2021;8:668.
- 2.Salvado M, Fraga A, Marques DL, et al. Sun exposure inpediatric age: perspective of caregivers. Children (Basel)2021;8:1019.
- 3.Schlarbaum JP, Lazovich D, Dodd E, Hanson B, Polcari IC.Examination of use and barriers for five sun protectionstrategies in parents and their children. Pediatr Dermatol2020;37:827-32.
- 4.Littlewood Z, Greenfield S. Parents' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding sun protection in children: a qualitative study.BMC Public Health 2018;18:207.
- 5.Thoonen K, Schneider F, Candel M, de Vries H, van Osch L.Childhood sun safety at different ages: relations betweenparental sun protection behavior towards their child andchildren's own sun protection behavior. BMC Public Health2019;19:1044.
- 6.Fitzpatrick TB. The validity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI. Arch Dermatol 1988;124:869-71.
- 7.Johnson K, Davy L, Boyett T, Weathers L, Roetzheim RG. Sunprotection practices for children: knowledge, attitudes, andparent behaviors. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001;155:891-6.
- 8.O'Riordan DL, Geller AC, Brooks DR, Zhang Z, Miller DR.Sunburn reduction through parental role modeling andsunscreen vigilance. J Pediatr 2003;142:67-72.
- 9.Dobbinson S, Wakefield M, Hill D, et al. Children's sunexposure and sun protection: prevalence in Australia andrelated parental factors. J Am Acad Dermatol 2012;66:938-47.
- 10.Klostermann S, Bolte G; GME Study Group. Determinants ofinadequate parental sun protection behaviour in their children--results of a cross-sectional study in Germany. Int J HygEnviron Health 2014;217:363-9.
- 11.Wan M, Hu R, Li Y, et al. Attitudes, beliefs, and measurestaken by parents to protect their children from the sun inGuangzhou city, China. Photochem Photobiol 2016;92:753-9.
- 12.Tan MG, Nag S, Weinstein M. Parental use of sun protectionfor their children-does skin color matter? Pediatr Dermatol2018;35:220-4.
- 13.Wu YP, Parsons BG, Aspinwall LG, et al. Parent and child perspectives on perceived barriers to child sun protection andtheir association with sun protection strategies among childrenof melanoma survivors. Pediatr Dermatol 2019;36:317-23.
- 14.Thoonen K, van Osch L, Drittij R, de Vries H, Schneider F. Aqualitative exploration of parental perceptions regardingchildren's sun exposure, sun protection, and sunburn. Front Public Health 2021;9:596253.
- 15.Alsaidan MS, Alsohaimi A, Alanazi ZG, et al. Current practiceand beliefs of parents toward sunscreen use for their children: A cross-sectional study. Prev Med Rep 2023;34:102237.
- 16.Koch S, Pettigrew S, Strickland M, Slevin T, Minto C.Sunscreen increasingly overshadows alternative sun-protection strategies. J Cancer Educ 2017;32:528-31.
- 17.Turhan Haktanır N, Yazıcı S. Effect of social, economic, and cultural level of parents on protection of their children from theharmful effects of sunlight [Ebeveynlerin sosyal, ekonomik vekültürel düzeylerinin çocukları güneşin zararlı etkilerindenkoruma üzerine etkileri]. Çocuk Dergisi 2008;8:160-5.
- 18.Sümen A, Öncel S. Sun protection behaviors and its affecting factors in parents of kindergarteners. Turkderm-Turk ArchDermatol Venereol 2021;55:178-83.
- 19.McKenzie C, Nahm WJ, Kearney CA, Zampella JG. Sun-protective behaviors and sunburn among US adults. ArchDermatol Res 2023;315:1665-74.
- 20.Hamilton K, Cleary C, White KM, Hawkes AL. Keeping kidssun safe: exploring parents' beliefs about their young child's sun-protective behaviours. Psychooncology 2016;25:158-63.
- 21.Albrecht S, Jung S, Müller R, et al. Skin type differences in solar-simulated radiation-induced oxidative stress. Br JDermatol 2019;180:597-603.
- 22.O'Hara M, Horsham C, Koh U, Janda M. Unintended sunburnafter sunscreen application: An exploratory study of sunprotection. Health Promot J Austr 2020;31:533-9.
- 23.Huh J, Lee KJ, Roldan W, et al. Making of Mobile SunSmart:Co-designing a just-in-time sun protection intervention forchildren and parents. Int J Behav Med 2021;28:768-78.
- 24.Kim S, Carson KA, Chien AL. Prevalence and correlates of sunprotections with sunburn and vitamin D deficiency in sun-sensitive individuals. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol2020;34:2664-72.
- 25.Young AR, Narbutt J, Harrison GI, et al. Optimal sunscreenuse, during a sun holiday with a very high ultraviolet index,allows vitamin D synthesis without sunburn. Br J Dermatol2019;181:1052-62.
- 26.Neale RE, Khan SR, Lucas RM, et al. The effect of sunscreenon vitamin D: a review. Br J Dermatol 2019;181:907-15.
- 27.Feketea GM, Bocsan IC, Tsiros G, et al. Vitamin D status inchildren in Greece and its relationship with sunscreenapplication. Children (Basel) 2021;8:111.
- 28.Baig IT, Petronzio A, Maphet B, Chon S. A review of theimpact of sun safety interventions in children. Dermatol PractConcept 2023;13:e2023066
Sun Protection Strategies of Young Children and their Parents: A Comparative, Cross-Sectional Study from Türkiye
Year 2024,
Volume: 50 Issue: 3, 397 - 404, 12.01.2025
Zeynep Keskinkaya
Selda Işık Mermutlu
Özge Kaya
Ayşegül Taşkıran
This study aimed to investigate the frequency of sun protection measures used by young children and their parents and evaluate the possible effect of parental knowledge and behavior on their children’s sun safety practices. A sun safety awareness test and a self-reported questionnaire survey regarding sun protection strategies, reasons and barriers for using these methods were conducted on parents of children aged 3-5 years between June and December 2023. One hundred fourty parents [median age: 35 (27-49), female:male=113:27] were included. Parents who sought advice from their physicians [14.0 (0-19)] had a higher median awareness score than those who did not [12.0 (1-18)] (p<0.05). Although 57.9% (n=81) of children were claimed to sunbathe during summer, 85% (n=119) were reported to get tanned at the end of summer. Sunscreen was the most common sun protection strategy for both children (95%) and parents (85.7%). All measures except wearing sunglasses were utilized more frequently in children than in parents. A higher application rate was observed for each strategy in children whose parents applied the same strategy for themselves (p<0.05). Motivation to prevent sunburn (72.9%) was the main encouraging factor for using protective measures, whereas forgetfulness (41%) was the main barrier. Even though parents are well aware of the negative impact of sun exposure and the importance of sun protection strategies, they need to improve their children’s sun safety practices, particularly regarding strategies other than sunscreen. Healthcare professionals, particularly physicians, should also be involved in interventions to improve parental behaviors concerning sun safety.
- 1.Görig T, Södel C, Pfahlberg AB, et al. Sun protection andsunburn in children aged 1-10 years in Germany: prevalenceand determinants. Children (Basel) 2021;8:668.
- 2.Salvado M, Fraga A, Marques DL, et al. Sun exposure inpediatric age: perspective of caregivers. Children (Basel)2021;8:1019.
- 3.Schlarbaum JP, Lazovich D, Dodd E, Hanson B, Polcari IC.Examination of use and barriers for five sun protectionstrategies in parents and their children. Pediatr Dermatol2020;37:827-32.
- 4.Littlewood Z, Greenfield S. Parents' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding sun protection in children: a qualitative study.BMC Public Health 2018;18:207.
- 5.Thoonen K, Schneider F, Candel M, de Vries H, van Osch L.Childhood sun safety at different ages: relations betweenparental sun protection behavior towards their child andchildren's own sun protection behavior. BMC Public Health2019;19:1044.
- 6.Fitzpatrick TB. The validity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI. Arch Dermatol 1988;124:869-71.
- 7.Johnson K, Davy L, Boyett T, Weathers L, Roetzheim RG. Sunprotection practices for children: knowledge, attitudes, andparent behaviors. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001;155:891-6.
- 8.O'Riordan DL, Geller AC, Brooks DR, Zhang Z, Miller DR.Sunburn reduction through parental role modeling andsunscreen vigilance. J Pediatr 2003;142:67-72.
- 9.Dobbinson S, Wakefield M, Hill D, et al. Children's sunexposure and sun protection: prevalence in Australia andrelated parental factors. J Am Acad Dermatol 2012;66:938-47.
- 10.Klostermann S, Bolte G; GME Study Group. Determinants ofinadequate parental sun protection behaviour in their children--results of a cross-sectional study in Germany. Int J HygEnviron Health 2014;217:363-9.
- 11.Wan M, Hu R, Li Y, et al. Attitudes, beliefs, and measurestaken by parents to protect their children from the sun inGuangzhou city, China. Photochem Photobiol 2016;92:753-9.
- 12.Tan MG, Nag S, Weinstein M. Parental use of sun protectionfor their children-does skin color matter? Pediatr Dermatol2018;35:220-4.
- 13.Wu YP, Parsons BG, Aspinwall LG, et al. Parent and child perspectives on perceived barriers to child sun protection andtheir association with sun protection strategies among childrenof melanoma survivors. Pediatr Dermatol 2019;36:317-23.
- 14.Thoonen K, van Osch L, Drittij R, de Vries H, Schneider F. Aqualitative exploration of parental perceptions regardingchildren's sun exposure, sun protection, and sunburn. Front Public Health 2021;9:596253.
- 15.Alsaidan MS, Alsohaimi A, Alanazi ZG, et al. Current practiceand beliefs of parents toward sunscreen use for their children: A cross-sectional study. Prev Med Rep 2023;34:102237.
- 16.Koch S, Pettigrew S, Strickland M, Slevin T, Minto C.Sunscreen increasingly overshadows alternative sun-protection strategies. J Cancer Educ 2017;32:528-31.
- 17.Turhan Haktanır N, Yazıcı S. Effect of social, economic, and cultural level of parents on protection of their children from theharmful effects of sunlight [Ebeveynlerin sosyal, ekonomik vekültürel düzeylerinin çocukları güneşin zararlı etkilerindenkoruma üzerine etkileri]. Çocuk Dergisi 2008;8:160-5.
- 18.Sümen A, Öncel S. Sun protection behaviors and its affecting factors in parents of kindergarteners. Turkderm-Turk ArchDermatol Venereol 2021;55:178-83.
- 19.McKenzie C, Nahm WJ, Kearney CA, Zampella JG. Sun-protective behaviors and sunburn among US adults. ArchDermatol Res 2023;315:1665-74.
- 20.Hamilton K, Cleary C, White KM, Hawkes AL. Keeping kidssun safe: exploring parents' beliefs about their young child's sun-protective behaviours. Psychooncology 2016;25:158-63.
- 21.Albrecht S, Jung S, Müller R, et al. Skin type differences in solar-simulated radiation-induced oxidative stress. Br JDermatol 2019;180:597-603.
- 22.O'Hara M, Horsham C, Koh U, Janda M. Unintended sunburnafter sunscreen application: An exploratory study of sunprotection. Health Promot J Austr 2020;31:533-9.
- 23.Huh J, Lee KJ, Roldan W, et al. Making of Mobile SunSmart:Co-designing a just-in-time sun protection intervention forchildren and parents. Int J Behav Med 2021;28:768-78.
- 24.Kim S, Carson KA, Chien AL. Prevalence and correlates of sunprotections with sunburn and vitamin D deficiency in sun-sensitive individuals. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol2020;34:2664-72.
- 25.Young AR, Narbutt J, Harrison GI, et al. Optimal sunscreenuse, during a sun holiday with a very high ultraviolet index,allows vitamin D synthesis without sunburn. Br J Dermatol2019;181:1052-62.
- 26.Neale RE, Khan SR, Lucas RM, et al. The effect of sunscreenon vitamin D: a review. Br J Dermatol 2019;181:907-15.
- 27.Feketea GM, Bocsan IC, Tsiros G, et al. Vitamin D status inchildren in Greece and its relationship with sunscreenapplication. Children (Basel) 2021;8:111.
- 28.Baig IT, Petronzio A, Maphet B, Chon S. A review of theimpact of sun safety interventions in children. Dermatol PractConcept 2023;13:e2023066